
class ophyd.areadetector.filestore_mixins.FileStoreTIFFSquashing(*args, images_per_set_name='images_per_set', number_of_sets_name='number_of_sets', cam_name='cam', proc_name='proc1', **kwargs)

Write out ‘squashed’ tiffs


See FileStoreBase for the rest of the required parametrs

This mixin will also configure the cam and proc plugins on the parent.

This is useful to work around the dynamic range of detectors and minimizing disk spaced used by synthetically increasing the exposure time of the saved images.


images_per_set_name, number_of_sets_name : str, optional

The names of the signals on the parent to get the images_pre_set and number_of_sets from.

The total number of frames extracted from the camera will be \(number\_of\_sets * images\_per\_set\) and result in number_of_sets tiff files each of which is the average of images_per_set frames from the detector.

Defaults to 'images_per_set' and 'number_of_sets'

cam_name : str, optional

The name of the CamBase instance on the parent.

Defaults to 'cam'

proc_name : str, optional

The name of the ProcessPlugin instance on the parent.

Defaults to 'proc1'


This class in cooperative and expected to particpate in multiple inheritance, all *args and extra **kwargs are passed up the MRO chain.

__init__(*args, images_per_set_name='images_per_set', number_of_sets_name='number_of_sets', cam_name='cam', proc_name='proc1', **kwargs)


__init__(*args[, images_per_set_name, …])
generate_datum(key, timestamp, datum_kwargs) Generate a uid and cache it with its key for later insertion.
make_filename() Make a filename.
pause(() -> None) Attempt to ‘pause’ the device.
resume(() -> None) Resume a device from a ‘paused’ state
trigger(() -> ophyd.status.StatusBase) Trigger the device and return status object