import asyncio
from datetime import datetime
import sys
from warnings import warn
from inspect import Parameter, Signature
from itertools import count
from collections import deque, defaultdict, ChainMap
from enum import Enum
import functools
import inspect
from contextlib import ExitStack
import threading
import weakref
from .bundlers import RunBundler
import concurrent
from event_model import DocumentNames, schema_validators
from .log import logger, msg_logger, state_logger, ComposableLogAdapter
from super_state_machine.machines import StateMachine
from super_state_machine.extras import PropertyMachine
from super_state_machine.errors import TransitionError
from asyncio import current_task
except ImportError:
# handle py < 3,7
from asyncio.tasks import Task
current_task = Task.current_task
del Task
from .utils import (CallbackRegistry, SigintHandler,
normalize_subs_input, AsyncInput,
NoReplayAllowed, RequestAbort, RequestStop,
RunEngineInterrupted, IllegalMessageSequence,
FailedPause, FailedStatus, InvalidCommand,
PlanHalt, Msg, ensure_generator, single_gen,
class _RunEnginePanic(Exception):
class RunEngineStateMachine(StateMachine):
State machine is in its idle state
State machine is in its running state
State machine is paused.
class States(Enum):
""" = state.value"""
IDLE = 'idle'
RUNNING = 'running'
PAUSING = 'pausing'
PAUSED = 'paused'
HALTING = 'halting'
STOPPING = 'stopping'
ABORTING = 'aborting'
SUSPENDING = 'suspending'
PANICKED = 'panicked'
def states(cls):
return [state.value for state in cls]
class Meta:
allow_empty = False
initial_state = 'idle'
transitions = {
# Notice that 'transitions' and 'named_transitions' have
# opposite to <--> from structure.
# from_state : [valid_to_states]
'idle': ['running', 'panicked'],
'running': ['idle', 'pausing', 'halting', 'stopping',
'aborting', 'suspending', 'panicked'],
'pausing': ['paused', 'idle', 'halting', 'aborting', 'panicked'],
'suspending': ['running', 'halting', 'aborting', 'panicked'],
'paused': ['idle', 'running', 'halting', 'stopping', 'aborting',
'halting': ['idle', 'panicked'],
'stopping': ['idle', 'panicked'],
'aborting': ['idle', 'panicked'],
'panicked': []
named_checkers = [
('can_pause', 'paused'),
class LoggingPropertyMachine(PropertyMachine):
"""expects object to have a `log` attribute
and a `state_hook` attribute that is ``None`` or a callable with signature
``f(value, old_value)``"""
def __init__(self, machine_type):
def __set__(self, obj, value):
own = type(obj)
old_value = self.__get__(obj, own)
with obj._state_lock:
super().__set__(obj, value)
value = self.__get__(obj, own)
tags = {'old_state': old_value,
'new_state': value,
'RE': self}"Change state on %r from %r -> %r",
obj, old_value, value, extra=tags)
if obj.state_hook is not None:
obj.state_hook(value, old_value)
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
if instance is None:
return super().__get__(instance, owner)
with instance._state_lock:
return super().__get__(instance, owner)
# See RunEngine.__call__.
_call_sig = Signature(
[Parameter('self', Parameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY),
Parameter('plan', Parameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY),
Parameter('subs', Parameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY, default=None),
Parameter('metadata_kw', Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD)])
def default_scan_id_source(md):
return md.get('scan_id', 0) + 1
def _state_locked(func):
def inner(self, *args, **kwargs):
with self._state_lock:
return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
return inner
[docs]class RunEngine:
"""The Run Engine execute messages and emits Documents.
md : dict-like, optional
The default is a standard Python dictionary, but fancier
objects can be used to store long-term history and persist
it between sessions. The standard configuration
instantiates a Run Engine with historydict.HistoryDict, a
simple interface to a sqlite file. Any object supporting
`__getitem__`, `__setitem__`, and `clear` will work.
loop : asyncio event loop
e.g., ``asyncio.get_event_loop()`` or ``asyncio.new_event_loop()``
preprocessors : list, optional
Generator functions that take in a plan (generator instance) and
modify its messages on the way out. Suitable examples include
the functions in the module ``bluesky.plans`` with names ending in
'wrapper'. Functions are composed in order: the preprocessors
``[f, g]`` are applied like ``f(g(plan))``.
context_managers : list, optional
Context managers that will be entered when we run a plan. The context
managers will be composed in order, much like the preprocessors. If
this argument is omitted, we will use a user-oriented handler for
SIGINT. The elements of this list will be passed this ``RunEngine``
instance as their only argument. You may pass an empty list if you
would like a ``RunEngine`` with no signal handling and no context
md_validator : callable, optional
a function that raises and prevents starting a run if it deems
the metadata to be invalid or incomplete
Expected signature: f(md)
Function should raise if md is invalid. What that means is
completely up to the user. The function's return value is
scan_id_source : callable, optional
a function that will be used to calculate scan_id. Default is to
increment scan_id by 1 each time. However you could pass in a
customized function to get a scan_id from any source.
Expected signature: f(md)
Expected return: updated scan_id value
during_task : reference to an object of class DuringTask, optional
Class methods: ``block()`` to be run to block
the main thread during `RE.__call__`
The required signatures for the class methods ::
def block(ev: Threading.Event) -> None:
"Returns when ev is set"
The default value handles the cases of:
- Matplotlib is not imported (just wait on the event)
- Matplotlib is imported, but not using a Qt, notebook or ipympl
backend (just wait on the event)
- Matplotlib is imported and using a Qt backend (run the Qt app
on the main thread until the run finishes)
- Matplotlib is imported and using a nbagg or ipympl backend (
wait on the event and poll to push updates to the browser)
Direct access to the dict-like persistent storage described above
False by default. Set to True to generate an extra event stream
that records any interruptions (pauses, suspensions).
{'idle', 'running', 'paused'}
Read-only collection of `bluesky.suspenders.SuspenderBase` objects
which can suspend and resume execution; see related methods.
preprocessors : list
Generator functions that take in a plan (generator instance) and
modify its messages on the way out. Suitable examples include
the functions in the module ``bluesky.plans`` with names ending in
'wrapper'. Functions are composed in order: the preprocessors
``[f, g]`` are applied like ``f(g(plan))``.
Callable that receives all messages before they are processed
(useful for logging or other development purposes); expected
signature is ``f(msg)`` where ``msg`` is a ``bluesky.Msg``, a
kind of namedtuple; default is None.
Callable with signature ``f(new_state, old_state)`` that will be
called whenever the RunEngine's state attribute is updated; default
is None
Callable with signature ``f(status_object)`` that will be called
whenever the RunEngine is waiting for long-running commands
(trigger, set, kickoff, complete) to complete. This hook is useful to
incorporate a progress bar.
Boolean, False by default.
loop : asyncio event loop
e.g., ``asyncio.get_event_loop()`` or ``asyncio.new_event_loop()``
Maximum stack depth; set this to prevent users from calling the
RunEngine inside a function (which can result in unexpected
behavior and breaks introspection tools). Default is None.
For built-in Python interpreter, set to 2. For IPython, set to 11
(tested on IPython 5.1.0; other versions may vary).
pause_msg : str
The message printed when a run is interrupted. This message
includes instructions of changing the state of the RunEngine.
It is set to ``bluesky.run_engine.PAUSE_MSG`` by default and
can be modified based on needs.
The list of commands available to Msg.
_state = LoggingPropertyMachine(RunEngineStateMachine)
_UNCACHEABLE_COMMANDS = ['pause', 'subscribe', 'unsubscribe', 'stage',
'unstage', 'monitor', 'unmonitor', 'open_run',
'close_run', 'install_suspender',
def state(self):
return self._state
[docs] def __init__(self, md=None, *, loop=None, preprocessors=None,
context_managers=None, md_validator=None,
if loop is None:
loop = get_bluesky_event_loop()
self._th = _ensure_event_loop_running(loop)
self._state_lock = threading.RLock()
self._loop = loop
if sys.version_info < (3, 8):
self._loop_for_kwargs = self._loop
self._loop_for_kwargs = None
# When set, RunEngine.__call__ should stop blocking.
self._blocking_event = threading.Event()
# When cleared, RunEngine._run will pause until set.
self._run_permit = None
setup_event = threading.Event()
def setup_run_permit():
self._run_permit = asyncio.Event(loop=self._loop_for_kwargs)
# Make a logger for this specific RE instance, using the instance's
# Python id, to keep from mixing output from separate instances.
self.log = ComposableLogAdapter(logger, {'RE': self})
if md is None:
md = {} = md'versions', {})
import ophyd['versions']['ophyd'] = ophyd.__version__
except ImportError:
self.log.debug("Failed to import ophyd.")
from ._version import get_versions['versions']['bluesky'] = get_versions()['version']
del get_versions
if preprocessors is None:
preprocessors = []
self.preprocessors = preprocessors
if context_managers is None:
context_managers = [SigintHandler]
self.context_managers = context_managers
if md_validator is None:
md_validator = _default_md_validator
self.md_validator = md_validator
self.scan_id_source = scan_id_source
self.max_depth = None
self.msg_hook = None
self.state_hook = None
self.waiting_hook = None
self.record_interruptions = False
self.pause_msg = PAUSE_MSG
if during_task is None:
during_task = DefaultDuringTask()
self._during_task = during_task
# The RunEngine keeps track of a *lot* of state.
# All flags and caches are defined here with a comment. Good luck.
self._run_bundlers = {} # a mapping of open run -> bundlers
self._metadata_per_call = {} # for all runs generated by one __call__
self._deferred_pause_requested = False # pause at next 'checkpoint'
self._exception = None # stored and then raised in the _run loop
self._interrupted = False # True if paused, aborted, or failed
self._staged = set() # objects staged, not yet unstaged
self._objs_seen = set() # all objects seen
self._movable_objs_touched = set() # objects we moved at any point
self._run_start_uids = list() # run start uids generated by __call__
self._suspenders = set() # set holding suspenders
self._groups = defaultdict(set) # sets of Events to wait for
self._status_objs = defaultdict(set) # status objects to wait for
self._temp_callback_ids = set() # ids from CallbackRegistry
self._msg_cache = deque() # history of processed msgs for rewinding
self._rewindable_flag = True # if the RE is allowed to replay msgs
self._plan_stack = deque() # stack of generators to work off of
self._response_stack = deque() # resps to send into the plans
self._exit_status = 'success' # optimistic default
self._reason = '' # reason for abort
self._task = None # asyncio.Task associated with call to self._run
self._task_fut = None # future proxy to the task above
self._status_tasks = deque() # from self._status_object_completed
self._pardon_failures = None # will hold an asyncio.Event
self._plan = None # the plan instance from __call__
self._command_registry = {
'create': self._create,
'save': self._save,
'drop': self._drop,
'read': self._read,
'monitor': self._monitor,
'unmonitor': self._unmonitor,
'null': self._null,
'RE_class': self._RE_class,
'stop': self._stop,
'set': self._set,
'trigger': self._trigger,
'sleep': self._sleep,
'wait': self._wait,
'checkpoint': self._checkpoint,
'clear_checkpoint': self._clear_checkpoint,
'rewindable': self._rewindable,
'pause': self._pause,
'resume': self._resume,
'collect': self._collect,
'kickoff': self._kickoff,
'complete': self._complete,
'configure': self._configure,
'stage': self._stage,
'unstage': self._unstage,
'subscribe': self._subscribe,
'unsubscribe': self._unsubscribe,
'open_run': self._open_run,
'close_run': self._close_run,
'wait_for': self._wait_for,
'input': self._input,
'install_suspender': self._install_suspender,
'remove_suspender': self._remove_suspender, }
# public dispatcher for callbacks
# The Dispatcher's public methods are exposed through the
# RunEngine for user convenience.
self.dispatcher = Dispatcher()
self.ignore_callback_exceptions = False
# aliases for back-compatibility
self.subscribe_lossless = self.dispatcher.subscribe
self.unsubscribe_lossless = self.dispatcher.unsubscribe
self._subscribe_lossless = self.dispatcher.subscribe
self._unsubscribe_lossless = self.dispatcher.unsubscribe
def commands(self):
The list of commands available to Msg.
See Also
>>> from bluesky import RunEngine
>>> RE = RunEngine()
>>> # to list commands
>>> RE.commands
# return as a list, not lazy loader, no surprises...
return list(self._command_registry.keys())
[docs] def print_command_registry(self, verbose=False):
This conveniently prints the command registry of available
Verbose : bool, optional
verbose print. Default is False
See Also
>>> from bluesky import RunEngine
>>> RE = RunEngine()
>>> # Print a very verbose list of currently registered commands
>>> RE.print_command_registry(verbose=True)
commands = "List of available commands\n"
for command, func in self._command_registry.items():
docstring = func.__doc__
if not verbose:
docstring = docstring.split("\n")[0]
commands = commands + "{} : {}\n".format(command, docstring)
return commands
[docs] def subscribe(self, func, name='all'):
Register a callback function to consume documents.
.. versionchanged :: 0.10.0
The order of the arguments was swapped and the ``name``
argument has been given a default value, ``'all'``. Because the
meaning of the arguments is unambiguous (they must be a callable
and a string, respectively) the old order will be supported
indefinitely, with a warning.
func: callable
expecting signature like ``f(name, document)``
where name is a string and document is a dict
name : {'all', 'start', 'descriptor', 'event', 'stop'}, optional
the type of document this function should receive ('all' by
token : int
an integer ID that can be used to unsubscribe
See Also
# pass through to the Dispatcher, spelled out verbosely here to make
# sphinx happy -- tricks with __doc__ aren't enough to fool it
return self.dispatcher.subscribe(func, name)
[docs] def unsubscribe(self, token):
Unregister a callback function its integer ID.
token : int
the integer ID issued by :meth:`RunEngine.subscribe`
See Also
# pass through to the Dispatcher, spelled out verbosely here to make
# sphinx happy -- tricks with __doc__ aren't enough to fool it
return self.dispatcher.unsubscribe(token)
def rewindable(self):
return self._rewindable_flag
def rewindable(self, v):
cur_state = self._rewindable_flag
self._rewindable_flag = bool(v)
if self.resumable and self._rewindable_flag != cur_state:
def loop(self):
return self._loop
def suspenders(self):
return tuple(self._suspenders)
def verbose(self):
return not self.log.disabled
def verbose(self, value):
self.log.disabled = not value
def _clear_run_cache(self):
"Clean up for a new run."
self._interruptions_desc_uid = None
self._interruptions_counter = count(1)
def _clear_call_cache(self):
"Clean up for a new __call__ (which may encompass multiple runs)."
self._deferred_pause_requested = False
self._plan_stack = deque()
self._msg_cache = deque()
self._response_stack = deque()
self._exception = None
self._exit_status = 'success'
self._reason = ''
self._task = None
self._task_fut = None
self._pardon_failures = asyncio.Event(loop=self._loop_for_kwargs)
self._plan = None
self._interrupted = False
# Unsubscribe for per-run callbacks.
for cid in self._temp_callback_ids:
def reset(self):
Clean up caches and unsubscribe subscriptions.
Lossless subscriptions are not unsubscribed.
if self._state != 'idle':
def resumable(self):
"i.e., can the plan in progress by rewound"
return self._msg_cache is not None
def ignore_callback_exceptions(self):
return self.dispatcher.ignore_exceptions
def ignore_callback_exceptions(self, val):
self.dispatcher.ignore_exceptions = val
[docs] def register_command(self, name, func):
Register a new Message command.
name : str
func : callable
This can be a function or a method. The signature is `f(msg)`.
See Also
self._command_registry[name] = func
[docs] def unregister_command(self, name):
Unregister a Message command.
name : str
See Also
del self._command_registry[name]
[docs] def request_pause(self, defer=False):
Command the Run Engine to pause.
This function is called by 'pause' Messages. It can also be called
by other threads. It cannot be called on the main thread during a run,
but it is called by SIGINT (i.e., Ctrl+C).
If there current run has no checkpoint (via the 'clear_checkpoint'
message), this will cause the run to abort.
defer : bool, optional
If False, pause immediately before processing any new messages.
If True, pause at the next checkpoint.
False by default.
future = asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(
# TODO add a timeout here?
return future.result()
async def _request_pause_coro(self, defer=False):
# We are pausing. Cancel any deferred pause previously requested.
if defer:
self._deferred_pause_requested = True
print("Deferred pause acknowledged. Continuing to checkpoint.")
self._deferred_pause_requested = False
self._interrupted = True
self._state = 'pausing'
for current_run in self._run_bundlers.values():
[docs] def __call__(self, *args, **metadata_kw):
"""Execute a plan.
Any keyword arguments will be interpreted as metadata and recorded with
any run(s) created by executing the plan. Notice that the plan
(required) and extra subscriptions (optional) must be given as
positional arguments.
plan : generator (positional only)
a generator or that yields ``Msg`` objects (or an iterable that
returns such a generator)
subs : callable, list, or dict, optional (positional only)
Temporary subscriptions (a.k.a. callbacks) to be used on this run.
For convenience, any of the following are accepted:
* a callable, which will be subscribed to 'all'
* a list of callables, which again will be subscribed to 'all'
* a dictionary, mapping specific subscriptions to callables or
lists of callables; valid keys are {'all', 'start', 'stop',
'event', 'descriptor'}
uids : list
list of uids (i.e. RunStart Document uids) of run(s)
if self.state == 'panicked':
raise RuntimeError("The RunEngine is panicked and "
"cannot be recovered. "
"You must restart bluesky.")
# This scheme lets us make 'plan' and 'subs' POSITIONAL ONLY, reserving
# all keyword arguments for user metdata.
arguments = _call_sig.bind(self, *args, **metadata_kw).arguments
plan = arguments['plan']
subs = arguments.get('subs', None)
metadata_kw = arguments.get('metadata_kw', {})
if 'raise_if_interrupted' in metadata_kw:
warn("The 'raise_if_interrupted' flag has been removed. The "
"RunEngine now always raises RunEngineInterrupted if it is "
"interrupted. The 'raise_if_interrupted' keyword argument, "
"like all keyword arguments, will be interpreted as "
# Check that the RE is not being called from inside a function.
if self.max_depth is not None:
frame = inspect.currentframe()
depth = len(inspect.getouterframes(frame))
if depth > self.max_depth:
text = MAX_DEPTH_EXCEEDED_ERR_MSG.format(self.max_depth, depth)
raise RuntimeError(text)
# If we are in the wrong state, raise.
if not self._state.is_idle:
raise RuntimeError("The RunEngine is in a %s state" % self._state)
futs = []
tripped_justifications = []
for sup in self.suspenders:
f_lst, justification = sup.get_futures()
if f_lst:
if tripped_justifications:
print("At least one suspender has tripped. The plan will begin "
"when all suspenders are ready. Justification:")
for i, justification in enumerate(tripped_justifications):
print(' {}. {}'.format(i + 1, justification))
print("Suspending... To get to the prompt, "
"hit Ctrl-C twice to pause.")
self._clear_run_cache() # paranoia, in case of previous bad exit
for name, funcs in normalize_subs_input(subs).items():
for func in funcs:
self._temp_callback_ids.add(self.subscribe(func, name))
self._plan = plan # this ref is just used for metadata introspection
gen = ensure_generator(plan)
for wrapper_func in self.preprocessors:
gen = wrapper_func(gen)
if futs:
self._plan_stack.append(single_gen(Msg('wait_for', None, futs)))
self._response_stack.append(None)"Executing plan %r", self._plan)
def _build_task():
# make sure _run will block at the top
self._task_fut = asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(self._run(),
def set_blocking_event(future):
if self._interrupted:
raise RunEngineInterrupted(self.pause_msg) from None
return tuple(self._run_start_uids)
__call__.__signature__ = _call_sig
[docs] def resume(self):
"""Resume a paused plan from the last checkpoint.
uids : list
list of Header uids (a.k.a RunStart uids) of run(s)
if self.state == 'panicked':
raise RuntimeError("The RunEngine is panicked and "
"cannot be recovered. "
"You must restart bluesky.")
# The state machine does not capture the whole picture.
if not self._state.is_paused:
raise TransitionError("The RunEngine is the {0} state. "
"You can only resume for the paused state."
self._interrupted = False
for current_run in self._run_bundlers.values():
new_plan = self._rewind()
# Notify Devices of the resume in case they want to clean up.
for obj in self._objs_seen:
if hasattr(obj, 'resume'):
if self._interrupted:
raise RunEngineInterrupted(self.pause_msg) from None
return tuple(self._run_start_uids)
def _rewind(self):
'''Clean up in preparation for resuming from a pause or suspension.
new_plan : generator
A new plan made from the messages in the message cache
len_msg_cache = len(self._msg_cache)
new_plan = ensure_generator(list(self._msg_cache))
self._msg_cache = deque()
if len_msg_cache:
for current_run in self._run_bundlers.values():
return new_plan
def _resume_task(self, *, init_func=None):
# Clear the blocking Event so that we can wait on it below.
# The task will set it when it is done, as it was previously
# configured to do it __call__.
# Handle all context managers
with ExitStack() as stack:
for mgr in self.context_managers:
if init_func is not None:
if self._task_fut is None or self._task_fut.done():
# The _run task is waiting on this Event. Let is continue.
# Block until plan is complete or exception is raised.
except KeyboardInterrupt:
import ctypes
self._interrupted = True
# we can not interrupt a python thread from the outside
# but there is an API to schedule an exception to be raised
# the next time that thread would interpret byte code.
# The documentation of this function includes the sentence
# To prevent naive misuse, you must write your
# own C extension to call this.
# Here we cheat a bit and use ctypes.
num_threads = ctypes.pythonapi.PyThreadState_SetAsyncExc(
# however, if the thread is in a system call (such
# as sleep or I/O) there is no way to interrupt it
# (per decree of Guido) thus we give it a second
# to sort it's self out
task_finished = self._blocking_event.wait(1)
# before giving up and putting the RE in a
# non-recoverable panicked state.
if not task_finished or num_threads != 1:
self._state = 'panicked'
except Exception as raised_er:
self._interrupted = True
raise raised_er
if self._task_fut.done():
# get exceptions from the main task
exc = self._task_fut.exception()
except (asyncio.CancelledError,
exc = None
# if the main task exception is not None, re-raise
# it (unless it is a canceled error)
if (exc is not None
and not isinstance(exc, _RunEnginePanic)):
raise exc
[docs] def install_suspender(self, suspender):
Install a 'suspender', which can suspend and resume execution.
suspender : `bluesky.suspenders.SuspenderBase`
See Also
async def _install_suspender(self, msg):
See :meth: `RunEngine.install_suspender`
Expected message object is:
Msg('install_suspender', None, suspender)
suspender = msg.args[0]
[docs] def remove_suspender(self, suspender):
Uninstall a suspender.
suspender : `bluesky.suspenders.SuspenderBase`
See Also
if suspender in self._suspenders:
async def _remove_suspender(self, msg):
See :meth: `RunEngine.remove_suspender`
Expected message object is:
Msg('remove_suspender', None, suspender)
suspender = msg.args[0]
[docs] def clear_suspenders(self):
Uninstall all suspenders.
See Also
for sus in self.suspenders:
[docs] def request_suspend(self, fut, *, pre_plan=None, post_plan=None,
"""Request that the run suspend itself until the future is finished.
The two plans will be run before and after waiting for the future.
This enable doing things like opening and closing shutters and
resetting cameras around a suspend.
fut : asyncio.Future
pre_plan : iterable or callable, optional
Plan to execute just before suspending. If callable, must
take no arguments.
post_plan : iterable or callable, optional
Plan to execute just before resuming. If callable, must
take no arguments.
justification : str, optional
explanation of why the suspension has been requested
print("Suspending....To get prompt hit Ctrl-C twice to pause.")
ts ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
print("Suspension occurred at {}.".format(ts))
async def _request_suspend(pre_plan, post_plan, justification):
if not self.resumable:
print("No checkpoint; cannot suspend.")
print("Aborting: running cleanup and marking "
"exit_status as 'abort'...")
self._interrupted = True
with self._state_lock:
self._exception = FailedPause()
was_paused = self._state == 'paused'
self._state = 'aborting'
if not was_paused:
if justification is not None:
print("Justification for this suspension:\n%s" % justification)
for current_run in self._run_bundlers.values():
# During suspend, all motors should be stopped. Call stop() on
# every object we ever set().
# Notify Devices of the pause in case they want to clean up.
for obj in self._objs_seen:
if hasattr(obj, 'pause'):
except NoReplayAllowed:
# rewind to the last checkpoint
new_plan = self._rewind()
# queue up the cached messages
Msg('rewindable', None, self.rewindable)))
# if there is a post plan add it between the wait
# and the cached messages
if post_plan is not None:
if callable(post_plan):
post_plan = post_plan()
# tell the devices they are ready to go again
self._plan_stack.append(single_gen(Msg('resume', None, )))
# add the wait on the future to the stack
self._plan_stack.append(single_gen(Msg('wait_for', None, [fut, ])))
# if there is a pre plan add on top of the wait
if pre_plan is not None:
if callable(pre_plan):
pre_plan = pre_plan()
Msg('rewindable', None, False)))
# The event loop is still running. The pre_plan will be processed,
# and then the RunEngine will be hung up on processing the
# 'wait_for' message until `fut` is set.
if not self._state == 'paused':
self._state = 'suspending'
# bump the _run task out of what ever it is awaiting
_request_suspend(pre_plan, post_plan, justification))
[docs] def abort(self, reason=''):
Stop a running or paused plan and mark it as aborted.
See Also
return self.__interrupter_helper(self._abort_coro(reason))
async def _abort_coro(self, reason):
if self._state.is_idle:
raise TransitionError("RunEngine is already idle.")
print("Aborting: running cleanup and marking "
"exit_status as 'abort'...")
self._interrupted = True
self._reason = reason
self._exit_status = 'abort'
was_paused = self._state == 'paused'
self._state = 'aborting'
if was_paused:
with self._state_lock:
self._exception = RequestAbort()
for task in self._status_tasks:
return tuple(self._run_start_uids)
[docs] def stop(self):
Stop a running or paused plan, but mark it as successful (not aborted).
See Also
return self.__interrupter_helper(self._stop_coro())
async def _stop_coro(self):
if self._state.is_idle:
raise TransitionError("RunEngine is already idle.")
print("Stopping: running cleanup and marking exit_status "
"as 'success'...")
self._interrupted = True
was_paused = self._state == 'paused'
self._state = 'stopping'
if was_paused:
with self._state_lock:
self._exception = RequestStop
return tuple(self._run_start_uids)
[docs] def halt(self):
Stop the running plan and do not allow the plan a chance to clean up.
See Also
return self.__interrupter_helper(self._halt_coro())
def __interrupter_helper(self, coro):
if self.state == 'panicked':
raise RuntimeError("The RunEngine is panicked and "
"cannot be recovered. "
"You must restart bluesky.")
coro_event = threading.Event()
task = None
def end_cb(fut):
def start_task():
nonlocal task
task = self.loop.create_task(coro)
was_paused = self._state == 'paused'
if was_paused:
return task.result()
async def _halt_coro(self):
if self._state.is_idle:
raise TransitionError("RunEngine is already idle.")
print("Halting: skipping cleanup and marking exit_status as "
self._interrupted = True
was_paused = self._state == 'paused'
self._state = 'halting'
if was_paused:
with self._state_lock:
self._exception = PlanHalt
self._exit_status = 'abort'
return tuple(self._run_start_uids)
def _stop_movable_objects(self, *, success=True):
"Call obj.stop() for all objects we have moved. Log any exceptions."
for obj in self._movable_objs_touched:
stop = obj.stop
except AttributeError:
self.log.debug("No 'stop' method available on %r", obj)
except Exception:
self.log.exception("Failed to stop %r.", obj)
async def _run(self):
"""Pull messages from the plan, process them, send results back.
Upon exit, clean up.
- Call stop() on all objects that were 'set' or 'kickoff'.
- Try to collect any uncollected flyers.
- Try to unstage any devices left staged by the plan.
- Try to remove any monitoring subscriptions left on by the plan.
- If interrupting the middle of a run, try to emit a RunStop document.
await self._run_permit.wait()
# grab the current task. We need to do this here because the
# object returned by `run_coroutine_threadsafe` is a future
# that acts as a proxy that does not have the correct behavior
# when `.cancel` is called on it.
with self._state_lock:
self._task = current_task(self.loop)
stashed_exception = None
debug = msg_logger.debug
self._reason = ''
# sentinel to decide if need to add to the response stack or not
sentinel = object()
exit_reason = ''
self._state = 'running'
while True:
if self._state in ('pausing', 'suspending'):
if not self.resumable:
stashed_exception = FailedPause()
for task in self._status_tasks:
self._state = 'aborting'
# currently only using 'suspending' to get us into the
# block above, we do not have a 'suspended' state
# (yet)
if self._state == 'suspending':
self._state = 'running'
if not self._run_permit.is_set():
# A pause has been requested. First, put everything in a
# resting state.
assert self._state == 'pausing'
# Remove any monitoring callbacks, but keep refs in
# self._monitor_params to re-instate them later.
for current_run in self._run_bundlers.values():
await current_run.suspend_monitors()
# During pause, all motors should be stopped. Call stop()
# on every object we ever set().
# Notify Devices of the pause in case they want to
# clean up.
for obj in self._objs_seen:
if hasattr(obj, 'pause'):
except NoReplayAllowed:
self._state = 'paused'
# Let RunEngine.__call__ return...
await self._run_permit.wait()
# Restore any monitors
for current_run in self._run_bundlers.values():
await current_run.restore_monitors()
if self._state == 'paused':
# may be called by 'resume', 'stop', 'abort', 'halt'
self._state = 'running'
# If we are here, we have come back to life either to
# continue (resume) or to clean up before exiting.
assert len(self._response_stack) == len(self._plan_stack)
# set resp to the sentinel so that if we fail in the sleep
# we do not add an extra response
resp = sentinel
# the new response to be added
new_response = None
# This 'await' must be here to ensure that
# this coroutine breaks out of its current behavior
# before trying to get the next message from the
# top of the generator stack in case there has
# been a pause requested. Without this the next
# message after the pause may be processed first
# on resume (instead of the first message in
# self._msg_cache).
# This sleep has to be inside of this try block so
# that any of the 'async' exceptions get thrown in the
# correct place
await asyncio.sleep(0, loop=self._loop_for_kwargs)
# always pop off a result, we are either sending it back in
# or throwing an exception in, in either case the left hand
# side of the yield in the plan will be moved past
resp = self._response_stack.pop()
# if any status tasks have failed, grab the exceptions.
# give priority to things pushed in from outside
with self._state_lock:
if self._exception is not None:
stashed_exception = self._exception
self._exception = None
# The case where we have a stashed exception
if (stashed_exception is not None or
isinstance(resp, Exception)):
# throw the exception at the current plan
msg = self._plan_stack[-1].throw(
stashed_exception or resp)
except Exception as e:
# The current plan did not handle it,
# maybe the next plan (if any) would like
# to try
# we have killed the current plan, do not give
# it a new response
resp = sentinel
if len(self._plan_stack):
stashed_exception = e
# no plans left and still an unhandled exception
# re-raise to exit the infinite loop
# clear the stashed exception, the top plan
# handled it.
stashed_exception = None
# The normal case of clean operation
msg = self._plan_stack[-1].send(resp)
# We have exhausted the top generator
except StopIteration:
# pop the dead generator go back to the top
# we have killed the current plan, do not give
# it a new response
resp = sentinel
if len(self._plan_stack):
# or reraise to get out of the infinite loop
# Any other exception that comes out of the plan
except Exception as e:
# pop the dead plan, stash the exception and
# go to the top of the loop
# we have killed the current plan, do not give
# it a new response
resp = sentinel
if len(self._plan_stack):
stashed_exception = e
# or reraise to get out of the infinite loop
# if we have a message hook, call it
if self.msg_hook is not None:
debug("%s(%r, *%r **%r, run=%r)",
msg.command, msg.obj, msg.args, msg.kwargs,, extra={'msg_command': msg.command})
# update the running set of all objects we have seen
# if this message can be cached for rewinding, cache it
if (self._msg_cache is not None and
self._rewindable_flag and
msg.command not in self._UNCACHEABLE_COMMANDS):
# We have a checkpoint.
# try to look up the coroutine to execute the command
coro = self._command_registry[msg.command]
# replace KeyError with a local sub-class and go
# to top of the loop
except KeyError:
# TODO make this smarter
new_response = InvalidCommand(msg.command)
# try to finally run the command the user asked for
# this is one of two places that 'async'
# exceptions (coming in via throw) can be
# raised
new_response = await coro(msg)
# special case `CancelledError` and let the outer
# exception block deal with it.
except asyncio.CancelledError:
# any other exception, stash it and go to the top of loop
except Exception as e:
new_response = e
# normal use, if it runs cleanly, stash the response and
# go to the top of the loop
except KeyboardInterrupt:
# This only happens if some external code captures SIGINT
# -- overriding the RunEngine -- and then raises instead
# of (properly) calling the RunEngine's handler.
# See
print("An unknown external library has improperly raised "
"KeyboardInterrupt. Intercepting and triggering "
"a HALT.")
await self._halt_coro()
except asyncio.CancelledError as e:
if self._state == 'pausing':
# if we got a CancelledError and we are in the
# 'pausing' state clear the run permit and
# bounce to the top
if self._state in ('halting', 'stopping', 'aborting'):
# if we got this while just keep going in tear-down
exception_map = {'halting': PlanHalt,
'stopping': RequestStop,
'aborting': RequestAbort}
# if the exception is not set bounce to the top
if stashed_exception is None:
stashed_exception = exception_map[self.state]
if self._state == 'suspending':
# just bounce to the top
# if we are handling this twice, raise and leave the plans
# alone
if stashed_exception is e:
raise e
# the case where FailedPause, RequestAbort or a coro
# raised error is not already stashed in _exception
if stashed_exception is None:
stashed_exception = e
# if we poped a response and did not pop a plan, we need
# to put the new response back on the stack
if resp is not sentinel:
except (StopIteration, RequestStop):
self._exit_status = 'success'
# TODO Is the sleep here necessary?
await asyncio.sleep(0, loop=self._loop_for_kwargs)
except (FailedPause, RequestAbort, asyncio.CancelledError,
self._exit_status = 'abort'
# TODO Is the sleep here necessary?
await asyncio.sleep(0, loop=self._loop_for_kwargs)
self.log.exception("Run aborted")
except GeneratorExit as err:
self._exit_status = 'fail' # Exception raises during 'running'
exit_reason = str(err)
raise ValueError from err
except Exception as err:
self._exit_status = 'fail' # Exception raises during 'running'
exit_reason = str(err)
self.log.exception("Run aborted")
raise err
if not exit_reason:
exit_reason = self._reason
# Some done_callbacks may still be alive in other threads.
# Block them from creating new 'failed status' tasks on the loop.
# call stop() on every movable object we ever set()
for current_run in self._run_bundlers.values():
# Clear any uncleared monitoring callbacks.
# Try to collect any flyers that were kicked off but
# not finished. Some might not support partial
# collection. We swallow errors.
await current_run.backstop_collect()
# in case we were interrupted between 'stage' and 'unstage'
for obj in list(self._staged):
except Exception:
self.log.exception("Failed to unstage %r.", obj)
# Emit RunStop if necessary.
for key, current_run in self._run_bundlers.items():
if current_run.run_is_open:
await current_run.close_run(
except Exception:
"Failed to close run %r.", current_run)
for p in self._plan_stack:
except RuntimeError:
print('The plan {!r} tried to yield a value on close. '
'Please fix your plan.'.format(p))
self._state = 'idle'"Cleaned up from plan %r", self._plan)
if isinstance(stashed_exception, asyncio.CancelledError):
raise stashed_exception
async def _wait_for(self, msg):
"""Instruct the RunEngine to wait for futures
Expected message object is:
Msg('wait_for', None, awaitable_factories, **kwargs)
The keyword arguments will be passed through to `asyncio.wait`.
The callables in awaitable_factories must have the signature ::
def fut_fac() -> awaitable:
'This must work multiple times'
futs, = msg.args
futs = [asyncio.ensure_future(f()) for f in futs]
await asyncio.wait(futs, loop=self._loop_for_kwargs, **msg.kwargs)
async def _open_run(self, msg):
"""Instruct the RunEngine to start a new "run"
Expected message object is:
Msg('open_run', None, **kwargs)
where **kwargs are any additional metadata that should go into
the RunStart document
# TODO extract this from the Msg
run_key =
if run_key in self._run_bundlers:
raise IllegalMessageSequence("A 'close_run' message was not "
"received before the 'open_run' "
# Run scan_id calculation method['scan_id'] = self.scan_id_source(
# For metadata below, info about plan passed to self.__call__ for.
plan_type = type(self._plan).__name__
plan_name = getattr(self._plan, '__name__', '')
# Combine metadata, in order of decreasing precedence:
md = ChainMap(self._metadata_per_call, # from kwargs to self.__call__
msg.kwargs, # from 'open_run' Msg
{'plan_type': plan_type, # computed from self._plan
'plan_name': plan_name}, # stateful, persistent metadata
# The metadata is final. Validate it now, at the last moment.
# Use copy for some reasonable (admittedly not total) protection
# against users mutating the md with their validator.
current_run = self._run_bundlers[run_key] = RunBundler(
md, self.record_interruptions, self.emit, self.emit_sync, self.log,
new_uid = await current_run.open_run(msg)
return new_uid
async def _close_run(self, msg):
"""Instruct the RunEngine to write the RunStop document
Expected message object is:
Msg('close_run', None, exit_status=None, reason=None)
if *exit_stats* and *reason* are not provided, use the values
stashed on the RE.
# TODO extract this from the Msg
run_key =
current_run = self._run_bundlers[run_key]
except KeyError as ke:
raise IllegalMessageSequence("A 'close_run' message was not "
"received before the 'open_run' "
"message") from ke
ret = (await current_run.close_run(msg))
del self._run_bundlers[run_key]
return ret
async def _create(self, msg):
"""Trigger the run engine to start bundling future calls for
an Event document
Expected message object is:
Msg('create', None, name='primary')
Msg('create', name='primary')
Note that the `name` kwarg will be the 'name' field of the resulting
descriptor. So descriptor['name'] = msg.kwargs['name'].
Also note that changing the 'name' of the Event will create a new
Descriptor document.
run_key =
current_run = self._run_bundlers[run_key]
except KeyError as ke:
raise IllegalMessageSequence("Cannot bundle readings without "
"an open run. That is, 'create' must "
"be preceded by 'open_run'.") from ke
return (await current_run.create(msg))
async def _read(self, msg):
Add a reading to the open event bundle.
Expected message object is:
Msg('read', obj)
obj = msg.obj
# actually _read_ the object
ret =*msg.args, **msg.kwargs)
if ret is None:
raise RuntimeError(
f"The read of {} returned None. "
"This is a bug in your object implementation, "
"`read` must return a dictionary.")
run_key =
current_run = self._run_bundlers[run_key]
except KeyError:
await, ret)
return ret
async def _monitor(self, msg):
Monitor a signal. Emit event documents asynchronously.
A descriptor document is emitted immediately. Then, a closure is
defined that emits Event documents associated with that descriptor
from a separate thread. This process is not related to the main
bundling process (create/read/save).
Expected message object is:
Msg('monitor', obj, **kwargs)
Msg('monitor', obj, name='event-stream-name', **kwargs)
where kwargs are passed through to ``obj.subscribe()``
run_key =
current_run = self._run_bundlers[run_key]
except KeyError as ke:
raise IllegalMessageSequence("A 'monitor' message was sent but no "
"run is open.") from ke
await current_run.monitor(msg)
await self._reset_checkpoint_state_coro()
async def _unmonitor(self, msg):
Stop monitoring; i.e., remove the callback emitting event documents.
Expected message object is:
Msg('unmonitor', obj)
run_key =
current_run = self._run_bundlers[run_key]
except KeyError as ke:
raise IllegalMessageSequence(
"A 'unmonitor' message was sent but no "
"run is open.") from ke
await current_run.unmonitor(msg)
await self._reset_checkpoint_state_coro()
async def _save(self, msg):
"""Save the event that is currently being bundled
Expected message object is:
run_key =
current_run = self._run_bundlers[run_key]
except KeyError as ke:
# sanity check -- this should be caught by 'create' which makes
# this code path impossible
raise IllegalMessageSequence(
"A 'save' message was sent but no " "run is open."
) from ke
async def _drop(self, msg):
"""Drop the event that is currently being bundled
Expected message object is:
run_key =
current_run = self._run_bundlers[run_key]
except KeyError as ke:
raise IllegalMessageSequence(
"A 'drop' message was sent but no " "run is open."
) from ke
await current_run.drop(msg)
async def _kickoff(self, msg):
"""Start a flyscan object
Special kwargs for the 'Msg' object in this function:
group : str
The blocking group to this flyer to
Expected message object is:
If `flyer_object` has a `kickoff` function that takes no arguments:
Msg('kickoff', flyer_object)
Msg('kickoff', flyer_object, group=<name>)
If `flyer_object` has a `kickoff` function that takes
`(start, stop, steps)` as its function arguments:
Msg('kickoff', flyer_object, start, stop, step)
Msg('kickoff', flyer_object, start, stop, step, group=<name>)
run_key =
current_run = self._run_bundlers[run_key]
except KeyError as ke:
raise IllegalMessageSequence("A 'kickoff' message was sent but no "
"run is open.") from ke
_, obj, args, kwargs, _ = msg
kwargs = dict(msg.kwargs)
group = kwargs.pop("group", None)
ret = obj.kickoff(*msg.args, **kwargs)
p_event = asyncio.Event(loop=self._loop_for_kwargs)
pardon_failures = self._pardon_failures
await current_run.kickoff(msg)
def done_callback(status=None):
"The object %r reports 'kickoff' is done " "with status %r",
task = self._loop.call_soon_threadsafe(
self._status_object_completed, ret, p_event, pardon_failures
except AttributeError:
# for ophyd < v0.8.0
ret.finished_cb = done_callback
return ret
async def _complete(self, msg):
Tell a flyer, 'stop collecting, whenever you are ready'.
The flyer returns a status object. Some flyers respond to this
command by stopping collection and returning a finished status
object immediately. Other flyers finish their given course and
finish whenever they finish, irrespective of when this command is
Expected message object is:
Msg('complete', flyer, group=<GROUP>)
where <GROUP> is a hashable identifier.
run_key =
current_run = self._run_bundlers[run_key]
except KeyError as ke:
raise IllegalMessageSequence("A 'complete' message was sent but no "
"run is open.") from ke
await current_run.complete(msg)
kwargs = dict(msg.kwargs)
group = kwargs.pop("group", None)
ret = msg.obj.complete(*msg.args, **kwargs)
p_event = asyncio.Event(loop=self._loop_for_kwargs)
pardon_failures = self._pardon_failures
def done_callback(status=None):
"The object %r reports 'complete' is done " "with status %r",
task = self._loop.call_soon_threadsafe(
self._status_object_completed, ret, p_event, pardon_failures
except AttributeError:
# for ophyd < v0.8.0
ret.finished_cb = done_callback
return ret
async def _collect(self, msg):
Collect data cached by a flyer and emit documents
Expected message object is:
Msg('collect', flyer_object)
Msg('collect', flyer_object, stream=True, return_payload=False)
run_key =
current_run = self._run_bundlers[run_key]
except KeyError as ke:
raise IllegalMessageSequence("A 'collect' message was sent but no "
"run is open.") from ke
return (await current_run.collect(msg))
async def _null(self, msg):
A no-op message, mainly for debugging and testing.
async def _RE_class(self, msg):
A no-op message, mainly for debugging and testing.
return type(self)
async def _set(self, msg):
Set a device and cache the returned status object.
Also, note that the device has been touched so it can be stopped upon
Expected message object is
Msg('set', obj, *args, **kwargs)
where arguments are passed through to `obj.set(*args, **kwargs)`.
kwargs = dict(msg.kwargs)
group = kwargs.pop('group', None)
ret = msg.obj.set(*msg.args, **kwargs)
p_event = asyncio.Event(loop=self._loop_for_kwargs)
pardon_failures = self._pardon_failures
def done_callback(status=None):
self.log.debug("The object %r reports set is done "
"with status %r", msg.obj, ret.success)
task = self._loop.call_soon_threadsafe(
self._status_object_completed, ret, p_event, pardon_failures)
except AttributeError:
# for ophyd < v0.8.0
ret.finished_cb = done_callback
return ret
async def _trigger(self, msg):
Trigger a device and cache the returned status object.
Expected message object is:
Msg('trigger', obj)
kwargs = dict(msg.kwargs)
group = kwargs.pop('group', None)
ret = msg.obj.trigger(*msg.args, **kwargs)
p_event = asyncio.Event(loop=self._loop_for_kwargs)
pardon_failures = self._pardon_failures
def done_callback(status=None):
self.log.debug("The object %r reports trigger is "
"done with status %r.", msg.obj, ret.success)
task = self._loop.call_soon_threadsafe(
self._status_object_completed, ret, p_event, pardon_failures)
except AttributeError:
# for ophyd < v0.8.0
ret.finished_cb = done_callback
return ret
async def _wait(self, msg):
"""Block progress until every object that was triggered or set
with the keyword argument `group=<GROUP>` is done.
Expected message object is:
Msg('wait', group=<GROUP>)
where ``<GROUP>`` is any hashable key.
if msg.args:
group, = msg.args
group = msg.kwargs['group']
futs = list(self._groups.pop(group, []))
if futs:
status_objs = self._status_objs.pop(group)
if self.waiting_hook is not None:
# Notify the waiting_hook function that the RunEngine is
# waiting for these status_objs to complete. Users can use
# the information these encapsulate to create a progress
# bar.
await self._wait_for(Msg('wait_for', None, futs))
if self.waiting_hook is not None:
# Notify the waiting_hook function that we have moved on by
# sending it `None`. If all goes well, it could have
# inferred this from the status_obj, but there are edge
# cases.
def _status_object_completed(self, ret, p_event, pardon_failures):
Created as a task on the loop when a status object is finished
ret : status object
p_event : asyncio.Event
held in the RunEngine's self._groups cache for waiting
pardon_failuers : asyncio.Event
tells us whether the __call__ this status object is over
if not ret.success and not pardon_failures.is_set():
# TODO: need a better channel to move this information back
# to the run task.
with self._state_lock:
self._exception = FailedStatus(ret)
async def _sleep(self, msg):
"""Sleep the event loop
Expected message object is:
Msg('sleep', None, sleep_time)
where `sleep_time` is in seconds
await asyncio.sleep(*msg.args, loop=self._loop_for_kwargs)
async def _pause(self, msg):
"""Request the run engine to pause
Expected message object is:
Msg('pause', defer=False, name=None, callback=None)
See RunEngine.request_pause() docstring for explanation of the three
keyword arguments in the `Msg` signature
await self._request_pause_coro(*msg.args, **msg.kwargs)
async def _resume(self, msg):
"""Request the run engine to resume
Expected message object is:
Msg('resume', defer=False, name=None, callback=None)
See RunEngine.resume() docstring for explanation of the three
keyword arguments in the `Msg` signature
# Re-instate monitoring callbacks.
for current_run in self._run_bundlers.values():
await current_run.restore_monitors()
# Notify Devices of the resume in case they want to clean up.
for obj in self._objs_seen:
if hasattr(obj, 'resume'):
async def _checkpoint(self, msg):
"""Instruct the RunEngine to create a checkpoint so that we can rewind
to this point if necessary
Expected message object is:
for current_run in self._run_bundlers.values():
if current_run.bundling:
raise IllegalMessageSequence("Cannot 'checkpoint' after 'create' "
"and before 'save'. Aborting!")
await self._reset_checkpoint_state_coro()
if self._deferred_pause_requested:
# We are at a checkpoint; we are done deferring the pause.
# Give the _check_for_signals coroutine time to look for
# additional SIGINTs that would trigger an abort.
await asyncio.sleep(0.5, loop=self._loop_for_kwargs)
await self._request_pause_coro(defer=False)
def _reset_checkpoint_state(self):
def _reset_checkpoint_state_meth(self):
if self._msg_cache is None:
self._msg_cache = deque()
for current_run in self._run_bundlers.values():
async def _reset_checkpoint_state_coro(self):
async def _clear_checkpoint(self, msg):
"""Clear a set checkpoint
Expected message object is:
# clear message cache
self._msg_cache = None
# clear stashed
for current_run in self._run_bundlers.values():
await current_run.clear_checkpoint(msg)
async def _rewindable(self, msg):
'''Set rewindable state of RunEngine
Expected message object is:
Msg('rewindable', None, bool or None)
rw_flag, = msg.args
if rw_flag is not None:
self.rewindable = rw_flag
return self.rewindable
async def _configure(self, msg):
"""Configure an object
Expected message object is:
Msg('configure', object, *args, **kwargs)
which results in this call:
object.configure(*args, **kwargs)
run_key =
current_run = self._run_bundlers[run_key]
except KeyError:
current_run = None
if current_run.bundling:
raise IllegalMessageSequence(
"Cannot configure after 'create' but before 'save'"
_, obj, args, kwargs, _ = msg
old, new = obj.configure(*args, **kwargs)
if current_run:
await current_run.configure(msg)
return old, new
async def _stage(self, msg):
"""Instruct the RunEngine to stage the object
Expected message object is:
Msg('stage', object)
_, obj, args, kwargs, _ = msg
# If an object has no 'stage' method, assume there is nothing to do.
if not hasattr(obj, 'stage'):
return []
result = obj.stage()
self._staged.add(obj) # add first in case of failure below
await self._reset_checkpoint_state_coro()
return result
async def _unstage(self, msg):
"""Instruct the RunEngine to unstage the object
Expected message object is:
Msg('unstage', object)
_, obj, args, kwargs, _ = msg
# If an object has no 'unstage' method, assume there is nothing to do.
if not hasattr(obj, 'unstage'):
return []
result = obj.unstage()
# use `discard()` to ignore objects that are not in the staged set.
await self._reset_checkpoint_state_coro()
return result
async def _stop(self, msg):
Stop a device.
Expected message object is:
Msg('stop', obj)
return msg.obj.stop() # nominally, this returns None
async def _subscribe(self, msg):
Add a subscription after the run has started.
This, like subscriptions passed to __call__, will be removed at the
end by the RunEngine.
Expected message object is:
Msg('subscribe', None, callback_function, document_name)
where `document_name` is one of:
{'start', 'descriptor', 'event', 'stop', 'all'}
and `callback_function` is expected to have a signature of:
``f(name, document)``
where name is one of the ``document_name`` options and ``document``
is one of the document dictionaries in the event model.
See the docstring of bluesky.run_engine.Dispatcher.subscribe() for more
self.log.debug("Adding subscription %r", msg)
_, obj, args, kwargs, _ = msg
token = self.subscribe(*args, **kwargs)
await self._reset_checkpoint_state_coro()
return token
async def _unsubscribe(self, msg):
Remove a subscription during a call -- useful for a multi-run call
where subscriptions are wanted for some runs but not others.
Expected message object is:
Msg('unsubscribe', None, TOKEN)
Msg('unsubscribe', token=TOKEN)
where ``TOKEN`` is the return value from ``RunEngine._subscribe()``
self.log.debug("Removing subscription %r", msg)
_, obj, args, kwargs, _ = msg
token = kwargs['token']
except KeyError:
token, = args
await self._reset_checkpoint_state_coro()
async def _input(self, msg):
Process a 'input' Msg. Expected Msg:
Msg('input', None)
Msg('input', None, prompt='>') # customize prompt
prompt = msg.kwargs.get('prompt', '')
async_input = AsyncInput(self.loop)
async_input = functools.partial(async_input, end='', flush=True)
return (await async_input(prompt))
def emit_sync(self, name, doc):
"Process blocking callbacks and schedule non-blocking callbacks."
self.dispatcher.process(name, doc)
async def emit(self, name, doc):
self.emit_sync(name, doc)
[docs]class Dispatcher:
"""Dispatch documents to user-defined consumers on the main thread."""
[docs] def __init__(self):
self.cb_registry = CallbackRegistry(allowed_sigs=DocumentNames)
self._counter = count()
self._token_mapping = dict()
[docs] def process(self, name, doc):
Dispatch document ``doc`` of type ``name`` to the callback registry.
name : {'start', 'descriptor', 'event', 'stop'}
doc : dict
exceptions = self.cb_registry.process(name,, doc)
for exc, traceback in exceptions:
warn("A %r was raised during the processing of a %s "
"Document. The error will be ignored to avoid "
"interrupting data collection. To investigate, "
"set RunEngine.ignore_callback_exceptions = False "
"and run again." % (exc,
[docs] def subscribe(self, func, name='all'):
Register a callback function to consume documents.
.. versionchanged :: 0.10.0
The order of the arguments was swapped and the ``name``
argument has been given a default value, ``'all'``. Because the
meaning of the arguments is unambiguous (they must be a callable
and a string, respectively) the old order will be supported
indefinitely, with a warning.
.. versionchanged :: 0.10.0
The order of the arguments was swapped and the ``name``
argument has been given a default value, ``'all'``. Because the
meaning of the arguments is unambiguous (they must be a callable
and a string, respectively) the old order will be supported
indefinitely, with a warning.
func: callable
expecting signature like ``f(name, document)``
where name is a string and document is a dict
name : {'all', 'start', 'descriptor', 'event', 'stop'}, optional
the type of document this function should receive ('all' by
token : int
an integer ID that can be used to unsubscribe
See Also
an integer token that can be used to unsubscribe
if callable(name) and isinstance(func, str):
name, func = func, name
warn("The order of the arguments has been changed. Because the "
"meaning of the arguments is unambiguous, the old usage will "
"continue to work indefinitely, but the new usage is "
"encouraged: call subscribe(func, name) instead of "
"subscribe(name, func). Additionally, the 'name' argument "
"has become optional. Its default value is 'all'.")
if name == 'all':
private_tokens = []
for key in DocumentNames:
private_tokens.append(self.cb_registry.connect(key, func))
public_token = next(self._counter)
self._token_mapping[public_token] = private_tokens
return public_token
name = DocumentNames[name]
private_token = self.cb_registry.connect(name, func)
public_token = next(self._counter)
self._token_mapping[public_token] = [private_token]
return public_token
[docs] def unsubscribe(self, token):
Unregister a callback function using its integer ID.
token : int
the integer ID issued by :meth:`Dispatcher.subscribe`
See Also
for private_token in self._token_mapping[token]:
[docs] def unsubscribe_all(self):
"""Unregister all callbacks from the dispatcher
for public_token in self._token_mapping.keys():
def ignore_exceptions(self):
return self.cb_registry.ignore_exceptions
def ignore_exceptions(self, val):
self.cb_registry.ignore_exceptions = val
Your RunEngine is entering a paused state. These are your options for changing
the state of the RunEngine:
RE.resume() Resume the plan.
RE.abort() Perform cleanup, then kill plan. Mark exit_stats='aborted'.
RE.stop() Perform cleanup, then kill plan. Mark exit_status='success'.
RE.halt() Emergency Stop: Do not perform cleanup --- just stop.
RunEngine.max_depth is set to {}; depth of {} was detected.
The RunEngine should not be called from inside another function. Doing so
breaks introspection tools and can result in unexpected behavior in the event
of an interruption. See documentation for more information and what to do
def _default_md_validator(md):
if 'sample' in md and not (hasattr(md['sample'], 'keys') or
isinstance(md['sample'], str)):
raise ValueError(
"You specified 'sample' metadata. We give this field special "
"significance in order to make your data easily searchable. "
"Therefore, you must make 'sample' a string or a "
"dictionary, like so: "
"GOOD: sample='dirt' "
"GOOD: sample={'color': 'red', 'number': 5} "
"BAD: sample=[1, 2] ")
def _ensure_event_loop_running(loop):
Run an asyncio event loop forever on a background thread.
This is idempotent: if the loop is already running nothing will be done.
if not loop.is_running():
th = threading.Thread(target=loop.run_forever, daemon=True, name="bluesky-run-engine")
_ensure_event_loop_running.loop_to_thread[loop] = th
th = _ensure_event_loop_running.loop_to_thread[loop]
return th
_ensure_event_loop_running.loop_to_thread = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary()
_bluesky_event_loop = None
def get_bluesky_event_loop():
global _bluesky_event_loop
if _bluesky_event_loop is None:
_bluesky_event_loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
return _bluesky_event_loop
def set_bluesky_event_loop(loop):
global _bluesky_event_loop
_bluesky_event_loop = loop