Fit and analyze peaks


Scan a region where a peak is expected. Fit a nonlinear model to the measurements and characterize the peak center, full-width half-max, etc.


Use the bluesky PeakStats callback. Here’s how it works:

  1. Like LiveTable and LivePlot, it receives a live stream of data.
  2. It silently accumulates this data until a run completes.
  3. It performs a nonlinear best fit, and it makes the results available through attributes that can be used in plots, computations, or future scans.

A convenience function called plot_peak_stats takes a PeakStats instance as input and produces a nice plot.

Example Solution


Create an instance of PeakStats that looks for an x field 'motor' and a y field 'det'. (These should match the field names of your motor and detector, whatever they are.)

# These may already be imported by your configuration.
from bluesky.examples import motor, det
from bluesky.plans import scan
from bluesky.callbacks import LiveTable

from bluesky.callbacks.scientific import PeakStats, plot_peak_stats

ps = PeakStats('motor', 'det')


Run a simple scan (as we did in Perform a simple scan with a data table and plot) but provide the output to our PeakStats instance, ps, as well as to LiveTable.

In [1]: subs = [LiveTable(['motor', 'det']), ps]

In [2]: RE(scan([det], motor, -10, 10, 15), subs)
|   seq_num |       time |      motor |        det |
|         1 | 17:01:30.2 |     -10.00 |       0.00 |
|         2 | 17:01:30.2 |      -8.57 |       0.00 |
|         3 | 17:01:30.2 |      -7.14 |       0.00 |
|         4 | 17:01:30.2 |      -5.71 |       0.00 |
|         5 | 17:01:30.2 |      -4.29 |       0.00 |
|         6 | 17:01:30.2 |      -2.86 |       0.02 |
|         7 | 17:01:30.2 |      -1.43 |       0.36 |
|         8 | 17:01:30.2 |       0.00 |       1.00 |
|         9 | 17:01:30.2 |       1.43 |       0.36 |
|        10 | 17:01:30.2 |       2.86 |       0.02 |
|        11 | 17:01:30.2 |       4.29 |       0.00 |
|        12 | 17:01:30.2 |       5.71 |       0.00 |
|        13 | 17:01:30.2 |       7.14 |       0.00 |
|        14 | 17:01:30.2 |       8.57 |       0.00 |
|        15 | 17:01:30.2 |      10.00 |       0.00 |
generator scan ['7c1150'] (scan num: 1)
Out[2]: ['7c115088-450e-406e-86f2-c6ed0595358d']

In [3]: plot_peak_stats(ps)
{'color': 'k'} cen
{'color': 'r'} com
{'color': 'b'} max
{'color': 'm'} min
{'legend': <matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x2b2488f01b00>,
 'points': <matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x2b2488f019b0>,
 'vlines': [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x2b2488f082b0>,
  <matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x2b2488f08f60>,
  <matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x2b2488f0f908>,
  <matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x2b2488f13128>,
  <matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x2b2488f13c50>,
  <matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x2b2488f19320>]}

Cross-hairs mark the x and y position of the min and max measurements. (In this simulated data set, ‘cen’ and ‘com’ happen to align perfectly with ‘max’ and are thus eclipsed in this particular example.)