Source code for edrixs.utils

__all__ = ['beta_to_kelvin', 'kelvin_to_beta', 'boltz_dist', 'UJ_to_UdJH',
           'UdJH_to_UJ', 'UdJH_to_F0F2F4', 'UdJH_to_F0F2F4F6', 'F0F2F4_to_UdJH',
           'F0F2F4_to_UJ', 'F0F2F4F6_to_UdJH', 'CT_imp_bath',
           'CT_imp_bath_core_hole', 'info_atomic_shell',
           'case_to_shell_name', 'edge_to_shell_name', 'slater_integrals_name',
           'get_atom_data', 'rescale']

import numpy as np
import json
import pkg_resources

[docs]def beta_to_kelvin(beta): """ Convert :math:`\\beta` to Kelvin. Parameters ---------- beta: float Inversion temperature. Returns ------- T: float Temperature (K). """ kb = 8.6173303E-5 ev = 1.0 / float(beta) T = ev / kb return T
[docs]def kelvin_to_beta(k): """ Convert temperature from Kelvin to :math:`\\beta`. Parameters ---------- k: float Temperature in Kelvin. Returns ------- beta: float Inversion temperature. """ kb = 8.6173303E-5 beta = 1.0 / (kb * k) return beta
[docs]def boltz_dist(gs, T): """ Return Boltzmann distributition. Parameters ---------- gs: 1d float array Energy levels. T: float Temperature in Kelvin. Returns ------- res: 1d float array The Boltzmann distributition. """ tmp_gs = np.array(gs) beta = kelvin_to_beta(T) res = np.exp(-beta * (tmp_gs - min(tmp_gs))) / np.sum(np.exp(-beta * (tmp_gs - min(tmp_gs)))) return res
[docs]def UJ_to_UdJH(U, J): """ Given Kanamori :math:`U` and :math:`J`, return :math:`U_d` and :math:`J_H`, for :math:`t2g`-orbitals. Parameters ---------- U: float Coulomb interaction :math:`U`. J: float Hund's coupling :math:`J`. Returns ------- Ud: float Coulomb interaction :math:`U_d`. JH: float Hund's coupling :math:`J_{H}`. """ F2 = J / (3.0 / 49.0 + 20 * 0.625 / 441.0) F4 = 0.625 * F2 JH = (F2 + F4) / 14.0 Ud = U - 4.0 / 49.0 * (F2 + F4) return Ud, JH
[docs]def UdJH_to_UJ(Ud, JH): """ Given :math:`U_d` and :math:`J_H`, return Kanamori :math:`U` and :math:`J`, for :math:`t2g`-orbitals. Parameters ---------- Ud: float Coulomb interaction :math:`U_d`. JH: float Hund's coupling :math:`J_H`. Returns ------- U: float Coulomb interaction :math:`U` in Kanamori form. J: float Hund's coupling :math:`J` in Kanamori form. """ F2 = 14.0 / 1.625 * JH F4 = 0.625 * F2 J = 3.0 / 49.0 * F2 + 20 / 441.0 * F4 U = Ud + 4.0 / 49.0 * (F2 + F4) return U, J
[docs]def UdJH_to_F0F2F4(Ud, JH): """ Given :math:`U_d` and :math:`J_H`, return :math:`F_0`, :math:`F_2` and :math:`F_4`, for :math:`d`-orbitals. Parameters ---------- Ud: float Coulomb interaction :math:`U_d`. JH: float Hund's coupling :math:`J_H`. Returns ------- F0: float Slater integral :math:`F_0`. F2: float Slater integral :math:`F_2`. F4: float Slater integral :math:`F_4`. """ F0 = Ud F2 = 14 / 1.625 * JH F4 = 0.625 * F2 return F0, F2, F4
[docs]def UdJH_to_F0F2F4F6(Ud, JH): """ Given :math:`U_d` and :math:`J_H`, return :math:`F_0`, :math:`F_2`, :math:`F_4` and :math:`F_6`, for :math:`f`-orbitals. Parameters ---------- Ud: float Coulomb interaction :math:`U_d`. JH: float Hund's coupling :math:`J_H`. Returns ------- F0: float Slater integral :math:`F_0`. F2: float Slater integral :math:`F_2`. F4: float Slater integral :math:`F_4`. F6: float Slater integral :math:`F_6`. """ F0 = Ud F2 = 6435 / (286.0 + (195 * 451) / 675.0 + (250 * 1001) / 2025.0) * JH F4 = 451 / 675.0 * F2 F6 = 1001 / 2025.0 * F2 return F0, F2, F4, F6
[docs]def F0F2F4_to_UdJH(F0, F2, F4): """ Given :math:`F_0`, :math:`F_2` and :math:`F_4`, return :math:`U_d` and :math:`J_H`, for :math:`d`-orbitals. Parameters ---------- F0: float Slater integral :math:`F_0`. F2: float Slater integral :math:`F_2`. F4: float Slater integral :math:`F_4`. Returns ------- Ud: float Coulomb interaction :math:`U_d`. JH: float Hund's coupling :math:`J_H`. """ Ud = F0 JH = (F2 + F4) / 14.0 return Ud, JH
[docs]def F0F2F4_to_UJ(F0, F2, F4): """ Given :math:`F_0`, :math:`F_2` and :math:`F_4`, return :math:`U` and :math:`J`, for :math:`t2g`-orbitals. Parameters ---------- F0: float Slater integral :math:`F_0`. F2: float Slater integral :math:`F_2`. F4: float Slater integral :math:`F_4`. Returns ------- U: float Coulomb interaction :math:`U`. J: float Hund's coupling :math:`J`. """ U = F0 + 4.0 / 49.0 * (F2 + F4) J = 3.0 / 49.0 * F2 + 20 / 441.0 * F4 return U, J
[docs]def F0F2F4F6_to_UdJH(F0, F2, F4, F6): """ Given :math:`F_0`, :math:`F_2`, :math:`F_4` and :math:`F_6`, return :math:`U_d` and :math:`J_H`, for :math:`f`-orbitals. Parameters ---------- F0: float Slater integral :math:`F_0`. F2: float Slater integral :math:`F_2`. F4: float Slater integral :math:`F_4`. F6: float Slater integral :math:`F_6`. Returns ------- Ud: float Coulomb interaction :math:`U_d`. JH: float Hund's coupling :math:`J_H`. """ Ud = F0 JH = (286 * F2 + 195 * F4 + 250 * F6) / 6435.0 return Ud, JH
[docs]def CT_imp_bath(U_dd, Delta, n): """ Compute energies of the impurity and bath for an Anderson impurity or charge-transfer model appropriate for a :math:`d`-shell transition metal compound. Parameters ---------- U_dd: float Coulomb interaction :math:`U_{dd}` Delta: float Charge-transfer energy :math:`\\Delta` n : integer Number of electrons in the :math:`d`-shell Returns ------- E_d : float Energy of the impurity states :math:`E_d` E_L : float Energy of the bath states :math:`E_L` Notes ----- We credit our approach to Maurits Hakverkort, Heidelberg University. We define the state with a full set of bath orbitals to be zero energy and write the energy levels using the same definitions as [1]_ [2]_ [3]_. * :math:`d^{n}L^{10}` has energy :math:`0` * :math:`d^{n+1}L^9` has energy :math:`\\Delta` * :math:`d^{n+2}L^8` has energy :math:`2\\Delta + U_{dd}` Using this we can write and solve three linear equations to get :math:`E_d` and :math:`E_L` the energies of the impurity and bath. .. math:: \\begin{aligned} 10 E_L + n E_d + n(n-1) \\frac{U_{dd}}{2} &= 0 \\\\ 9 E_L + (n+1) E_d + (n+1)n \\frac{U_{dd}}{2} &= \\Delta \\\\ 8 E_L + (n+2) E_d + (n+1)(n+2) \\frac{U_{dd}}{2} &= 2\\Delta + U_{dd} \\end{aligned} The solutions are: .. math:: \\begin{aligned} E_d &= \\frac{10 \\Delta - n (19 + n) U_{dd}/2}{10 + n} \\\\ E_L &= \\frac{n ((1+n) U_{dd}/2-\\Delta)}{10 + n} \\end{aligned}. References ---------- .. [1] J. Zaanen, G. A. Sawatzky, and J. W. Allen `Phys. Rev. Lett. 55, 418 (1985) <>`_ .. [2] Maurits Haverkort et al., `Phys. Rev. B 85, 165113 (2012) <>`_ .. [3] A. E. Bocquet et al., `Phys. Rev. B 53, 1161 (1996) <>`_ """ E_d = (10*Delta - n*(19 + n)*U_dd/2)/(10 + n) E_L = n*((1 + n)*U_dd/2-Delta)/(10 + n) return E_d, E_L
[docs]def CT_imp_bath_core_hole(U_dd, U_pd, Delta, n): """ Compute energies of the impurity and bath for an Anderson impurity or charge-transfer model appropriate for a :math:`d`-shell transition metal compound with a core hole. Parameters ---------- U_dd: float Coulomb interaction :math:`U_{dd}` U_pd: float Coulomb interaction :math:`U_{pd}` Delta: float Charge-transfer energy :math:`\\Delta` n : integer Number of electrons in the :math:`d`-shell :math:`n` Returns ------- E_dc : float Energy of the impurity states :math:`E_{dc}` with a core hole E_Lc : float Energy of the bath states :math:`E_{Lc}` with a core hole E_p : float Energy of the core hole state :math:`E_\\textrm{E_p}` Notes ----- We credit our approach to Maurits Hakverkort, Heidelberg University. We define the state with a full set of bath orbitals to be zero energy and write the energy levels using the same definitions as [1]_ [2]_ [3]_. * :math:`2p^5 d^{n}L^{10}` has energy :math:`0` * :math:`2p^5 d^{n+1}L^9` has energy :math:`\\Delta + U_{dd} - U_{pd}` * :math:`2p^5 d^{n+2}L^8` has energy :math:`2\\Delta + 3 U_{dd} - 2 U_{pd}` Using this we can write and solve linear equations to get :math:`E_{dc}`, :math:`E_{Lc}` and :math:`E_p` the energies of the impurity and bath with a core hole and the energy of the core hole. .. math:: \\begin{aligned} 6 E_p + 10 E_{Lc} + n E_{dc} + n(n-1) \\frac{U_{dd}}{2} + 6 n U_{pd} &= 0 \\\\ 6 E_p + 9 E_{Lc} + (n+1) E_{dc} + (n+1)n \\frac{U_{dd}}{2} + 6 (n+1) U_{pd} &= \\Delta \\\\ 6 E_p + 8 E_{Lc} + (n+2) E_{d} + (n+1)(n+2) \\frac{U_{dd}}{2} + 6 (n+2) U_{pd} &= 2 \\Delta+U_{dd} \\\\ 5 E_p + 10 E_{Lc} + (n+1) E_{d} + (n+1) n \\frac{U_{dd}}{2} + 5 (n+1) U_{pd} &= 0 \\\\ 5 E_p + 9 E_{Lc} + (n+2) E_{dc} + (n+2)(n+1) \\frac{U_{dd}}{2} + 5 (n+2) U_{pd} &= \\Delta+U_{dd}-U_{pd} \\\\ 5 E_p + 8 E_{Lc} + (n+3) E_{dc} + (n+3)(n+2) \\frac{U_{dd}}{2} + 5 (n+3) U_{pd} &= 2 \\Delta+3 U_{dd}-2 U_{pd} \\end{aligned} The solutions are: .. math:: \\begin{aligned} E_{dc} &= \\frac{10 \\Delta - n (31+n) \\frac{U_{dd}}{2}-90 U_{pd}}{16+n} \\\\ E_{Lc} &= \\frac{(1+n) (n \\frac{U_{dd}}{2}+6*U_{pd})-(6+n) \\Delta}{16+n} \\\\ E_p &= \\frac{10 \\Delta + (1+n)(n\\frac{U_{dd}}{2}-(10+n)*U_{pd}}{16+n} \\end{aligned} References ---------- .. [1] J. Zaanen, G. A. Sawatzky, and J. W. Allen `Phys. Rev. Lett. 55, 418 (1985) <>`_ .. [2] Maurits Haverkort et al., `Phys. Rev. B 85, 165113 (2012) <>`_ .. [3] A. E. Bocquet et al., `Phys. Rev. B 53, 1161 (1996) <>`_ """ E_dc = (10*Delta - n*(31 + n)*U_dd/2 - 90*U_pd) / (16 + n) E_Lc = ((1 + n)*(n*U_dd/2 + 6*U_pd) - (6 + n)*Delta) / (16 + n) E_p = (10*Delta + (1 + n)*(n*U_dd/2 - (10 + n)*U_pd)) / (16 + n) return E_dc, E_Lc, E_p
[docs]def info_atomic_shell(): """ Return a dict to describe the information of atomic shell. The key is a string of the shell's name, the value is a 2-elments tuple, the first value is the orbital angular moment number and the second value is the dimension of the Hilbert space. Returns ------- info: dict The dict describing info of atomic shell. """ info = {'s': (0, 2), 'p': (1, 6), 'p12': (1, 2), 'p32': (1, 4), 't2g': (2, 6), 'd': (2, 10), 'd32': (2, 4), 'd52': (2, 6), 'f': (3, 14), 'f52': (3, 6), 'f72': (3, 8) } return info
[docs]def case_to_shell_name(case): """ Return the shell names for different cases. Parameters ---------- case: string A string describing the shells included. Returns ------- shell_name: tuple of one or two strings The name of shells. Examples -------- >>> import edrixs >>> edrixs.case_to_shell_name('d') ('d',) >>> edrixs.case_to_shell_name('t2gp32') ('t2g', 'p32') """ shell = ['s', 'p', 'p12', 'p32', 't2g', 'd', 'd32', 'd52', 'f', 'f52', 'f72'] shell_name = {} for str1 in shell: shell_name[str1] = (str1,) for str1 in shell: for str2 in shell: shell_name[str1+str2] = (str1, str2) return shell_name[case.strip()]
[docs]def edge_to_shell_name(edge_name, with_main_qn=False): """ Given edge name, return shell name. If one needs to include both spin-orbit split edges of one shell, one can use string, for example, 'L23' means both L2 and L3 edges are considered in the calculations, and the shell name will be 'p'. Parameters ---------- edge_name: string Standard edge name. with_main_qn: logical If true, the shell name will include the main quantum number. Returns ------- shell_name: string Shell name. - with_main_qn=True, shell_name will include the main quantum number, for example, *2p* - with_main_qn=False, shell_name will not include the main quantum number, for example, *p* """ shell_name = { 'K': ('s', '1s'), 'L1': ('s', '2s'), 'L2': ('p12', '2p12'), 'L3': ('p32', '2p32'), 'L23': ('p', '2p'), 'M1': ('s', '3s'), 'M2': ('p12', '3p12'), 'M3': ('p32', '3p32'), 'M23': ('p', '3p'), 'M4': ('d32', '3d32'), 'M5': ('d52', '3d52'), 'M45': ('d', '3d'), 'N1': ('s', '4s'), 'N2': ('p12', '4p12'), 'N3': ('p32', '4p32'), 'N23': ('p', '4p'), 'N4': ('d32', '4d32'), 'N5': ('d52', '4d52'), 'N45': ('d', '4d'), 'N6': ('f52', '4f52'), 'N7': ('f72', '4f72'), 'N67': ('f', '4f'), 'O1': ('s', '5s'), 'O2': ('p12', '5p12'), 'O3': ('p32', '5p32'), 'O23': ('p', '5p'), 'O4': ('d32', '5d32'), 'O5': ('d52', '5d52'), 'O45': ('d', '5d'), 'P1': ('s', '6s'), 'P2': ('p12', '6p12'), 'P3': ('p32', '6p32'), 'P23': ('p', '6p') } if with_main_qn: return shell_name[edge_name.strip()][1] else: return shell_name[edge_name.strip()][0]
[docs]def slater_integrals_name(shell_name, label=None): """ Given shell names, return the names of required Slater integrals. The order of these names in the return list is according to the convention: - For 1 shell: [FX_11] - For 2 shells: [FX_11, FX_12, GX_12, FX_22] - For 3 shells: [FX_11, FX_12, GX_12, FX_22, FX_13, GX_13, FX_23, GX_23, FX_33] where, X=0, 2, 4, 6, or X=1, 3, 5, X shoule be in ascending order. Parameters ---------- shell_name: tuple of strings Name of shells. Its length should be less and equal than 3. label: tuple of strings Label of shells, same shape as shell_name. If not provided, label will be set to - label=(1,) for one shell, or - label=(1,2) for two shells, or - label=(1,2,3) for three shells Returns ------- res: list of strings Names of Slater integrals. """ info = info_atomic_shell() # one shell if len(shell_name) == 1: res = [] l1 = info[shell_name[0]][0] if label is not None: x = label[0] else: x = '1' res.extend(['F' + str(i) + '_' + x + x for i in range(0, 2*l1+1, 2)]) elif len(shell_name) == 2: res = [] l1 = info[shell_name[0]][0] l2 = info[shell_name[1]][0] if label is not None: x, y = label[0], label[1] else: x, y = '1', '2' res.extend(['F' + str(i) + '_' + x + x for i in range(0, 2*l1+1, 2)]) res.extend(['F' + str(i) + '_' + x + y for i in range(0, min(2*l1, 2*l2)+1, 2)]) res.extend(['G' + str(i) + '_' + x + y for i in range(abs(l1-l2), l1+l2+1, 2)]) res.extend(['F' + str(i) + '_' + y + y for i in range(0, 2*l2+1, 2)]) elif len(shell_name) == 3: res = [] l1 = info[shell_name[0]][0] l2 = info[shell_name[1]][0] l3 = info[shell_name[2]][0] if label is not None: x, y, z = label[0], label[1], label[2] else: x, y, z = '1', '2', '3' res.extend(['F' + str(i) + '_' + x + x for i in range(0, 2*l1+1, 2)]) res.extend(['F' + str(i) + '_' + x + y for i in range(0, min(2*l1, 2*l2)+1, 2)]) res.extend(['G' + str(i) + '_' + x + y for i in range(abs(l1-l2), l1+l2+1, 2)]) res.extend(['F' + str(i) + '_' + y + y for i in range(0, 2*l2+1, 2)]) res.extend(['F' + str(i) + '_' + x + z for i in range(0, min(2*l1, 2*l3)+1, 2)]) res.extend(['G' + str(i) + '_' + x + z for i in range(abs(l1-l3), l1+l3+1, 2)]) res.extend(['F' + str(i) + '_' + y + z for i in range(0, min(2*l2, 2*l3)+1, 2)]) res.extend(['G' + str(i) + '_' + y + z for i in range(abs(l2-l3), l2+l3+1, 2)]) res.extend(['F' + str(i) + '_' + z + z for i in range(0, 2*l3+1, 2)]) else: raise Exception("Not implemented for this case: ", shell_name) return res
[docs]def get_atom_data(atom, v_name, v_noccu, edge=None, trans_to_which=1, label=None): """ Return Slater integrals, spin-orbit coupling strength, edge energy and core hole life-time broadening for an atom with given type of valence shells, occupancy of valence shells and the x-ray resonant edge. The Slater integrals and spin-orbit coupling are calculated by Cowan's code ( based on Hartree-Fock approximation. These numbers are just initial guess and serve as a start point, you need to rescale them to reproduce your XAS or RIXS spectra. NOTE: F0 is not calculated by Cowan's code, they are all set to be zero, you need to set F0 by yourself. Parameters ---------- atom: string Name of atom, for example, 'Ni', 'Cu', 'Ir', 'U'. v_name: a string or a tuple of one or two strings Names of one or two valence shells. Set it to a single string if there is only one valence shell, or set it to a tuple of two strings if there are two valence shells. For example, *v_name='3d'*, *v_name=('3d', '4p')* v_noccu: a int or a tuple of one or two ints Occupancy of valence shells before x-ray absorption (without a core hole). Set it to a single int if there is only one valence shell, or set it to a tuple of two ints if there are two valence shells. The order should be consistent with that in v_name. For example, *v_name='3d', v_noccu=8*, *v_name=('3d', '4p'), v_noccu=(8, 0)*. edge: a string X-ray resonant edge. If edge is not None, both the information of the initial (without a core hole) and intermediate (with a core hole) Hamiltonians will be returned, otherwise, only the information of the initial Hamiltonian will be returned. It can be, - K, L1, L2, L3, M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, N1, N2, N3, N4, N5, N6, N7, O1, O2, O3, O4, O5, P1, P2, P3 - L23 (both L2 and L3), M23 (both M2 and M3), M45 (both M4 and M5) N23 (both N2 and N3), N45 (both N4 and N5), N67 (both N6 and N7) O23 (both O2 and O3), O45 (both O4 and O5), P23 (both P2 and P3) trans_to_which: int If there are two valence shells, this variable is used to indicate which valence shell the photon transition happens. - 1: to the first valence shell - 2: to the second valence shell label: a string or tuple of strings User-defined symbols to label the names of Slater integrals. - one element, for the valence shell - two elements, 1st (2nd)-element for the 1st (2nd) valence shells or 1st-element for the 1st valence shell and the 2nd one for the core shell. - three elements, the 1st (2nd)-element is for the 1st (2nd) valence shell, the 3rd one is for the core shell Returns ------- res: dict Atomic data. A dict likes this if edge is None: .. code-block:: python res={ 'slater_i': [(name of slater integrals, vaule of slater integrals), (), ...], 'v_soc': [list of SOC for each atomic shell in v_name], } otherwise, .. code-block:: python res={ 'slater_i': [(name of slater integrals, value of slater integrals), (), ...], 'slater_n': [(name of slater integrals, value of slater integrals), (), ...], 'v_soc': [list of SOC for each atomic shell in v_name], 'c_soc': SOC of core shell, 'edge_ene': [list of edge energy, 2 elements if edge is any of "L23, M23, M45, N23, N45, N67, O23, O45, P23", othewise only 1 element], 'gamma_c': [list of core hole life-time broadening, 2 elements if edge is any of "L23, M23, M45, N23, N45, N67, O23, O45, P23", othewise only 1 element], } Examples -------- >>> import edrixs >>> res = edrixs.get_atom_data('Ni', v_name='3d', v_noccu=8) >>> res {'slater_i': [('F0_11', 0.0), ('F2_11', 13.886), ('F4_11', 8.67)], 'v_soc_i': [0.112]} >>> name, slater = [list(i) for i in zip(*res['slater_i'])] >>> name ['F0_11', 'F2_11', 'F4_11'] >>> slater [0.0, 13.886, 8.67] >>> slater = [i * 0.8 for i in slater] >>> slater[0] = edrixs.get_F0('d', slater[1], slater[2]) >>> slater [0.5728507936507936, 11.1088, 6.936] >>> import edrixs >>> res=edrixs.get_atom_data('Ni', v_name='3d', v_noccu=8, edge='L3', label=('d', 'p')) >>> res {'slater_i': [('F0_dd', 0.0), ('F2_dd', 12.234), ('F4_dd', 7.598)], 'v_soc_i': [0.083], 'slater_n': [('F0_dd', 0.0), ('F2_dd', 12.234), ('F4_dd', 7.598), ('F0_dp', 0.0), ('F2_dp', 7.721), ('G1_dp', 5.787), ('G3_dp', 3.291), ('F0_pp', 0.0), ('F2_pp', 0.0)], 'v_soc_n': [0.102], 'c_soc': 11.507, 'edge_ene': [852.7], 'gamma_c': [0.275]} >>> name_i, slater_i = [list(i) for i in zip(*res['slater_i'])] >>> name_n, slater_n = [list(i) for i in zip(*res['slater_n'])] >>> name_i ['F0_dd', 'F2_dd', 'F4_dd'] >>> slater_i [0.0, 12.234, 7.598] >>> name_n ['F0_dd', 'F2_dd', 'F4_dd', 'F0_dp', 'F2_dp', 'G1_dp', 'G3_dp', 'F0_pp', 'F2_pp'] >>> slater_n [0.0, 12.234, 7.598, 0.0, 7.721, 5.787, 3.291, 0.0, 0.0] >>> slater_n[0] = edrixs.get_F0('d', slater_n[1], slater_n[2]) >>> slater_n[3] = edrixs.get_F0('dp', slater_n[5], slater_n[6]) >>> slater_n [0.6295873015873016, 12.234, 7.598, 0.5268428571428572, 7.721, 5.787, 3.291, 0.0, 0.0] >>> import edrixs >>> import collections >>> res=edrixs.get_atom_data('Ni', v_name=('3d', '4p'), v_noccu=(8, 0), ... edge='K', trans_to_which=2, label=('d', 'p', 's')) >>> res {'slater_i': [('F0_dd', 0.0), ('F2_dd', 12.234), ('F4_dd', 7.598), ('F0_dp', 0.0), ('F2_dp', 0.0), ('G1_dp', 0.0), ('G3_dp', 0.0), ('F0_pp', 0.0), ('F2_pp', 0.0)], 'v_soc_i': [0.083, 0.0], 'slater_n': [('F0_dd', 0.0), ('F2_dd', 13.851), ('F4_dd', 8.643), ('F0_dp', 0.0), ('F2_dp', 2.299), ('G1_dp', 0.828), ('G3_dp', 0.713), ('F0_pp', 0.0), ('F2_pp', 0.0), ('F0_ds', 0.0), ('G2_ds', 0.079), ('F0_ps', 0.0), ('G1_ps', 0.194), ('F0_ss', 0.0)], 'v_soc_n': [0.113, 0.093], 'c_soc': 0.0, 'edge_ene': [8333.0], 'gamma_c': [0.81]} >>> slat_i = collections.OrderedDict(res['slater_i']) >>> slat_n = collections.OrderedDict(res['slater_n']) >>> list(slat_i.keys()) ['F0_dd', 'F2_dd', 'F4_dd', 'F0_dp', 'F2_dp', 'G1_dp', 'G3_dp', 'F0_pp', 'F2_pp'] >>> list(slat_i.values()) [0.0, 12.234, 7.598, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] >>> list(slat_n.keys()) ['F0_dd', 'F2_dd', 'F4_dd', 'F0_dp', 'F2_dp', 'G1_dp', 'G3_dp', 'F0_pp', 'F2_pp', 'F0_ds', 'G2_ds', 'F0_ps', 'G1_ps', 'F0_ss'] >>> list(slat_n.values()) [0.0, 13.851, 8.643, 0.0, 2.299, 0.828, 0.713, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.079, 0.0, 0.194, 0.0] """ c_norb = {'s': 2, 'p': 6, 'd': 10, 'f': 14} atom = atom.strip() avail_atoms = ['Ti', 'V', 'Cr', 'Mn', 'Fe', 'Co', 'Ni', 'Cu', 'Re', 'Os', 'Ir', 'Sm', 'U', 'Pu'] avail_shells = ['1s', '2s', '2p', '3s', '3p', '3d', '4s', '4p', '4d', '4f', '5s', '5p', '5d', '5f', '6s', '6p', '6d'] if atom not in avail_atoms: raise Exception("Atom data is Not available for this atom: ", atom) if not isinstance(v_name, (list, tuple)): v_name = (v_name,) if not isinstance(v_noccu, (list, tuple)): v_noccu = (v_noccu,) if label is not None: if not isinstance(label, (list, tuple)): label = (label,) if len(v_name) != len(v_noccu): raise Exception("The shape of v_name is not same as noccu") for ishell in v_name: if ishell not in avail_shells: raise Exception("Not available for this shell: ", ishell) fname = pkg_resources.resource_filename('edrixs', 'atom_data/'+atom+'.json') with open(fname, 'r') as f: atom_dict = json.load(f) res = {} shell_name = [] for name in v_name: shell_name.append(name[-1]) if label is not None: my_label = label[0:len(shell_name)] else: my_label = None slater_name = slater_integrals_name(shell_name, label=my_label) if len(v_name) == 1: case = v_name[0] + str(v_noccu[0]) else: case = v_name[0] + str(v_noccu[0]) + '_' + v_name[1] + str(v_noccu[1]) if case not in atom_dict: raise Exception("This configuration is not available in atom_data", case) nslat = len(slater_name) slater_i = [0.0] * nslat tmp = atom_dict[case]['slater'] slater_i[0:len(tmp)] = tmp res['slater_i'] = list(zip(slater_name, slater_i)) res['v_soc_i'] = atom_dict[case]['soc'] if edge is not None: edge = edge.strip() edge_name = edge_to_shell_name(edge, with_main_qn=True) shell_name = [] for name in v_name: shell_name.append(name[-1]) shell_name.append(edge_name[1:2]) if label is not None: my_label = label[0:len(shell_name)] else: my_label = None slater_name = slater_integrals_name(shell_name, label=my_label) if len(v_name) == 1: case = (v_name[0] + str(v_noccu[0]+1) + '_' + edge_name[0:2] + str(c_norb[edge_name[1]]-1)) else: if trans_to_which == 1: case = (v_name[0] + str(v_noccu[0]+1) + '_' + v_name[1] + str(v_noccu[1]) + '_' + edge_name[0:2] + str(c_norb[edge_name[1]]-1)) else: case = (v_name[0] + str(v_noccu[0]) + '_' + v_name[1] + str(v_noccu[1]+1) + '_' + edge_name[0:2] + str(c_norb[edge_name[1]]-1)) if case not in atom_dict: raise Exception("This configuration is currently not available in atom_data", case) nslat = len(slater_name) slater_n = [0.0] * nslat tmp = atom_dict[case]['slater'] slater_n[0:len(tmp)] = tmp res['slater_n'] = list(zip(slater_name, slater_n)) res['v_soc_n'] = atom_dict[case]['soc'][0:-1] res['c_soc'] = atom_dict[case]['soc'][-1] res['edge_ene'] = atom_dict[edge]['ene'] res['gamma_c'] = [i / 2 for i in atom_dict[edge]['gamma']] return res
[docs]def rescale(old_list, scale=None): """ Rescale a 1d list. Parameters ---------- old_list: 1d list of numerical values Input list. scale: a list of tuples The scaling factors. Returns ------- new_list: 1d list The rescaled list. """ new_list = [i for i in old_list] if scale is not None: for pos, val in zip(scale[0], scale[1]): new_list[pos] = new_list[pos] * val return new_list