Source code for constrainedmf.wrappers.scattering

"""Non-negative matrix factorization of full datasets for total scattering experiments (XRD, PDF)"""
from constrainedmf.nmf.models import NMF, NMFD
from constrainedmf.nmf.utils import iterative_nmf
import torch
import numpy as np

def _decomposition_preprocess(*, Q, I, q_range, bkg_removal, normalize):  # noqa: E741
    """Preprocess options for trimming q-range, removing background, and normalization"""
    if q_range is None:
        idx_min = 0
        idx_max = I.shape[1]
        idx_min = (
            np.where(Q[0, :] < q_range[0])[0][-1]
            if len(np.where(Q[0, :] < q_range[0])[0])
            else 0
        idx_max = (
            np.where(Q[0, :] > q_range[1])[0][0]
            if len(np.where(Q[0, :] > q_range[1])[0])
            else I.shape[1]

    sub_I = I[:, idx_min:idx_max]
    sub_Q = Q[:, idx_min:idx_max]

    # Data manipulation
    if bkg_removal:
        import peakutils

        bases = []
        for i in range(sub_I.shape[0]):
            bases.append(peakutils.baseline(sub_I[i, :], deg=bkg_removal))
        bases = np.stack(bases)
        sub_I = sub_I - bases
    if normalize:
        sub_I = (sub_I - np.min(sub_I, axis=1, keepdims=True)) / (
            np.max(sub_I, axis=1, keepdims=True) - np.min(sub_I, axis=1, keepdims=True)

    # Numerical stability of non-negativity
    if np.min(sub_I) < 0:
        sub_I = sub_I - np.min(sub_I, axis=1, keepdims=True)

    return sub_Q, sub_I, idx_min, idx_max

[docs]def decomposition( Q, I, # noqa: E741 *, n_components=3, q_range=None, initial_components=None, fix_components=(), mode="Linear", kernel_width=1, max_iter=1000, bkg_removal=None, normalize=False, device=None, **kwargs, ): """ Decompose and label a set of I(Q) data with optional focus bounds. Can be used for other 1-dimensional response functions, written with total scattering in mind. Two operating modes are available: Linear (conventional) and Deconvolutional. The former will proceed as conventional NMF as implemented in sklearn, with the added flexibility of the torch implementation. The latter will include a convolutional kernel in the reconstruction between the component and weight matricies. Initial components can be set as starting conditions of the component matrix for the optimization. These components can be fixed or allowed to vary using the `fix_components` argument as a tuple of booleans. Keyword arguments are passed to the fit method Parameters ---------- Q : array Ordinate Q for I(Q). Assumed to be rank 2, shape (m_patterns, n_data) I : array The intensity values for each Q, assumed to be the same shape as Q. (m_patterns, n_data) n_components: int Number of components for NMF q_range : tuple, list (Min, Max) Q values for consideration in NMF. This enables a focused region for decomposition. initial_components: array Initial starting conditions of intensity components. Assumed to be shape (n_components, n_data). If q_range is given, these will be trimmed in accordance with I. fix_components: tuple(bool) Flags for fixing a subset of initial components mode: {"Linear", "Deconvolutional"} Operating mode kernel_width: int Width of 1-dimensional convolutional kernel max_iter: int Maximum number of iterations for NMF bkg_removal: int, optional Integer degree for peakutils background removal normalize: bool, optional Flag for min-max normalization device: str, torch.device, None Device for matrix factorization to proceed on. Defaults to cpu. **kwargs: dict Arguments passed to the fit method. See nmf.models.NMFBase. Returns ------- sub_Q : array Subsampled ordinate used for NMF sub_I : array Subsampled I used for NMF alphas : array Resultant weights from NMF components: array Resultant components from NMF """ sub_Q, sub_I, idx_min, idx_max = _decomposition_preprocess( Q=Q, I=I, q_range=q_range, bkg_removal=bkg_removal, normalize=normalize ) # Initial components if mode != "Deconvolutional": kernel_width = 1 n_features = sub_I.shape[1] if initial_components is None: input_H = None else: input_H = [] for i in range(n_components): try: sub_H = initial_components[i][idx_min:idx_max] sub_H = sub_H[kernel_width // 2 : len(sub_H) - kernel_width // 2 + 1] if normalize: sub_H = (sub_H - np.min(sub_H)) / (np.max(sub_H) - np.min(sub_H)) input_H.append( torch.tensor(sub_H, dtype=torch.float).reshape( 1, n_features - kernel_width + 1 ) ) except IndexError: input_H.append(torch.rand(1, n_features - kernel_width + 1)) # Model construction if mode == "Linear": model = NMF( sub_I.shape, n_components, initial_components=input_H, fix_components=fix_components, device=device, ) elif mode == "Deconvolutional": model = NMFD( sub_I.shape, n_components, T=kernel_width, initial_components=input_H, fix_components=fix_components, device=device, ) else: raise NotImplementedError _, W = model.fit_transform(torch.tensor(sub_I), max_iter=max_iter, **kwargs) if len(W.shape) > 2: alphas = torch.mean(W, 2).data.numpy() else: alphas = components =[x for x in model.H_list]).data.numpy() return sub_Q, sub_I, alphas, components
[docs]def iterative_decomposition( Q, I, # noqa: E741 *, n_components=3, q_range=None, mode="Linear", kernel_width=1, bkg_removal=None, normalize=False, **kwargs, ): """ Iterative decomposition by performing constrained NMF using dataset members as constraints. The first 2 constraints are the end members of the dataset. The next constraint is chosen by examining the most prominent (heavily weighted) learned component. The index where this component's weight is the highest, is used to select the next constraint from the dataset. This continues until all components are constrained by dataset members. Parameters ---------- Q : array Ordinate Q for I(Q). Assumed to be rank 2, shape (m_patterns, n_data) I : array The intensity values for each Q, assumed to be the same shape as Q. (m_patterns, n_data) n_components: int Number of components for NMF q_range : tuple, list (Min, Max) Q values for consideration in NMF. This enables a focused region for decomposition. mode: {"Linear", "Deconvolutional"} Operating mode kernel_width: int Width of 1-dimensional convolutional kernel bkg_removal: int, optional Integer degree for peakutils background removal normalize: bool, optional Flag for min-max normalization kwargs: dict Keyword arguments first get passed to nmf.utils.iterative_nmf to control fit parameters. Fit parameters include beta, alpha, tol, max_iter. Keyword arguments are then passed to the class initialization. Common init parameters include device, or initial_weights Returns ------- sub_Q: array Subselected region of Q sub_I: array Subselected region of I weights: array Final weights from NMF components: array Final components from NMF """ sub_Q, sub_I, idx_min, idx_max = _decomposition_preprocess( Q=Q, I=I, q_range=q_range, bkg_removal=bkg_removal, normalize=normalize ) if mode == "Deconvolutional": nmf_class = NMFD elif mode == "Linear": nmf_class = NMF else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Mode {mode} unavailable.") # Safety check if "initial_components" in kwargs: del kwargs["initial_components"] if "fix_components" in kwargs: del kwargs["fix_components"] nmfs = iterative_nmf( nmf_class, torch.tensor(sub_I, dtype=torch.float), n_components=n_components, kernel_width=kernel_width, **kwargs, ) nmf = nmfs[-1] W = nmf.W H = nmf.H if len(W.shape) > 2: weights = torch.mean(W, 2).data.numpy() else: weights = components = return sub_Q, sub_I, weights, components