
class ophyd.areadetector.base.EpicsSignalWithRBV(prefix, **kwargs)
__init__(prefix, **kwargs)


__init__(prefix, **kwargs)
add_instantiation_callback(callback[, …]) Register a callback which will receive each OphydObject instance.
check_value(value) Check if the value is within the setpoint PV’s control limits
clear_sub(cb[, event_type]) Remove a subscription, given the original callback function
describe() Return the description as a dictionary
describe_configuration() Provide schema & meta-data for ~BlueskyInterface.read_configuration
get(*[, as_string, timeout, …]) Get the readback value through an explicit call to EPICS.
get_setpoint(*[, as_string, timeout, …]) Get the setpoint value (if setpoint PV and readback PV differ)
put(value[, force, connection_timeout, …]) Using channel access, set the write PV to value.
read() Put the status of the signal into a simple dictionary format
read_configuration() Dictionary mapping names to value dicts with keys: value, timestamp
set(value, *[, timeout, settle_time]) Set is like EpicsSignal.put, but is here for bluesky compatibility
set_defaults(*[, timeout, …]) Set class-wide defaults for EPICS CA communications
subscribe(callback[, event_type, run]) Subscribe to events this event_type generates.
trigger() Call that is used by bluesky prior to read()
unsubscribe(cid) Remove a subscription
wait_for_connection([timeout]) Wait for the underlying signals to initialize or connect