Scan a grid around each sample in a grid


Examples are arranged on a substrate. There are two motors, x and y, for moving a detector over the subtrate. Scan a grid of readings around the center position of each sample.


Specify the samples and their arrangement as a mapping of sample names to (x, y) positions, like {'A': (1, 1), 'B': (1, 2)}. Write a custom plan that loops through the samples. For each sample, move to sample’s center position and perform a relative_outer_product_scan() (i.e., grid scan) around that position. For each sample, one run will be saved. Include the sample name in the metadata.

Example Solution

from collections import ChainMap
from bluesky.plans import (abs_set, relative_outer_product_scan, wait,
                           run_decorator, stage_decorator, subs_decorator)
from bluesky.callbacks import LiveTable, LivePlot
from bluesky.examples import det4, motor1, motor2

def grid_in_grid(samples):
    Scan a grid around the neighborhood of each sample.

    sample : dict
        mapping each sample's name to its (x, y) position
    # In this example we hard-code the hardware and other parameters. For more
    # flexibility, they could instead be parameters to the function.
    detector = det4
    x = motor1
    y = motor2
    x_range = y_range = 0.2
    x_num = y_num = 5

    @subs_decorator([LiveTable([detector, x, y]),
                     LivePlot('motor2', 'motor1')])
    def plan():
        for name, position in samples.items():
            # Prepare metadata.
            md = {'sample': name}

            # Move to the cetner of the sample position.
            x_pos, y_pos = position
            yield from abs_set(x, x_pos)
            yield from abs_set(y, y_pos)
            yield from wait()

            # Scan a grid around that position.
            yield from relative_outer_product_scan([detector],
                                                   x, -x_range, x_range, x_num,
                                                   y, -y_range, y_range, y_num,
                                                   True, md=md)

    yield from plan()

# Example usage:

samples = {'A': (1, 1),
           'B': (1, 2),
           'C': (1, 3),
           'D': (2, 1),
           'E': (2, 2),
           'F': (2, 3)}


Demo output:

In [1]: RE(grid_in_grid(samples))

NameErrorTraceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-1-1617e9f88388> in <module>()
----> 1 RE(grid_in_grid(samples))

NameError: name 'grid_in_grid' is not defined