
class ophyd.device.Device(prefix='', *, name, kind=None, read_attrs=None, configuration_attrs=None, parent=None, **kwargs)

Base class for device objects

This class provides attribute access to one or more Signals, which can be a mixture of read-only and writable. All must share the same base_name.

prefix : str, optional

The PV prefix for all components of the device

name : str, keyword only

The name of the device (as will be reported via read()`

kind : a member of the Kind IntEnum

(or equivalent integer), optional Default is Kind.normal. See Kind for options.

read_attrs : sequence of attribute names

DEPRECATED: the components to include in a normal reading (i.e., in read())

configuration_attrs : sequence of attribute names

DEPRECATED: the components to be read less often (i.e., in read_configuration()) and to adjust via configure()

parent : instance or None, optional

The instance of the parent device, if applicable

lazy_wait_for_connection : bool

When instantiating a lazy signal upon first access, wait for it to connect before returning control to the user. See also the context manager helpers: wait_for_lazy_connection and do_not_wait_for_lazy_connection.

__init__(prefix='', *, name, kind=None, read_attrs=None, configuration_attrs=None, parent=None, **kwargs)


__init__([prefix, kind, read_attrs, …])
add_instantiation_callback(callback[, …]) Register a callback which will receive each OphydObject instance.
check_value(value, **kwargs) Check if the value is valid for this object
clear_sub(cb[, event_type]) Remove a subscription, given the original callback function
configure(d, typing.Any]) Configure the device for something during a run
describe() Provide schema and meta-data for read().
describe_configuration() Provide schema & meta-data for read_configuration()
destroy() Disconnect and destroy all signals on the Device
get(**kwargs) Get the value of all components in the device
get_device_tuple() The device tuple type associated with an Device class
get_instantiated_signals(*[, attr_prefix]) Yields all of the instantiated signals in a device hierarchy
pause() Attempt to ‘pause’ the device.
put(dev_t, **kwargs) Put a value to all components of the device
read() Read data from the device.
read_configuration() Dictionary mapping names to value dicts with keys: value, timestamp
resume() Resume a device from a ‘paused’ state.
stage() Stage the device for data collection.
stop(*[, success]) Stop the Device and all (instantiated) subdevices
subscribe(callback[, event_type, run]) Subscribe to events this event_type generates.
trigger() Trigger the device and return status object.
unstage() Unstage the device.
unsubscribe(cid) Remove a subscription
wait_for_connection([all_signals, timeout]) Wait for signals to connect
walk_components() Walk all components in the Device hierarchy
walk_signals(*[, include_lazy]) Walk all signals in the Device hierarchy
walk_subdevice_classes() Walk all sub-Devices classes in the Device hierarchy
walk_subdevices(*[, include_lazy]) Walk all sub-Devices in the hierarchy