Release History

v0.1.2 (2022-01-05)

  • Address scope and convenience imports. The nmf module is accesible at the top level, as well as the NMF class. cmf.nmf... and cmf.NMF(...).

  • More flexibility at torch level with constraints. Allows for partial initialization of componenents and weights, and partial specification of constraints.

v0.1.1 (2021-11-09)

  • Refactor of companions and wrappers: wrappers wrap functionality; companions have ask, tell, report methods.

  • CUDA and GPU Functionality added to base classes, utility functions, and total scattering

  • Required kwargs on functions, instead of allowing positional.

  • Numerical instability patch for when positive comps (mu denominator in multiplicative update) are 0.

  • Added much more documentation.

v0.1.0 (2021-11-01)

This initial release marks the transfer of this repository to the NSLS-II organization. Initial publication details can be found on the arXiv, with the peer reviewed version accepted for publication in Applied Physics Reviews.