Export images as TIFF files


Export a series of images as sequentally-numbered TIFF files. Include metadata in the filenames.


Write a filepath template. Create an exporter, and feed it data from the databroker.

Example Solution


This part only need be set up once. It can be including the IPython profile for future reuse, if applicable.

Define a “template string,” a file path that includes pieces in curly brackets that will be filled in with metadata. Example:

template = "path/to/directory/{start.scan_id}_step{event.seq_num}.tif"

(For more available fields, read up on How metadata is organized: understand the contents of the header.)

Next, you will need to know the field with which the image data is labeled. (See Retrieve metadata, tabular data, and image data.) Common choices are ‘image’ or ‘detector_name_image’.

from bluesky.broker_callbacks import LiveTiffExporter

exporter = LiveTiffExporter('image_field_name', template)

Finally, import the databroker if it is not already imported.

from databroker import db


To export after a scan has finished, use this method:

uids = RE(your_scan_here)
db.process(db[uids], exporter)

To perform export live during a scan, add exporter as a subscription.

RE(your_scan_here, exporter)

Export can also be done much later. Obtain the header(s) for the runs of interest (see Retrieve metadata, tabular data, and image data) and export like so:

db.process(headers, exporter)

Extra Credit: Processing Before Export

This subclass of LiveTiffExporter subtracts a “dark frame” from each image before saving it.

class SubtractedTiffExporter(LiveTiffExporter):
    Intercept images before saving and subtract dark image

    Runs are expected include a custom metadata field, 'dark_frame',
    pointing to the unique ID of a run that captured a dark frame to be
    used for subtraction.

    def start(self, doc):
        "Load the dark frame we will use for this run."

        # The metadata is expected to contain a reference to the uid
        # of a run with a dark frame image.
        if 'dark_frame' not in doc:
            raise ValueError("No dark_frame was recorded.")
        uid = doc['dark_frame']
        dark_header = db[uid]
        self.dark_img, = get_images(db[uid], 'pe1_image')

    def event(self, doc):
        "For each image, subtract the dark frame."

        img = doc['data'][self.field]
        subtracted_img = img - self.dark_img
        doc['data'][self.field] = subtracted_img

Usage example:

from bluesky.plans import count, relative_list_scan
import time

template = "/home/xf28id1/xpdUser/tiff_base/UO2_23_8/{start.sa_name}_{start.scan_id}_step{event.seq_num}.tif"
exporter = SubtractedTiffExporter('pe1_image', template)

def take_dark():
    print('closing shutter...')
    shctl1.put(0)  # close shutter
    print('taking dark frame....')
    uid, = RE(count([pe1c]))
    print('opening shutter...')
    return uid

def run(motor, x, start, stop, num_steps, loops, *, exposure=1,  **metadata):
    print('moving %s to initial position' % motor.name)
    subs = [LiveTable(['pe1_stats1_total', motor.name]),
            LivePlot('pe1_stats1_total', motor.name)]
    pe1c.images_per_set.put(exposure // 0.1)
    dark_uid = take_dark()
    steps = loops * list(np.linspace(start, stop, num=num_steps, endpoint=True))
    plan = relative_list_scan([pe1c], motor, steps)
    uid = RE(plan, subs, dark_frame=dark_uid, **metadata)
    time.sleep(3)  # wait to ensure all images are available
    process(db[uid], exporter)