Processing Node Installation

Processing nodes need access to the data, as well as being able to run a processing script via ssh given LSDC collection ID and additional parameters, retrieve relevant experimental metadata, then run processing using standard data reduction programs.


  1. The most recent RHEL should be installed

  2. The following directories should be visible:

    • /nsls2/software/mx/daq

    • /nsls2/data/<tla> where <tla> = three-letter acronym for beamline (amx/fmx/nyx)


Use the “Schedule Remote Job” item in Explorer for the selected node(s) to run the following roles:

  • Conda/”Conda - Install custom conda env (lsdc-processing)”

  • Miscellaneous/”mx_software”

If this computer has not been set up before, firewall configuration may be necessary for communication to happen to the amostra, analysisstore, and conftrak services on xf17id2-srv2.

  • Test this by doing the following while on the NSLS-II network - if a connection is made, then port is already available:

    telnet xf17id2-srv2 7770

  • Ask your AST lead to update firewall settings to allow communication from your new node to ports 7770, 7771, 7773 on xf17id2-srv2