Source code for constrainedmf.nmf.models

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from constrainedmf.nmf.metrics import Beta_divergence

def _mu_update(param, pos, gamma, l1_reg, l2_reg):
    Perform multiplicative update of param (W, or H)

    param: tensor
        Weights or components
    pos: tensor
        positive denominator (mu)
    gamma: float
        Beta - 1 from Beta divergence loss
    l1_reg: float
        L1 regularization
    l2_reg: float
        L2 regularization


    if isinstance(param, nn.ParameterList):
        # Handle no gradients in fixed components
        grad =
            [x.grad if x.requires_grad else torch.zeros_like(x) for x in param]
    elif param.grad is None:
        grad = param.grad
    # prevent negative terms and zero division
    multiplier = F.relu(pos - grad, inplace=True)
    if (pos == 0).sum() > 0:

    if l1_reg > 0:
    if l2_reg > 0:
        if isinstance(param, nn.ParameterList):
            reg_param =[x for x in param])
            reg_param = param
        if pos.shape != reg_param.shape:
            pos = pos + l2_reg * reg_param
            pos.add_(l2_reg * reg_param)

    if gamma != 1:
    if isinstance(param, nn.ParameterList):
        for i, sub_param in enumerate(param):
            sub_param.mul_(multiplier[i, :])

[docs]class NMFBase(nn.Module): def __init__( self, W_shape, H_shape, n_components, *, initial_components=None, fix_components=(), initial_weights=None, fix_weights=(), device=None, **kwargs ): """ Base class for setting up NMF Parameters ---------- W_shape: tuple of int Shape of the weights matrix H_shape: tuple of int Shape of the components matrix n_components: int Number of components in the factorization initial_components: tuple of torch.Tensor Initial components for the factorization. Shape (1, n_features) fix_components: tuple of bool Corresponding directive to fix each component in the factorization. The components are ordered, and the default behavior is to allow a component to vary. I.e. (True, False, True) for a 4 component factorization will result in the first and third component being fixed, while the second and fourth vary. initial_weights: tuple of torch.Tensor Initial weights for the factorization. Shape (1, m_examples) fix_weights: tuple of bool Corresponding directive to fix each weight in the factorization. device: str, torch.device, None Device for matrix factorization to proceed on. Defaults to cpu. kwargs: dict Keyword arguments for torch.nn.Module """ super().__init__() self.fix_neg = nn.Threshold(0.0, 1e-8) self.rank = n_components if device is None: self.device = torch.device("cpu") else: self.device = torch.device(device) if initial_weights is not None: w_list = [nn.Parameter(weight) for weight in initial_weights] + [ nn.Parameter(torch.rand(1, *W_shape[1:])) for _ in range(W_shape[0] - len(initial_weights)) ] else: w_list = [ nn.Parameter(torch.rand(1, *W_shape[1:])) for _ in range(W_shape[0]) ] if fix_weights: for i in range(len(fix_weights)): w_list[i].requires_grad = not fix_weights[i] self.W_list = nn.ParameterList(w_list).to(device) if initial_components is not None: h_list = [nn.Parameter(component) for component in initial_components] + [ nn.Parameter(torch.rand(1, *H_shape[1:])) for _ in range(H_shape[0] - len(initial_components)) ] else: h_list = [ nn.Parameter(torch.rand(1, *H_shape[1:])) for _ in range(H_shape[0]) ] if fix_components: for i in range(len(fix_components)): h_list[i].requires_grad = not fix_components[i] self.H_list = nn.ParameterList(h_list).to(device) @property def H(self): return[x for x in self.H_list]) @property def W(self): return[x for x in self.W_list]) def loss(self, X, beta=2): with torch.no_grad(): WH = self.reconstruct(self.H, self.W) return Beta_divergence(self.fix_neg(WH), X, beta) def forward(self, H=None, W=None): if H is None: H = self.H if W is None: W = self.W return self.reconstruct(H, W)
[docs] def reconstruct(self, H, W): """ Method for reconstructing the approximate input matrix from the components and weights Parameters ---------- H: torch.Tensor Components matrix W: torch.Tensor Weights matrix Returns ------- """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_W_positive(self, WH, beta, H_sum) -> (torch.Tensor, None or torch.Tensor): """ Get the positive denominator an/or H sum for multiplicative W update Parameters ---------- WH: torch.Tensor Reconstruction of input matrix (in the simple case this is the matrix produce W @ H beta: int, float Value for beta divergence H_sum: torch.Tensor, None Sum over components matrix to use in denominator of update. If unknown or not required use None. Returns ------- """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_H_positive(self, WH, beta, W_sum) -> (torch.Tensor, None or torch.Tensor): """ Get the positive denominator and/or W sum for multiplicative H update Parameters ---------- WH: torch.Tensor Reconstruction of input matrix (in the simple case this is the matrix produce W @ H beta: int, float Value for beta divergence W_sum: torch.Tensor, None Sum over weights matrix to use in denominator of update. If unknown or not required use None. Returns ------- """ raise NotImplementedError
def fit( self, X, update_W=True, update_H=True, beta=1, tol=1e-5, max_iter=200, alpha=0, l1_ratio=0, ): """ Fit the wights (W) and components (H) to the dataset X. Parameters ---------- X: torch.Tensor Tensor of the dataset to fit, shape (m_examples, n_features) update_W: bool Override on updating weights matrix update_H: bool Override on updating components matrix beta: float Value for beta divergence tol: float Change in loss tolerance for exiting optimization loop max_iter: int Maximum number of iterations to consider for optimization loop alpha: float Amount of regularization for the mu update l1_ratio: float Ratio of L1 to L2 regularization Returns ------- """ X = X.type(torch.float).to(self.device) X = self.fix_neg(X) if beta < 1: gamma = 1 / (2 - beta) elif beta > 2: gamma = 1 / (beta - 1) else: gamma = 1 l1_reg = alpha * l1_ratio l2_reg = alpha * (1 - l1_ratio) loss_scale = losses = [] H_sum, W_sum = None, None if max_iter < 1: raise ValueError("Maximum number of iterations must be at least 1.") for n_iter in range(max_iter): # W update if update_W and any([x.requires_grad for x in self.W_list]): self.zero_grad() WH = self.reconstruct(self.H.detach(), self.W) loss = Beta_divergence(self.fix_neg(WH), X, beta) loss.backward() with torch.no_grad(): positive_comps, H_sum = self.get_W_positive(WH, beta, H_sum) _mu_update(self.W_list, positive_comps, gamma, l1_reg, l2_reg) W_sum = None # H update if update_H and any([x.requires_grad for x in self.H_list]): self.zero_grad() WH = self.reconstruct(self.H, self.W.detach()) loss = Beta_divergence(self.fix_neg(WH), X, beta) loss.backward() with torch.no_grad(): positive_comps, W_sum = self.get_H_positive(WH, beta, W_sum) _mu_update(self.H_list, positive_comps, gamma, l1_reg, l2_reg) H_sum = None loss = loss.div_(loss_scale).item() if not n_iter: loss_init = loss elif (previous_loss - loss) / loss_init < tol: # noqa: F821 break previous_loss = loss # noqa:F841 losses.append(loss) return losses def fit_transform(self, *args, **kwargs):*args, **kwargs) return self.W
[docs]class NMF(NMFBase): def __init__( self, X_shape, n_components, *, initial_components=None, fix_components=(), initial_weights=None, fix_weights=(), device=None, **kwargs ): """ Standard NMF with ability for constraints constructed from input matrix shape. W is (m_examples, n_components) H is (n_components, n_example_features) W @ H give reconstruction of X. Parameters ---------- X_shape: tuple Tuple of ints describing shape of input matrix n_components: int Number of desired components for the matrix factorization initial_components: tuple of torch.Tensor Initial components for the factorization. Shape (1, n_features) fix_components: tuple of bool Corresponding directive to fix each component in the factorization. The components are ordered, and the default behavior is to allow a component to vary. I.e. (True, False, True) for a 4 component factorization will result in the first and third component being fixed, while the second and fourth vary. initial_weights: tuple of torch.Tensor Initial weights for the factorization. Shape (1, m_examples) fix_weights: tuple of bool Corresponding directive to fix each weight in the factorization. device: str, torch.device, None Device for matrix factorization to proceed on. Defaults to cpu. kwargs: dict kwargs for torch.nn.Module """ self.m_examples, self.n_features = X_shape super().__init__( (self.m_examples, n_components), (n_components, self.n_features), n_components, initial_components=initial_components, initial_weights=initial_weights, fix_weights=fix_weights, fix_components=fix_components, device=device, **kwargs )
[docs] def reconstruct(self, H, W): """ Reconstructs the approximate input matrix from matrix product of weights and components Parameters ---------- H: torch.Tensor Components matrix W: torch.Tensor Weights matrix Returns ------- torch.Tensor """ return W @ H
def get_W_positive(self, WH, beta, H_sum): H = self.H if beta == 1: if H_sum is None: H_sum = H.sum(1) denominator = H_sum[None, :] else: if beta != 2: WH = WH.pow(beta - 1) WHHt = WH @ H.t() denominator = WHHt return denominator, H_sum def get_H_positive(self, WH, beta, W_sum): W = self.W if beta == 1: if W_sum is None: W_sum = W.sum(0) # shape(n_components, ) denominator = W_sum[:, None] else: if beta != 2: WH = WH.pow(beta - 1) WtWH = W.t() @ WH denominator = WtWH return denominator, W_sum def sort(self): raise NotImplementedError
class NMFD(NMFBase): """ Deconvolutional NMF W is (m_examples, n_components, kernel_width) H is (n_components, n_example_features) """ def __init__(self, X_shape, n_components, T=1, **kwargs): self.m_examples, self.n_features = X_shape self.pad_size = T - 1 super().__init__( (self.m_examples, n_components, T), (n_components, self.n_features - T + 1), n_components, **kwargs ) def reconstruct(self, H, W): return F.conv1d(H[None, :], W.flip(2), padding=self.pad_size)[0] def get_W_positive(self, WH, beta, H_sum): H = self.H if beta == 1: if H_sum is None: H_sum = H.sum(1) denominator = H_sum[None, :, None] else: if beta != 2: WH = WH.pow(beta - 1) WHHt = F.conv1d(WH[:, None], H[:, None]) denominator = WHHt return denominator, H_sum def get_H_positive(self, WH, beta, W_sum): W = self.W if beta == 1: if W_sum is None: W_sum = W.sum((0, 2)) denominator = W_sum[:, None] else: if beta != 2: WH = WH.pow(beta - 1) WtWH = F.conv1d(WH[None, :], W.transpose(0, 1))[0] denominator = WtWH return denominator, W_sum def sort(self): raise NotImplementedError