Using Native Constrained NMF

Start by importing Constrained Matrix Factorization.

import constrainedmf as cmf

For extensibility, each instance of NMF is inherits from a base class. This class set’s up the matrix factorization using the correct shapes and number of components. It also allows for portions of the matricies to be initialized, and fixed.

Simple NMF

A simple, albeit nonsensical, example of NMF can be accomplished with the following, starting from a matrix of 30 different 100 member vectors. We can constrain the components to be zeros and ones, and allow a third component to approximate the variation. This approach gives us the learning curve of the alternating update algorithm, and two numpy arrays of weights and components.

import torch

X = torch.rand(30, 100)
x_0 = torch.zeros(1, 100)
x_1 = torch.ones(1, 100)

model = cmf.nmf.models.NMF(X.shape,
                           initial_components=[x_0, x_1],
                           fix_components=[True, True, False])
loss = # Learning curve of loss over timesteps
learned_weights, learned_components = model.W.detach().numpy(), model.H.detach().numpy()
class constrainedmf.nmf.models.NMF(X_shape, n_components, *, initial_components=None, fix_components=(), initial_weights=None, fix_weights=(), device=None, **kwargs)[source]

Standard NMF with ability for constraints constructed from input matrix shape.

W is (m_examples, n_components)

H is (n_components, n_example_features)

W @ H give reconstruction of X.

X_shape: tuple

Tuple of ints describing shape of input matrix

n_components: int

Number of desired components for the matrix factorization

initial_components: tuple of torch.Tensor

Initial components for the factorization. Shape (1, n_features)

fix_components: tuple of bool

Corresponding directive to fix each component in the factorization. The components are ordered, and the default behavior is to allow a component to vary. I.e. (True, False, True) for a 4 component factorization will result in the first and third component being fixed, while the second and fourth vary.

initial_weights: tuple of torch.Tensor

Initial weights for the factorization. Shape (1, m_examples)

fix_weights: tuple of bool

Corresponding directive to fix each weight in the factorization.

device: str, torch.device, None

Device for matrix factorization to proceed on. Defaults to cpu.

kwargs: dict

kwargs for torch.nn.Module

reconstruct(H, W)[source]

Reconstructs the approximate input matrix from matrix product of weights and components

H: torch.Tensor

Components matrix

W: torch.Tensor

Weights matrix


The underlying class

Referring to the base class details some of the constraint functionality available. The base class could be conceivibly used to construct different reconstruction approaches with NMF; however, has some required implementations for any child classes.

class constrainedmf.nmf.models.NMFBase(W_shape, H_shape, n_components, *, initial_components=None, fix_components=(), initial_weights=None, fix_weights=(), device=None, **kwargs)[source]

Base class for setting up NMF

W_shape: tuple of int

Shape of the weights matrix

H_shape: tuple of int

Shape of the components matrix

n_components: int

Number of components in the factorization

initial_components: tuple of torch.Tensor

Initial components for the factorization. Shape (1, n_features)

fix_components: tuple of bool

Corresponding directive to fix each component in the factorization. The components are ordered, and the default behavior is to allow a component to vary. I.e. (True, False, True) for a 4 component factorization will result in the first and third component being fixed, while the second and fourth vary.

initial_weights: tuple of torch.Tensor

Initial weights for the factorization. Shape (1, m_examples)

fix_weights: tuple of bool

Corresponding directive to fix each weight in the factorization.

device: str, torch.device, None

Device for matrix factorization to proceed on. Defaults to cpu.

kwargs: dict

Keyword arguments for torch.nn.Module

get_H_positive(WH, beta, W_sum) -> (<class 'torch.Tensor'>, <class 'torch.Tensor'>)[source]

Get the positive denominator and/or W sum for multiplicative H update

WH: torch.Tensor

Reconstruction of input matrix (in the simple case this is the matrix produce W @ H

beta: int, float

Value for beta divergence

W_sum: torch.Tensor, None

Sum over weights matrix to use in denominator of update. If unknown or not required use None.

get_W_positive(WH, beta, H_sum) -> (<class 'torch.Tensor'>, <class 'torch.Tensor'>)[source]

Get the positive denominator an/or H sum for multiplicative W update

WH: torch.Tensor

Reconstruction of input matrix (in the simple case this is the matrix produce W @ H

beta: int, float

Value for beta divergence

H_sum: torch.Tensor, None

Sum over components matrix to use in denominator of update. If unknown or not required use None.

reconstruct(H, W)[source]

Method for reconstructing the approximate input matrix from the components and weights

H: torch.Tensor

Components matrix

W: torch.Tensor

Weights matrix
