Source code for edrixs.solvers

__all__ = ['ed_1v1c_py', 'xas_1v1c_py', 'rixs_1v1c_py',
           'ed_1v1c_fort', 'xas_1v1c_fort', 'rixs_1v1c_fort',
           'ed_2v1c_fort', 'xas_2v1c_fort', 'rixs_2v1c_fort',
           'ed_siam_fort', 'xas_siam_fort', 'rixs_siam_fort']

import numpy as np
import scipy

from .iostream import (
    write_tensor, write_emat, write_umat, write_config, read_poles_from_file
from .angular_momentum import (
    get_sx, get_sy, get_sz, get_lx, get_ly, get_lz, rmat_to_euler, get_wigner_dmat
from .photon_transition import (
    get_trans_oper, quadrupole_polvec, dipole_polvec_xas, dipole_polvec_rixs, unit_wavevector
from .coulomb_utensor import get_umat_slater, get_umat_slater_3shells
from .manybody_operator import two_fermion, four_fermion
from .fock_basis import get_fock_bin_by_N, write_fock_dec_by_N
from .basis_transform import cb_op2, tmat_r2c, cb_op
from .utils import info_atomic_shell, slater_integrals_name, boltz_dist
from .rixs_utils import scattering_mat
from .plot_spectrum import get_spectra_from_poles, merge_pole_dicts
from .soc import atom_hsoc

[docs]def ed_1v1c_py(shell_name, *, shell_level=None, v_soc=None, c_soc=0, v_noccu=1, slater=None, ext_B=None, on_which='spin', v_cfmat=None, v_othermat=None, loc_axis=None, verbose=0): """ Perform ED for the case of two atomic shells, one valence plus one Core shell with pure Python solver. For example, for Ni-:math:`L_3` edge RIXS, they are 3d valence and 2p core shells. It will use scipy.linalag.eigh to exactly diagonalize both the initial and intermediate Hamiltonians to get all the eigenvalues and eigenvectors, and the transition operators will be built in the many-body eigenvector basis. This solver is only suitable for small size of Hamiltonian, typically the dimension of both initial and intermediate Hamiltonian are smaller than 10,000. Parameters ---------- shell_name: tuple of two strings Names of valence and core shells. The 1st (2nd) string in the tuple is for the valence (core) shell. - The 1st string can only be 's', 'p', 't2g', 'd', 'f', - The 2nd string can be 's', 'p', 'p12', 'p32', 'd', 'd32', 'd52', 'f', 'f52', 'f72'. For example: shell_name=('d', 'p32') indicates a :math:`L_3` edge transition from core :math:`p_{3/2}` shell to valence :math:`d` shell. shell_level: tuple of two float numbers Energy level of valence (1st element) and core (2nd element) shells. They will be set to zero if not provided. v_soc: tuple of two float numbers Spin-orbit coupling strength of valence electrons, for the initial (1st element) and intermediate (2nd element) Hamiltonians. They will be set to zero if not provided. c_soc: a float number Spin-orbit coupling strength of core electrons. v_noccu: int number Number of electrons in valence shell. slater: tuple of two lists Slater integrals for initial (1st list) and intermediate (2nd list) Hamiltonians. The order of the elements in each list should be like this: [FX_vv, FX_vc, GX_vc, FX_cc], where X are integers with ascending order, it can be X=0, 2, 4, 6 or X=1, 3, 5. One can ignore all the continuous zeros at the end of the list. For example, if the full list is: [F0_dd, F2_dd, F4_dd, 0, F2_dp, 0, 0, 0, 0], one can just provide [F0_dd, F2_dd, F4_dd, 0, F2_dp] All the Slater integrals will be set to zero if slater=None. ext_B: tuple of three float numbers Vector of external magnetic field with respect to global :math:`xyz`-axis. They will be set to zero if not provided. on_which: string Apply Zeeman exchange field on which sector. Options are 'spin', 'orbital' or 'both'. v_cfmat: 2d complex array Crystal field splitting Hamiltonian of valence electrons. The dimension and the orbital order should be consistent with the type of valence shell. They will be zeros if not provided. v_othermat: 2d complex array Other possible Hamiltonian of valence electrons. The dimension and the orbital order should be consistent with the type of valence shell. They will be zeros if not provided. loc_axis: 3*3 float array The local axis with respect to which local orbitals are defined. - x: local_axis[:,0], - y: local_axis[:,1], - z: local_axis[:,2]. It will be an identity matrix if not provided. verbose: int Level of writting data to files. Hopping matrices, Coulomb tensors, eigvenvalues will be written if verbose > 0. Returns ------- eval_i: 1d float array The eigenvalues of initial Hamiltonian. eval_n: 1d float array The eigenvalues of intermediate Hamiltonian. trans_op: 3d complex array The matrices of transition operators in the eigenvector basis. Their components are defined with respect to the global :math:`xyz`-axis. """ print("edrixs >>> Running ED ...") v_name_options = ['s', 'p', 't2g', 'd', 'f'] c_name_options = ['s', 'p', 'p12', 'p32', 't2g', 'd', 'd32', 'd52', 'f', 'f52', 'f72'] v_name = shell_name[0].strip() c_name = shell_name[1].strip() if v_name not in v_name_options: raise Exception("NOT supported type of valence shell: ", v_name) if c_name not in c_name_options: raise Exception("NOT supported type of core shell: ", c_name) info_shell = info_atomic_shell() # Quantum numbers of angular momentum v_orbl = info_shell[v_name][0] # number of orbitals including spin degree of freedom v_norb = info_shell[v_name][1] c_norb = info_shell[c_name][1] # total number of orbitals ntot = v_norb + c_norb emat_i = np.zeros((ntot, ntot), dtype=complex) emat_n = np.zeros((ntot, ntot), dtype=complex) # Coulomb interaction # Get the names of all the required slater integrals slater_name = slater_integrals_name((v_name, c_name), ('v', 'c')) nslat = len(slater_name) slater_i = np.zeros(nslat, dtype=float) slater_n = np.zeros(nslat, dtype=float) if slater is not None: if nslat > len(slater[0]): slater_i[0:len(slater[0])] = slater[0] else: slater_i[:] = slater[0][0:nslat] if nslat > len(slater[1]): slater_n[0:len(slater[1])] = slater[1] else: slater_n[:] = slater[1][0:nslat] # print summary of slater integrals print() print(" Summary of Slater integrals:") print(" ------------------------------") print(" Terms, Initial Hamiltonian, Intermediate Hamiltonian") for i in range(nslat): print(" ", slater_name[i], ": {:20.10f}{:20.10f}".format(slater_i[i], slater_n[i])) print() case = v_name + c_name umat_i = get_umat_slater(case, *slater_i) umat_n = get_umat_slater(case, *slater_n) if verbose > 0: write_umat(umat_i, '') write_umat(umat_n, '') # SOC if v_soc is not None: emat_i[0:v_norb, 0:v_norb] += atom_hsoc(v_name, v_soc[0]) emat_n[0:v_norb, 0:v_norb] += atom_hsoc(v_name, v_soc[1]) # when the core-shell is any of p12, p32, d32, d52, f52, f72, # do not need to add SOC for core shell if c_name in ['p', 'd', 'f']: emat_n[v_norb:ntot, v_norb:ntot] += atom_hsoc(c_name, c_soc) # crystal field if v_cfmat is not None: emat_i[0:v_norb, 0:v_norb] += np.array(v_cfmat) emat_n[0:v_norb, 0:v_norb] += np.array(v_cfmat) # other hopping matrix if v_othermat is not None: emat_i[0:v_norb, 0:v_norb] += np.array(v_othermat) emat_n[0:v_norb, 0:v_norb] += np.array(v_othermat) # energy of shells if shell_level is not None: emat_i[0:v_norb, 0:v_norb] += np.eye(v_norb) * shell_level[0] emat_i[v_norb:ntot, v_norb:ntot] += np.eye(c_norb) * shell_level[1] emat_n[0:v_norb, 0:v_norb] += np.eye(v_norb) * shell_level[0] emat_n[v_norb:ntot, v_norb:ntot] += np.eye(c_norb) * shell_level[1] # external magnetic field if v_name == 't2g': lx, ly, lz = get_lx(1, True), get_ly(1, True), get_lz(1, True) sx, sy, sz = get_sx(1), get_sy(1), get_sz(1) lx, ly, lz = -lx, -ly, -lz else: lx, ly, lz = get_lx(v_orbl, True), get_ly(v_orbl, True), get_lz(v_orbl, True) sx, sy, sz = get_sx(v_orbl), get_sy(v_orbl), get_sz(v_orbl) if ext_B is not None: if on_which.strip() == 'spin': zeeman = ext_B[0] * (2 * sx) + ext_B[1] * (2 * sy) + ext_B[2] * (2 * sz) elif on_which.strip() == 'orbital': zeeman = ext_B[0] * lx + ext_B[1] * ly + ext_B[2] * lz elif on_which.strip() == 'both': zeeman = ext_B[0] * (lx + 2 * sx) + ext_B[1] * (ly + 2 * sy) + ext_B[2] * (lz + 2 * sz) else: raise Exception("Unknown value of on_which", on_which) emat_i[0:v_norb, 0:v_norb] += zeeman emat_n[0:v_norb, 0:v_norb] += zeeman if verbose > 0: write_emat(emat_i, '') write_emat(emat_n, '') basis_i = get_fock_bin_by_N(v_norb, v_noccu, c_norb, c_norb) basis_n = get_fock_bin_by_N(v_norb, v_noccu+1, c_norb, c_norb - 1) ncfg_i, ncfg_n = len(basis_i), len(basis_n) print("edrixs >>> Dimension of the initial Hamiltonian: ", ncfg_i) print("edrixs >>> Dimension of the intermediate Hamiltonian: ", ncfg_n) # Build many-body Hamiltonian in Fock basis print("edrixs >>> Building Many-body Hamiltonians ...") hmat_i = np.zeros((ncfg_i, ncfg_i), dtype=complex) hmat_n = np.zeros((ncfg_n, ncfg_n), dtype=complex) hmat_i[:, :] += two_fermion(emat_i, basis_i, basis_i) hmat_i[:, :] += four_fermion(umat_i, basis_i) hmat_n[:, :] += two_fermion(emat_n, basis_n, basis_n) hmat_n[:, :] += four_fermion(umat_n, basis_n) print("edrixs >>> Done !") # Do exact-diagonalization to get eigenvalues and eigenvectors print("edrixs >>> Exact Diagonalization of Hamiltonians ...") eval_i, evec_i = scipy.linalg.eigh(hmat_i) eval_n, evec_n = scipy.linalg.eigh(hmat_n) print("edrixs >>> Done !") if verbose > 0: write_tensor(eval_i, 'eval_i.dat') write_tensor(eval_n, 'eval_n.dat') # Build dipolar transition operators in local-xyz axis if loc_axis is not None: local_axis = np.array(loc_axis) else: local_axis = np.eye(3) tmp = get_trans_oper(case) npol, n, m = tmp.shape tmp_g = np.zeros((npol, n, m), dtype=complex) # Transform the transition operators to global-xyz axis # dipolar transition if npol == 3: for i in range(3): for j in range(3): tmp_g[i] += local_axis[i, j] * tmp[j] # quadrupolar transition elif npol == 5: alpha, beta, gamma = rmat_to_euler(local_axis) wignerD = get_wigner_dmat(4, alpha, beta, gamma) rotmat ='d'), wignerD), np.conj(np.transpose(tmat_r2c('d')))) for i in range(5): for j in range(5): tmp_g[i] += rotmat[i, j] * tmp[j] else: raise Exception("Have NOT implemented this case: ", npol) tmp2 = np.zeros((npol, ntot, ntot), dtype=complex) trans_op = np.zeros((npol, ncfg_n, ncfg_i), dtype=complex) for i in range(npol): tmp2[i, 0:v_norb, v_norb:ntot] = tmp_g[i] trans_op[i] = two_fermion(tmp2[i], basis_n, basis_i) trans_op[i] = cb_op2(trans_op[i], evec_n, evec_i) print("edrixs >>> ED Done !") return eval_i, eval_n, trans_op
[docs]def xas_1v1c_py(eval_i, eval_n, trans_op, ominc, *, gamma_c=0.1, thin=1.0, phi=0, pol_type=None, gs_list=None, temperature=1.0, scatter_axis=None): """ Calculate XAS for the case of one valence shell plus one core shell with Python solver. This solver is only suitable for small size of Hamiltonian, typically the dimension of both initial and intermediate Hamiltonian are smaller than 10,000. Parameters ---------- eval_i: 1d float array The eigenvalues of the initial Hamiltonian. eval_n: 1d float array The eigenvalues of the intermediate Hamiltonian. trans_op: 3d complex array The transition operators in the eigenstates basis. ominc: 1d float array Incident energy of photon. gamma_c: a float number or a 1d float array with the same shape as ominc. The core-hole life-time broadening factor. It can be a constant value or incident energy dependent. thin: float number The incident angle of photon (in radian). phi: float number Azimuthal angle (in radian), defined with respect to the :math:`x`-axis of the scattering axis: scatter_axis[:,0]. pol_type: list of tuples Type of polarization, options can be: - ('linear', alpha), linear polarization, where alpha is the angle between the polarization vector and the scattering plane in radians. - ('left', 0), left circular polarization. - ('right', 0), right circular polarization. - ('isotropic', 0). isotropic polarization. It will set pol_type=[('isotropic', 0)] if not provided. gs_list: 1d list of ints The indices of initial states which will be used in XAS calculations. It will set gs_list=[0] if not provided. temperature: float number Temperature (in K) for boltzmann distribution. scatter_axis: 3*3 float array The local axis defining the scattering plane. The scattering plane is defined in the local :math:`zx`-plane. local :math:`x`-axis: scatter_axis[:,0] local :math:`y`-axis: scatter_axis[:,1] local :math:`z`-axis: scatter_axis[:,2] It will be set to an identity matrix if not provided. Returns ------- xas: 2d float array The calculated XAS spectra. The 1st dimension is for the incident energy, and the 2nd dimension is for different polarizations. """ print("edrixs >>> Running XAS ...") n_om = len(ominc) npol, ncfg_n = trans_op.shape[0], trans_op.shape[1] if pol_type is None: pol_type = [('isotropic', 0)] if gs_list is None: gs_list = [0] if scatter_axis is None: scatter_axis = np.eye(3) else: scatter_axis = np.array(scatter_axis) xas = np.zeros((n_om, len(pol_type)), dtype=float) gamma_core = np.zeros(n_om, dtype=float) prob = boltz_dist([eval_i[i] for i in gs_list], temperature) if np.isscalar(gamma_c): gamma_core[:] = np.ones(n_om) * gamma_c else: gamma_core[:] = gamma_c kvec = unit_wavevector(thin, phi, scatter_axis, 'in') for i, om in enumerate(ominc): for it, (pt, alpha) in enumerate(pol_type): if pt.strip() not in ['left', 'right', 'linear', 'isotropic']: raise Exception("Unknown polarization type: ", pt) polvec = np.zeros(npol, dtype=complex) if pt.strip() == 'left' or pt.strip() == 'right' or pt.strip() == 'linear': pol = dipole_polvec_xas(thin, phi, alpha, scatter_axis, pt) if npol == 3: # dipolar transition polvec[:] = pol if npol == 5: # quadrupolar transition polvec[:] = quadrupole_polvec(pol, kvec) # loop over all the initial states for j, igs in enumerate(gs_list): if pt.strip() == 'isotropic': for k in range(npol): xas[i, it] += ( prob[j] * np.sum(np.abs(trans_op[k, :, igs])**2 * gamma_core[i] / np.pi / ((om - (eval_n[:] - eval_i[igs]))**2 + gamma_core[i]**2)) ) / npol else: F_mag = np.zeros(ncfg_n, dtype=complex) for k in range(npol): F_mag += trans_op[k, :, igs] * polvec[k] xas[i, it] += ( prob[j] * np.sum(np.abs(F_mag)**2 * gamma_core[i] / np.pi / ((om - (eval_n[:] - eval_i[igs]))**2 + gamma_core[i]**2)) ) print("edrixs >>> XAS Done !") return xas
[docs]def rixs_1v1c_py(eval_i, eval_n, trans_op, ominc, eloss, *, gamma_c=0.1, gamma_f=0.01, thin=1.0, thout=1.0, phi=0.0, pol_type=None, gs_list=None, temperature=1.0, scatter_axis=None): """ Calculate RIXS for the case of one valence shell plus one core shell with Python solver. This solver is only suitable for small size of Hamiltonian, typically the dimension of both initial and intermediate Hamiltonian are smaller than 10,000. Parameters ---------- eval_i: 1d float array The eigenvalues of the initial Hamiltonian. eval_n: 1d float array The eigenvalues of the intermediate Hamiltonian. trans_op: 3d complex array The transition operators in the eigenstates basis. ominc: 1d float array Incident energy of photon. eloss: 1d float array Energy loss. gamma_c: a float number or a 1d float array with same shape as ominc. The core-hole life-time broadening factor. It can be a constant value or incident energy dependent. gamma_f: a float number or a 1d float array with same shape as eloss. The final states life-time broadening factor. It can be a constant value or energy loss dependent. thin: float number The incident angle of photon (in radian). thout: float number The scattered angle of photon (in radian). phi: float number Azimuthal angle (in radian), defined with respect to the :math:`x`-axis of scattering axis: scatter_axis[:,0]. pol_type: list of 4-elements-tuples Type of polarizations. It has the following form: (str1, alpha, str2, beta) where, str1 (str2) can be 'linear', 'left', 'right', and alpha (beta) is the angle (in radians) between the linear polarization vector and the scattering plane. It will set pol_type=[('linear', 0, 'linear', 0)] if not provided. gs_list: 1d list of ints The indices of initial states which will be used in RIXS calculations. It will set gs_list=[0] if not provided. temperature: float number Temperature (in K) for boltzmann distribution. scatter_axis: 3*3 float array The local axis defining the scattering plane. The scattering plane is defined in the local :math:`zx`-plane. - local :math:`x`-axis: scatter_axis[:,0] - local :math:`y`-axis: scatter_axis[:,1] - local :math:`z`-axis: scatter_axis[:,2] It will be an identity matrix if not provided. Returns ------- rixs: 3d float array The calculated RIXS spectra. The 1st dimension is for the incident energy, the 2nd dimension is for the energy loss and the 3rd dimension is for different polarizations. """ print("edrixs >>> Running RIXS ... ") n_ominc = len(ominc) n_eloss = len(eloss) gamma_core = np.zeros(n_ominc, dtype=float) gamma_final = np.zeros(n_eloss, dtype=float) if np.isscalar(gamma_c): gamma_core[:] = np.ones(n_ominc) * gamma_c else: gamma_core[:] = gamma_c if np.isscalar(gamma_f): gamma_final[:] = np.ones(n_eloss) * gamma_f else: gamma_final[:] = gamma_f if pol_type is None: pol_type = [('linear', 0, 'linear', 0)] if gs_list is None: gs_list = [0] if scatter_axis is None: scatter_axis = np.eye(3) else: scatter_axis = np.array(scatter_axis) prob = boltz_dist([eval_i[i] for i in gs_list], temperature) rixs = np.zeros((len(ominc), len(eloss), len(pol_type)), dtype=float) npol, n, m = trans_op.shape trans_emi = np.zeros((npol, m, n), dtype=np.complex128) for i in range(npol): trans_emi[i] = np.conj(np.transpose(trans_op[i])) polvec_i = np.zeros(npol, dtype=complex) polvec_f = np.zeros(npol, dtype=complex) # Calculate RIXS for i, om in enumerate(ominc): F_fi = scattering_mat(eval_i, eval_n, trans_op[:, :, 0:max(gs_list)+1], trans_emi, om, gamma_core[i]) for j, (it, alpha, jt, beta) in enumerate(pol_type): ei, ef = dipole_polvec_rixs(thin, thout, phi, alpha, beta, scatter_axis, (it, jt)) # dipolar transition if npol == 3: polvec_i[:] = ei polvec_f[:] = ef # quadrupolar transition elif npol == 5: ki = unit_wavevector(thin, phi, scatter_axis, direction='in') kf = unit_wavevector(thout, phi, scatter_axis, direction='out') polvec_i[:] = quadrupole_polvec(ei, ki) polvec_f[:] = quadrupole_polvec(ef, kf) else: raise Exception("Have NOT implemented this type of transition operators") # scattering magnitude with polarization vectors F_mag = np.zeros((len(eval_i), len(gs_list)), dtype=complex) for m in range(npol): for n in range(npol): F_mag[:, :] += np.conj(polvec_f[m]) * F_fi[m, n] * polvec_i[n] for m, igs in enumerate(gs_list): for n in range(len(eval_i)): rixs[i, :, j] += ( prob[m] * np.abs(F_mag[n, igs])**2 * gamma_final / np.pi / ((eloss - (eval_i[n] - eval_i[igs]))**2 + gamma_final**2) ) print("edrixs >>> RIXS Done !") return rixs
[docs]def ed_1v1c_fort(comm, shell_name, *, shell_level=None, v_soc=None, c_soc=0, v_noccu=1, slater=None, ext_B=None, on_which='spin', v_cfmat=None, v_othermat=None, do_ed=True, ed_solver=2, neval=1, nvector=1, ncv=3, idump=False, maxiter=500, eigval_tol=1e-8, min_ndim=1000): """ Perform ED for the case of one valence shell plus one Core-shell with Fortran ED solver. The hopping and Coulomb terms of both the initial and intermediate Hamiltonians will be constructed and written to files (,, and Fock basis for the initial Hamiltonian will be written to file ( ED will be only performed on the initial Hamiltonian to find a few lowest eigenstates do_ed=True. Only input files will be written if do_ed=False. Due to large Hilbert space, the ed_fsolver written in Fortran will be called. mpi4py and a MPI environment (mpich or openmpi) are required to launch ed_fsolver. If do_ed=True, it will output the eigenvalues in file (eigvals.dat) and eigenvectors in files (eigvec.n), where n means the n-th eigenvectors. The eigvec.n files will be used later as the inputs for XAS and RIXS calculations. Parameters ---------- comm: MPI_comm The MPI communicator from mpi4py. shell_name: tuple of two strings Names of valence and core shells. The 1st (2nd) string in the tuple is for the valence (core) shell. - The 1st strings can only be 's', 'p', 't2g', 'd', 'f' - The 2nd string can be 's', 'p', 'p12', 'p32', 'd', 'd32', 'd52', 'f', 'f52', 'f72'. For example: shell_name=('d', 'p32') may indicate a :math:`L_3` edge transition from core :math:`2p_{3/2}` shell to valence :math:`3d` shell for Ni. shell_level: tuple of two float numbers Energy level of valence (1st element) and core (2nd element) shells. They will be set to zero if not provided. v_soc: tuple of two float numbers Spin-orbit coupling strength of the valence shell, v1_soc[0] for the initial Hamiltonian, and v1_soc[1] for the intermediate Hamiltonian. They will be set to zero if not provided. c_soc: float number Spin-orbit coupling strength of core electrons. v_noccu: int number Total number of electrons in valence shells. slater: tuple of two lists Slater integrals for initial (1st list) and intermediate (2nd list) Hamiltonians. The order of the elements in each list should be like this: [FX_vv, FX_vc, GX_vc, FX_cc], where X are integers with ascending order, it can be X=0, 2, 4, 6 or X=1, 3, 5. One can ignore all the continuous zeros at the end of the list. For example, if the full list is: [F0_dd, F2_dd, F4_dd, 0, F2_dp, 0, 0, 0, 0], one can just provide [F0_dd, F2_dd, F4_dd, 0, F2_dp] All the Slater integrals will be set to zero if slater==None. ext_B: tuple of three float numbers Vector of external magnetic field with respect to global :math:`xyz`-axis applied on the valence shell. It will be set to zeros if not provided. on_which: string Apply Zeeman exchange field on which sector. Options are 'spin', 'orbital' or 'both'. v_cfmat: 2d complex array Crystal field splitting Hamiltonian of the valence shell. The dimension and the orbital order should be consistent with the type of the valence shell. They will be zeros if not provided. v_othermat: 2d complex array Other possible Hamiltonian of the valence shell. The dimension and the orbital order should be consistent with the type of the valence shell. They will be zeros if not provided. do_ed: logical If do_end=True, diagonalize the Hamitlonian to find a few lowest eigenstates, return the eigenvalues and density matirx, and write the eigenvectors in files eigvec.n, otherwise, just write out the input files, do not perform the ED. ed_solver: int Type of ED solver, options can be 0, 1, 2 - 0: use Lapack to fully diagonalize Hamiltonian to get all the eigenvalues. - 1: use standard Lanczos algorithm to find only a few lowest eigenvalues, no re-orthogonalization has been applied, so it is not very accurate. - 2: use parallel version of Arpack library to find a few lowest eigenvalues, it is accurate and is the recommeded choice in real calculations of XAS and RIXS. neval: int Number of eigenvalues to be found. For ed_solver=2, the value should not be too small, neval > 10 is usually a safe value. nvector: int Number of eigenvectors to be found and written into files. ncv: int Used for ed_solver=2, it should be at least ncv > neval + 2. Usually, set it a little bit larger than neval, for example, set ncv=200 when neval=100. idump: logical Whether to dump the eigenvectors to files "eigvec.n", where n means the n-th vectors. maxiter: int Maximum number of iterations in finding all the eigenvalues, used for ed_solver=1, 2. eigval_tol: float The convergence criteria of eigenvalues, used for ed_solver=1, 2. min_ndim: int The minimum dimension of the Hamiltonian when the ed_solver=1, 2 can be used, otherwise, ed_solver=1 will be used. Returns ------- eval_i: 1d float array, shape=(neval, ) The eigenvalues of initial Hamiltonian. denmat: 2d complex array, shape=(nvector, v_norb, v_norb)) The density matrix in the eigenstates. """ v_name_options = ['s', 'p', 't2g', 'd', 'f'] c_name_options = ['s', 'p', 'p12', 'p32', 't2g', 'd', 'd32', 'd52', 'f', 'f52', 'f72'] v_name = shell_name[0].strip() c_name = shell_name[1].strip() if v_name not in v_name_options: raise Exception("NOT supported type of valence shell: ", v_name) if c_name not in c_name_options: raise Exception("NOT supported type of core shell: ", c_name) names = (v_name, 'empty', c_name) if shell_level is not None: levels = (shell_level[0], 0, shell_level[1]) else: levels = None eval_i, denmat = _ed_1or2_valence_1core( comm, names, shell_level=levels, v1_soc=v_soc, c_soc=c_soc, v_tot_noccu=v_noccu, slater=slater, v1_ext_B=ext_B, v1_on_which=on_which, v1_cfmat=v_cfmat, v1_othermat=v_othermat, do_ed=do_ed, ed_solver=ed_solver, neval=neval, nvector=nvector, ncv=ncv, idump=idump, maxiter=maxiter, eigval_tol=eigval_tol, min_ndim=min_ndim ) return eval_i, denmat
[docs]def ed_2v1c_fort(comm, shell_name, *, shell_level=None, v1_soc=None, v2_soc=None, c_soc=0, v_tot_noccu=1, slater=None, v1_ext_B=None, v2_ext_B=None, v1_on_which='spin', v2_on_which='spin', v1_cfmat=None, v2_cfmat=None, v1_othermat=None, v2_othermat=None, hopping_v1v2=None, do_ed=True, ed_solver=2, neval=1, nvector=1, ncv=3, idump=False, maxiter=500, eigval_tol=1e-8, min_ndim=1000): """ Perform ED for the case of two valence shell plus one core-shell with Fortran solver. For example, for Ni :math:`K`-edge RIXS, :math:`1s\\rightarrow 4p` transition, the valence shells involved in RIXS are :math:`3d` and :math:`4p`. The hopping and Coulomb terms of both the initial and intermediate Hamiltonians will be constructed and written to files (,, and Fock basis for the initial Hamiltonian will be written to file ( ED will be only performed on the initial Hamiltonian to find a few lowest eigenstates do_ed=True. Only input files will be written if do_ed=False. Due to large Hilbert space, the ed_fsolver written in Fortran will be called. mpi4py and a MPI environment (mpich or openmpi) are required to launch ed_fsolver. If do_ed=True, it will output the eigenvalues in file (eigvals.dat) and eigenvectors in files (eigvec.n), where n means the n-th eigenvectors. The eigvec.n files will be used later as the inputs for XAS and RIXS calculations. Parameters ---------- comm: MPI_comm The MPI communicator from mpi4py. shell_name: tuple of three strings Names of valence and core shells. The 1st (2nd) string in the tuple is for the 1st (2nd) valence shell, and the 3rd one is for the core shell. - The 1st and 2nd strings can only be 's', 'p', 't2g', 'd', 'f' - The 3nd string can be 's', 'p', 'p12', 'p32', 'd', 'd32', 'd52', 'f', 'f52', 'f72'. For example: shell_name=('d', 'p', 's') may indicate a :math:`K` edge transition from core :math:`1s` shell to valence :math:`3d` and :math:`4p` shell for Ni. shell_level: tuple of three float numbers Energy level of valence (1st and 2nd elements) and core (3nd element) shells. They will be set to zero if not provided. v1_soc: tuple of two float numbers Spin-orbit coupling strength of the 1st valence shell, v1_soc[0] for the initial Hamiltonian, and v1_soc[1] for the intermediate Hamiltonian. They will be set to zero if not provided. v2_soc: tuple of two float numbers Spin-orbit coupling strength of the 2nd valence shell, v2_soc[0] for the initial Hamiltonian, and v2_soc[1] for the intermediate Hamiltonian. They will be set to zero if not provided. c_soc: float number Spin-orbit coupling strength of core electrons. v_tot_noccu: int number Total number of electrons in valence shells. slater: tuple of two lists Slater integrals for initial (1st list) and intermediate (2nd list) Hamiltonians. The order of the elements in each list should be like this: [FX_v1v1, FX_v1v2, GX_v1v2, FX_v2v2, FX_v1c, GX_v1c, FX_v2c, GX_v2c], where X are integers with ascending order, it can be X=0, 2, 4, 6 or X=1, 3, 5. One can ignore all the continuous zeros at the end of the list. For example, if the full list is: [F0_dd, F2_dd, F4_dd, 0, F2_dp, 0, 0, 0, 0], one can just provide [F0_dd, F2_dd, F4_dd, 0, F2_dp] All the Slater integrals will be set to zero if slater==None. v1_ext_B: tuple of three float numbers Vector of external magnetic field with respect to global :math:`xyz`-axis applied on the 1st valence shell. It will be set to zeros if not provided. v2_ext_B: tuple of three float numbers Vector of external magnetic field with respect to global :math:`xyz`-axis applied on the 2nd valence shell. It will be set to zeros if not provided. v1_on_which: string Apply Zeeman exchange field on which sector. Options are 'spin', 'orbital' or 'both'. For the 1st valence shell. v2_on_which: string Apply Zeeman exchange field on which sector. Options are 'spin', 'orbital' or 'both'. For the 2nd valence shell. v1_cfmat: 2d complex array Crystal field splitting Hamiltonian of the 1st valence shell. The dimension and the orbital order should be consistent with the type of the 1st valence shell. They will be zeros if not provided. v2_cfmat: 2d complex array Crystal field splitting Hamiltonian of the 2nd valence shell. The dimension and the orbital order should be consistent with the type of the 2nd valence shell. They will be zeros if not provided. v1_othermat: 2d complex array Other possible Hamiltonian of the 1st valence shell. The dimension and the orbital order should be consistent with the type of the 1st valence shell. They will be zeros if not provided. v2_othermat: 2d complex array Other possible Hamiltonian of the 2nd valence shell. The dimension and the orbital order should be consistent with the type of the 2nd valence shell. They will be zeros if not provided. hopping_v1v2: 2d complex array Hopping between the two valence shells. The 1st-index (2nd-index) is the 1st (2nd) valence shell. They will be zeros if not provided. do_ed: logical If do_end=True, diagonalize the Hamitlonian to find a few lowest eigenstates, return the eigenvalues and density matirx, and write the eigenvectors in files eigvec.n, otherwise, just write out the input files, do not perform the ED. ed_solver: int Type of ED solver, options can be 0, 1, 2 - 0: use Lapack to fully diagonalize Hamiltonian to get all the eigenvalues. - 1: use standard Lanczos algorithm to find only a few lowest eigenvalues, no re-orthogonalization has been applied, so it is not very accurate. - 2: use parallel version of Arpack library to find a few lowest eigenvalues, it is accurate and is the recommeded choice in real calculations of XAS and RIXS. neval: int Number of eigenvalues to be found. For ed_solver=2, the value should not be too small, neval > 10 is usually a safe value. nvector: int Number of eigenvectors to be found and written into files. ncv: int Used for ed_solver=2, it should be at least ncv > neval + 2. Usually, set it a little bit larger than neval, for example, set ncv=200 when neval=100. idump: logical Whether to dump the eigenvectors to files "eigvec.n", where n means the n-th vectors. maxiter: int Maximum number of iterations in finding all the eigenvalues, used for ed_solver=1, 2. eigval_tol: float The convergence criteria of eigenvalues, used for ed_solver=1, 2. min_ndim: int The minimum dimension of the Hamiltonian when the ed_solver=1, 2 can be used, otherwise, ed_solver=1 will be used. Returns ------- eval_i: 1d float array, shape=(neval, ) The eigenvalues of initial Hamiltonian. denmat: 2d complex array, shape=(nvector, v1v2_norb, v1v2_norb)) The density matrix in the eigenstates. """ v_name_options = ['s', 'p', 't2g', 'd', 'f'] c_name_options = ['s', 'p', 'p12', 'p32', 't2g', 'd', 'd32', 'd52', 'f', 'f52', 'f72'] v1_name = shell_name[0].strip() v2_name = shell_name[1].strip() c_name = shell_name[2].strip() if v1_name not in v_name_options: raise Exception("NOT supported type of valence shell: ", v1_name) if v2_name not in v_name_options: raise Exception("NOT supported type of valence shell: ", v2_name) if c_name not in c_name_options: raise Exception("NOT supported type of core shell: ", c_name) eval_i, denmat = _ed_1or2_valence_1core( comm, shell_name, shell_level=shell_level, v1_soc=v1_soc, v2_soc=v2_soc, c_soc=c_soc, v_tot_noccu=v_tot_noccu, slater=slater, v1_ext_B=v1_ext_B, v2_ext_B=v2_ext_B, v1_on_which=v1_on_which, v2_on_which=v2_on_which, v1_cfmat=v1_cfmat, v2_cfmat=v2_cfmat, v1_othermat=v1_othermat, v2_othermat=v2_othermat, hopping_v1v2=hopping_v1v2, do_ed=do_ed, ed_solver=ed_solver, neval=neval, nvector=nvector, ncv=ncv, idump=idump, maxiter=maxiter, eigval_tol=eigval_tol, min_ndim=min_ndim ) return eval_i, denmat
def _ed_1or2_valence_1core( comm, shell_name, *, shell_level=None, v1_soc=None, v2_soc=None, c_soc=0, v_tot_noccu=1, slater=None, v1_ext_B=None, v2_ext_B=None, v1_on_which='spin', v2_on_which='spin', v1_cfmat=None, v2_cfmat=None, v1_othermat=None, v2_othermat=None, hopping_v1v2=None, do_ed=True, ed_solver=2, neval=1, nvector=1, ncv=3, idump=False, maxiter=500, eigval_tol=1e-8, min_ndim=1000 ): from .fedrixs import ed_fsolver rank = comm.Get_rank() size = comm.Get_size() fcomm = comm.py2f() if rank == 0: print("edrixs >>> Running ED ...", flush=True) v1_name = shell_name[0].strip() v2_name = shell_name[1].strip() c_name = shell_name[2].strip() info_shell = info_atomic_shell() # Quantum numbers of angular momentum v1_orbl = info_shell[v1_name][0] if v2_name != 'empty': v2_orbl = info_shell[v2_name][0] else: v2_orbl = -1 # number of orbitals with spin v1_norb = info_shell[v1_name][1] if v2_name != 'empty': v2_norb = info_shell[v2_name][1] else: v2_norb = 0 c_norb = info_shell[c_name][1] # total number of orbitals ntot = v1_norb + v2_norb + c_norb v1v2_norb = v1_norb + v2_norb # Coulomb interaction if v2_name == 'empty': slater_name = slater_integrals_name((v1_name, c_name), ('v', 'c')) else: slater_name = slater_integrals_name((v1_name, v2_name, c_name), ('v1', 'v2', 'c1')) nslat = len(slater_name) slater_i = np.zeros(nslat, dtype=float) slater_n = np.zeros(nslat, dtype=float) if slater is not None: if nslat > len(slater[0]): slater_i[0:len(slater[0])] = slater[0] else: slater_i[:] = slater[0][0:nslat] if nslat > len(slater[1]): slater_n[0:len(slater[1])] = slater[1] else: slater_n[:] = slater[1][0:nslat] # print summary of slater integrals if rank == 0: print(flush=True) print(" Summary of Slater integrals:", flush=True) print(" ------------------------------", flush=True) print(" Terms, Initial Hamiltonian, Intermediate Hamiltonian", flush=True) for i in range(nslat): print( " ", slater_name[i], ": {:20.10f}{:20.10f}".format(slater_i[i], slater_n[i]), flush=True ) print(flush=True) if v2_name == 'empty': umat_i = get_umat_slater(v1_name + c_name, *slater_i) umat_n = get_umat_slater(v1_name + c_name, *slater_n) else: umat_i = get_umat_slater_3shells((v1_name, v2_name, c_name), *slater_i) umat_n = get_umat_slater_3shells((v1_name, v2_name, c_name), *slater_n) if rank == 0: write_umat(umat_i, '') write_umat(umat_n, '') emat_i = np.zeros((ntot, ntot), dtype=complex) emat_n = np.zeros((ntot, ntot), dtype=complex) # SOC if v1_soc is not None and v1_name in ['p', 'd', 't2g', 'f']: emat_i[0:v1_norb, 0:v1_norb] += atom_hsoc(v1_name, v1_soc[0]) emat_n[0:v1_norb, 0:v1_norb] += atom_hsoc(v1_name, v1_soc[1]) if v2_soc is not None and v2_name in ['p', 'd', 't2g', 'f']: emat_i[v1_norb:v1v2_norb, v1_norb:v1v2_norb] += atom_hsoc(v2_name, v2_soc[0]) emat_n[v1_norb:v1v2_norb, v1_norb:v1v2_norb] += atom_hsoc(v2_name, v2_soc[1]) if c_name in ['p', 'd', 'f']: emat_n[v1v2_norb:ntot, v1v2_norb:ntot] += atom_hsoc(c_name, c_soc) # crystal field if v1_cfmat is not None: emat_i[0:v1_norb, 0:v1_norb] += np.array(v1_cfmat) emat_n[0:v1_norb, 0:v1_norb] += np.array(v1_cfmat) if v2_cfmat is not None and v2_name != 'empty': emat_i[v1_norb:v1v2_norb, v1_norb:v1v2_norb] += np.array(v2_cfmat) emat_n[v1_norb:v1v2_norb, v1_norb:v1v2_norb] += np.array(v2_cfmat) # other mat if v1_othermat is not None: emat_i[0:v1_norb, 0:v1_norb] += np.array(v1_othermat) emat_n[0:v1_norb, 0:v1_norb] += np.array(v1_othermat) if v2_othermat is not None and v2_name != 'empty': emat_i[v1_norb:v1v2_norb, v1_norb:v1v2_norb] += np.array(v2_othermat) emat_n[v1_norb:v1v2_norb, v1_norb:v1v2_norb] += np.array(v2_othermat) # energy of shell if shell_level is not None: eval_shift = shell_level[2] * c_norb / v_tot_noccu emat_i[0:v1_norb, 0:v1_norb] += np.eye(v1_norb) * shell_level[0] emat_i[0:v1_norb, 0:v1_norb] += np.eye(v1_norb) * eval_shift emat_n[0:v1_norb, 0:v1_norb] += np.eye(v1_norb) * shell_level[0] emat_n[v1v2_norb:ntot, v1v2_norb:ntot] += np.eye(c_norb) * shell_level[2] if v2_name != 'empty': emat_i[v1_norb:v1v2_norb, v1_norb:v1v2_norb] += np.eye(v2_norb) * shell_level[1] emat_i[v1_norb:v1v2_norb, v1_norb:v1v2_norb] += np.eye(v2_norb) * eval_shift emat_n[v1_norb:v1v2_norb, v1_norb:v1v2_norb] += np.eye(v2_norb) * shell_level[1] # external magnetic field for name, l, ext_B, which, i1, i2 in [ (v1_name, v1_orbl, v1_ext_B, v1_on_which, 0, v1_norb), (v2_name, v2_orbl, v2_ext_B, v2_on_which, v1_norb, v1v2_norb) ]: if name == 'empty': continue if name == 't2g': lx, ly, lz = get_lx(1, True), get_ly(1, True), get_lz(1, True) sx, sy, sz = get_sx(1), get_sy(1), get_sz(1) lx, ly, lz = -lx, -ly, -lz else: lx, ly, lz = get_lx(l, True), get_ly(l, True), get_lz(l, True) sx, sy, sz = get_sx(l), get_sy(l), get_sz(l) if ext_B is not None: if which.strip() == 'spin': zeeman = ext_B[0] * (2 * sx) + ext_B[1] * (2 * sy) + ext_B[2] * (2 * sz) elif which.strip() == 'orbital': zeeman = ext_B[0] * lx + ext_B[1] * ly + ext_B[2] * lz elif which.strip() == 'both': zeeman = (ext_B[0] * (lx + 2 * sx) + ext_B[1] * (ly + 2 * sy) + ext_B[2] * (lz + 2 * sz)) else: raise Exception("Unknown value of zeeman_on_which", which) emat_i[i1:i2, i1:i2] += zeeman emat_n[i1:i2, i1:i2] += zeeman # hopping between the two valence shells if hopping_v1v2 is not None and v2_name != 'empty': emat_i[0:v1_norb, v1_norb:v1v2_norb] += np.array(hopping_v1v2) emat_i[v1_norb:v1v2_norb, 0:v1_norb] += np.conj(np.transpose(hopping_v1v2)) emat_n[0:v1_norb, v1_norb:v1v2_norb] += np.array(hopping_v1v2) emat_n[v1_norb:v1v2_norb, 0:v1_norb] += np.conj(np.transpose(hopping_v1v2)) if rank == 0: write_emat(emat_i, '') write_emat(emat_n, '') write_config( './', ed_solver, v1v2_norb, c_norb, neval, nvector, ncv, idump, maxiter=maxiter, min_ndim=min_ndim, eigval_tol=eigval_tol ) write_fock_dec_by_N(v1v2_norb, v_tot_noccu, "") if do_ed: # now, call ed solver comm.Barrier() ed_fsolver(fcomm, rank, size) comm.Barrier() # read eigvals.dat and denmat.dat data = np.loadtxt('eigvals.dat', ndmin=2) eval_i = np.zeros(neval, dtype=float) eval_i[0:neval] = data[0:neval, 1] data = np.loadtxt('denmat.dat', ndmin=2) tmp = (nvector, v1v2_norb, v1v2_norb) denmat = data[:, 3].reshape(tmp) + 1j * data[:, 4].reshape(tmp) return eval_i, denmat else: return None, None
[docs]def xas_1v1c_fort(comm, shell_name, ominc, *, gamma_c=0.1, v_noccu=1, thin=1.0, phi=0, pol_type=None, num_gs=1, nkryl=200, temperature=1.0, loc_axis=None, scatter_axis=None): """ Calculate XAS for the case with one valence shells plus one core shell with Fortran solver. Parameters ---------- comm: MPI_comm MPI communicator. shell_name: tuple of two strings Names of valence and core shells. The 1st (2nd) string in the tuple is for the valence (core) shell. - The 1st string can only be 's', 'p', 't2g', 'd', 'f', - The 2nd string can be 's', 'p', 'p12', 'p32', 'd', 'd32', 'd52', 'f', 'f52', 'f72'. For example: shell_name=('d', 'p32') may indicate a :math:`L_3` edge transition from core :math:`2p_{3/2}` shell to valence :math:`3d` shell for Ni. ominc: 1d float array Incident energy of photon. gamma_c: a float number or a 1d float array with the same shape as ominc. The core-hole life-time broadening factor. It can be a constant value or incident energy dependent. v_noccu: int Total occupancy of valence shells. thin: float number The incident angle of photon (in radian). phi: float number Azimuthal angle (in radian), defined with respect to the :math:`x`-axis of the local scattering axis: scatter_axis[:,0]. pol_type: list of tuples Type of polarization, options can be: - ('linear', alpha), linear polarization, where alpha is the angle between the polarization vector and the scattering plane in radians. - ('left', 0), left circular polarization. - ('right', 0), right circular polarization. - ('isotropic', 0). isotropic polarization. It will set pol_type=[('isotropic', 0)] if not provided. num_gs: int Number of initial states used in XAS calculations. nkryl: int Maximum number of poles obtained. temperature: float number Temperature (in K) for boltzmann distribution. loc_axis: 3*3 float array The local axis with respect to which local orbitals are defined. - x: local_axis[:,0], - y: local_axis[:,1], - z: local_axis[:,2]. It will be an identity matrix if not provided. scatter_axis: 3*3 float array The local axis defining the scattering geometry. The scattering plane is defined in the local :math:`zx`-plane. - local :math:`x`-axis: scatter_axis[:,0] - local :math:`y`-axis: scatter_axis[:,1] - local :math:`z`-axis: scatter_axis[:,2] It will be set to an identity matrix if not provided. Returns ------- xas: 2d array, shape=(len(ominc), len(pol_type)) The calculated XAS spectra. The first dimension is for ominc, and the second dimension if for different polarizations. poles: list of dict, shape=(len(pol_type), ) The calculated XAS poles for different polarizations. """ v_name_options = ['s', 'p', 't2g', 'd', 'f'] c_name_options = ['s', 'p', 'p12', 'p32', 't2g', 'd', 'd32', 'd52', 'f', 'f52', 'f72'] v_name = shell_name[0].strip() c_name = shell_name[1].strip() if v_name not in v_name_options: raise Exception("NOT supported type of valence shell: ", v_name) if c_name not in c_name_options: raise Exception("NOT supported type of core shell: ", c_name) names = (v_name, 'empty', c_name) xas, poles = _xas_1or2_valence_1core( comm, names, ominc, gamma_c=gamma_c, v_tot_noccu=v_noccu, trans_to_which=1, thin=thin, phi=phi, pol_type=pol_type, num_gs=num_gs, nkryl=nkryl, temperature=temperature, loc_axis=loc_axis, scatter_axis=scatter_axis ) return xas, poles
[docs]def xas_2v1c_fort(comm, shell_name, ominc, *, gamma_c=0.1, v_tot_noccu=1, trans_to_which=1, thin=1.0, phi=0, pol_type=None, num_gs=1, nkryl=200, temperature=1.0, loc_axis=None, scatter_axis=None): """ Calculate XAS for the case with two valence shells plus one core shell with Fortran solver. Parameters ---------- comm: MPI_comm MPI communicator. shell_name: tuple of three strings Names of valence and core shells. The 1st (2nd) string in the tuple is for the 1st (2nd) valence shell, and the 3rd one is for the core shell. - The 1st and 2nd strings can only be 's', 'p', 't2g', 'd', 'f', - The 3nd string can be 's', 'p', 'p12', 'p32', 'd', 'd32', 'd52', 'f', 'f52', 'f72'. For example: shell_name=('d', 'p', 's') may indicate a :math:`K` edge transition from core :math:`1s` shell to valence :math:`3d` and :math:`4p` shell for Ni. ominc: 1d float array Incident energy of photon. gamma_c: a float number or a 1d float array with the same shape as ominc. The core-hole life-time broadening factor. It can be a constant value or incident energy dependent. v_tot_noccu: int Total occupancy of valence shells. trans_to_which: int Photon transition to which valence shell. - 1: to 1st valence shell, - 2: to 2nd valence shell. thin: float number The incident angle of photon (in radian). phi: float number Azimuthal angle (in radian), defined with respect to the :math:`x`-axis of the local scattering axis: scatter_axis[:,0]. pol_type: list of tuples Type of polarization, options can be: - ('linear', alpha), linear polarization, where alpha is the angle between the polarization vector and the scattering plane in radians. - ('left', 0), left circular polarization. - ('right', 0), right circular polarization. - ('isotropic', 0). isotropic polarization. It will set pol_type=[('isotropic', 0)] if not provided. num_gs: int Number of initial states used in XAS calculations. nkryl: int Maximum number of poles obtained. temperature: float number Temperature (in K) for boltzmann distribution. loc_axis: 3*3 float array The local axis with respect to which local orbitals are defined. - x: local_axis[:,0], - y: local_axis[:,1], - z: local_axis[:,2]. It will be an identity matrix if not provided. scatter_axis: 3*3 float array The local axis defining the scattering geometry. The scattering plane is defined in the local :math:`zx`-plane. - local :math:`x`-axis: scatter_axis[:,0] - local :math:`y`-axis: scatter_axis[:,1] - local :math:`z`-axis: scatter_axis[:,2] It will be set to an identity matrix if not provided. Returns ------- xas: 2d array, shape=(len(ominc), len(pol_type)) The calculated XAS spectra. The first dimension is for ominc, and the second dimension if for different polarizations. poles: list of dict, shape=(len(pol_type), ) The calculated XAS poles for different polarizations. """ v_name_options = ['s', 'p', 't2g', 'd', 'f'] c_name_options = ['s', 'p', 'p12', 'p32', 't2g', 'd', 'd32', 'd52', 'f', 'f52', 'f72'] v1_name = shell_name[0].strip() v2_name = shell_name[1].strip() c_name = shell_name[2].strip() if v1_name not in v_name_options: raise Exception("NOT supported type of valence shell: ", v1_name) if v2_name not in v_name_options: raise Exception("NOT supported type of valence shell: ", v2_name) if c_name not in c_name_options: raise Exception("NOT supported type of core shell: ", c_name) xas, poles = _xas_1or2_valence_1core( comm, shell_name, ominc, gamma_c=gamma_c, v_tot_noccu=v_tot_noccu, trans_to_which=trans_to_which, thin=thin, phi=phi, pol_type=pol_type, num_gs=num_gs, nkryl=nkryl, temperature=temperature, loc_axis=loc_axis, scatter_axis=scatter_axis ) return xas, poles
def _xas_1or2_valence_1core( comm, shell_name, ominc, *, gamma_c=0.1, v_tot_noccu=1, trans_to_which=1, thin=1.0, phi=0, pol_type=None, num_gs=1, nkryl=200, temperature=1.0, loc_axis=None, scatter_axis=None ): from .fedrixs import xas_fsolver rank = comm.Get_rank() size = comm.Get_size() fcomm = comm.py2f() v1_name = shell_name[0].strip() v2_name = shell_name[1].strip() c_name = shell_name[2].strip() info_shell = info_atomic_shell() v1_norb = info_shell[v1_name][1] if v2_name != 'empty': v2_norb = info_shell[v2_name][1] else: v2_norb = 0 c_norb = info_shell[c_name][1] ntot = v1_norb + v2_norb + c_norb v1v2_norb = v1_norb + v2_norb if pol_type is None: pol_type = [('isotropic', 0)] if loc_axis is None: loc_axis = np.eye(3) else: loc_axis = np.array(loc_axis) if scatter_axis is None: scatter_axis = np.eye(3) else: scatter_axis = np.array(scatter_axis) if rank == 0: print("edrixs >>> Running XAS ...", flush=True) write_config(num_val_orbs=v1v2_norb, num_core_orbs=c_norb, num_gs=num_gs, nkryl=nkryl) write_fock_dec_by_N(v1v2_norb, v_tot_noccu, "") write_fock_dec_by_N(v1v2_norb, v_tot_noccu + 1, "") # Build transition operators in local-xyz axis if trans_to_which == 1: case = v1_name + c_name elif trans_to_which == 2 and v2_name != 'empty': case = v2_name + c_name else: raise Exception('Unkonwn trans_to_which: ', trans_to_which) tmp = get_trans_oper(case) npol, n, m = tmp.shape tmp_g = np.zeros((npol, n, m), dtype=complex) trans_mat = np.zeros((npol, ntot, ntot), dtype=complex) # Transform the transition operators to global-xyz axis # dipolar transition if npol == 3: for i in range(3): for j in range(3): tmp_g[i] += loc_axis[i, j] * tmp[j] # quadrupolar transition elif npol == 5: alpha, beta, gamma = rmat_to_euler(loc_axis) wignerD = get_wigner_dmat(4, alpha, beta, gamma) rotmat ='d'), wignerD), np.conj(np.transpose(tmat_r2c('d')))) for i in range(5): for j in range(5): tmp_g[i] += rotmat[i, j] * tmp[j] else: raise Exception("Have NOT implemented this case: ", npol) if trans_to_which == 1: trans_mat[:, 0:v1_norb, v1v2_norb:ntot] = tmp_g else: trans_mat[:, v1_norb:v1v2_norb, v1v2_norb:ntot] = tmp_g n_om = len(ominc) gamma_core = np.zeros(n_om, dtype=float) if np.isscalar(gamma_c): gamma_core[:] = np.ones(n_om) * gamma_c else: gamma_core[:] = gamma_c # loop over different polarization xas = np.zeros((n_om, len(pol_type)), dtype=float) poles = [] comm.Barrier() for it, (pt, alpha) in enumerate(pol_type): if pt.strip() == 'left' or pt.strip() == 'right' or pt.strip() == 'linear': if rank == 0: print("edrixs >>> Loop over for polarization: ", it, pt, flush=True) kvec = unit_wavevector(thin, phi, scatter_axis, 'in') polvec = np.zeros(npol, dtype=complex) pol = dipole_polvec_xas(thin, phi, alpha, scatter_axis, pt) if npol == 3: # Dipolar transition polvec[:] = pol if npol == 5: # Quadrupolar transition polvec[:] = quadrupole_polvec(pol, kvec) trans = np.zeros((ntot, ntot), dtype=complex) for i in range(npol): trans[:, :] += trans_mat[i] * polvec[i] write_emat(trans, '') # call XAS solver in fedrixs comm.Barrier() xas_fsolver(fcomm, rank, size) comm.Barrier() file_list = ['xas_poles.' + str(i+1) for i in range(num_gs)] pole_dict = read_poles_from_file(file_list) poles.append(pole_dict) xas[:, it] = get_spectra_from_poles(pole_dict, ominc, gamma_core, temperature) elif pt.strip() == 'isotropic': pole_dicts = [] for k in range(npol): if rank == 0: print("edrixs >>> Loop over for polarization: ", it, pt, flush=True) print("edrixs >>> Isotropic, component: ", k, flush=True) write_emat(trans_mat[k], '') # call XAS solver in fedrixs comm.Barrier() xas_fsolver(fcomm, rank, size) comm.Barrier() file_list = ['xas_poles.' + str(i+1) for i in range(num_gs)] pole_tmp = read_poles_from_file(file_list) xas[:, it] += get_spectra_from_poles(pole_tmp, ominc, gamma_core, temperature) pole_dicts.append(pole_tmp) xas[:, it] = xas[:, it] / npol poles.append(merge_pole_dicts(pole_dicts)) else: raise Exception("Unknown polarization type: ", pt) return xas, poles
[docs]def rixs_1v1c_fort(comm, shell_name, ominc, eloss, *, gamma_c=0.1, gamma_f=0.1, v_noccu=1, thin=1.0, thout=1.0, phi=0, pol_type=None, num_gs=1, nkryl=200, linsys_max=500, linsys_tol=1e-8, temperature=1.0, loc_axis=None, scatter_axis=None): """ Calculate RIXS for the case with one valence shell plus one core shell with Fortran solver. Parameters ---------- comm: MPI_comm MPI communicator. shell_name: tuple of two strings Names of valence and core shells. The 1st (2nd) string in the tuple is for the valence (core) shell. - The 1st string can only be 's', 'p', 't2g', 'd', 'f', - The 2nd string can be 's', 'p', 'p12', 'p32', 'd', 'd32', 'd52', 'f', 'f52', 'f72'. For example: shell_name=('d', 'p32') may indicate a :math:`L_3` edge transition from core :math:`2p_{3/2}` shell to valence :math:`3d` shell for Ni. ominc: 1d float array Incident energy of photon. eloss: 1d float array Energy loss. gamma_c: a float number or a 1d float array with same shape as ominc. The core-hole life-time broadening factor. It can be a constant value or incident energy dependent. gamma_f: a float number or a 1d float array with same shape as eloss. The final states life-time broadening factor. It can be a constant value or energy loss dependent. v_noccu: int Total occupancy of valence shells. thin: float number The incident angle of photon (in radian). thout: float number The scattered angle of photon (in radian). phi: float number Azimuthal angle (in radian), defined with respect to the :math:`x`-axis of scattering axis: scatter_axis[:,0]. pol_type: list of 4-elements-tuples Type of polarizations. It has the following form: (str1, alpha, str2, beta) where, str1 (str2) can be 'linear', 'left', 'right', and alpha (beta) is the angle (in radians) between the linear polarization vector and the scattering plane. It will set pol_type=[('linear', 0, 'linear', 0)] if not provided. num_gs: int Number of initial states used in RIXS calculations. nkryl: int Maximum number of poles obtained. linsys_max: int Maximum iterations of solving linear equations. linsys_tol: float Convergence for solving linear equations. temperature: float number Temperature (in K) for boltzmann distribution. loc_axis: 3*3 float array The local axis with respect to which local orbitals are defined. - x: local_axis[:,0], - y: local_axis[:,1], - z: local_axis[:,2]. It will be an identity matrix if not provided. scatter_axis: 3*3 float array The local axis defining the scattering geometry. The scattering plane is defined in the local :math:`zx`-plane. - local :math:`x`-axis: scatter_axis[:,0] - local :math:`y`-axis: scatter_axis[:,1] - local :math:`z`-axis: scatter_axis[:,2] It will be set to an identity matrix if not provided. Returns ------- rixs: 3d float array, shape=(len(ominc), len(eloss), len(pol_type)) The calculated RIXS spectra. The 1st dimension is for the incident energy, the 2nd dimension is for the energy loss and the 3rd dimension is for different polarizations. poles: 2d list of dict, shape=(len(ominc), len(pol_type)) The calculated RIXS poles. The 1st dimension is for incident energy, and the 2nd dimension is for different polarizations. """ v_name_options = ['s', 'p', 't2g', 'd', 'f'] c_name_options = ['s', 'p', 'p12', 'p32', 't2g', 'd', 'd32', 'd52', 'f', 'f52', 'f72'] v_name = shell_name[0].strip() c_name = shell_name[1].strip() if v_name not in v_name_options: raise Exception("NOT supported type of valence shell: ", v_name) if c_name not in c_name_options: raise Exception("NOT supported type of core shell: ", c_name) names = (v_name, 'empty', c_name) rixs, poles = _rixs_1or2_valence_1core( comm, names, ominc, eloss, gamma_c=gamma_c, gamma_f=gamma_f, v_tot_noccu=v_noccu, trans_to_which=1, thin=thin, thout=thout, phi=phi, pol_type=pol_type, num_gs=num_gs, nkryl=nkryl, linsys_max=linsys_max, linsys_tol=linsys_tol, temperature=temperature, loc_axis=loc_axis, scatter_axis=loc_axis ) return rixs, poles
[docs]def rixs_2v1c_fort(comm, shell_name, ominc, eloss, *, gamma_c=0.1, gamma_f=0.1, v_tot_noccu=1, trans_to_which=1, thin=1.0, thout=1.0, phi=0, pol_type=None, num_gs=1, nkryl=200, linsys_max=500, linsys_tol=1e-8, temperature=1.0, loc_axis=None, scatter_axis=None): """ Calculate RIXS for the case with 2 valence shells plus 1 core shell. Parameters ---------- comm: MPI_comm MPI communicator. shell_name: tuple of three strings Names of valence and core shells. The 1st (2nd) string in the tuple is for the 1st (2nd) valence shell, and the 3rd one is for the core shell. - The 1st and 2nd strings can only be 's', 'p', 't2g', 'd', 'f', - The 3nd string can be 's', 'p', 'p12', 'p32', 'd', 'd32', 'd52', 'f', 'f52', 'f72'. For example: shell_name=('d', 'p', 's') may indicate a :math:`K` edge transition from core :math:`1s` shell to valence :math:`3d` and :math:`4p` shell for Ni. ominc: 1d float array Incident energy of photon. eloss: 1d float array Energy loss. gamma_c: a float number or a 1d float array with same shape as ominc. The core-hole life-time broadening factor. It can be a constant value or incident energy dependent. gamma_f: a float number or a 1d float array with same shape as eloss. The final states life-time broadening factor. It can be a constant value or energy loss dependent. v_tot_noccu: int Total occupancy of valence shells. trans_to_which: int Photon transition to which valence shell. - 1: to 1st valence shell, - 2: to 2nd valence shell. thin: float number The incident angle of photon (in radian). thout: float number The scattered angle of photon (in radian). phi: float number Azimuthal angle (in radian), defined with respect to the :math:`x`-axis of scattering axis: scatter_axis[:,0]. pol_type: list of 4-elements-tuples Type of polarizations. It has the following form: (str1, alpha, str2, beta) where, str1 (str2) can be 'linear', 'left', 'right', and alpha (beta) is the angle (in radians) between the linear polarization vector and the scattering plane. It will set pol_type=[('linear', 0, 'linear', 0)] if not provided. num_gs: int Number of initial states used in RIXS calculations. nkryl: int Maximum number of poles obtained. linsys_max: int Maximum iterations of solving linear equations. linsys_tol: float Convergence for solving linear equations. temperature: float number Temperature (in K) for boltzmann distribution. loc_axis: 3*3 float array The local axis with respect to which local orbitals are defined. - x: local_axis[:,0], - y: local_axis[:,1], - z: local_axis[:,2]. It will be an identity matrix if not provided. scatter_axis: 3*3 float array The local axis defining the scattering geometry. The scattering plane is defined in the local :math:`zx`-plane. - local :math:`x`-axis: scatter_axis[:,0] - local :math:`y`-axis: scatter_axis[:,1] - local :math:`z`-axis: scatter_axis[:,2] It will be set to an identity matrix if not provided. Returns ------- rixs: 3d float array, shape=(len(ominc), len(eloss), len(pol_type)) The calculated RIXS spectra. The 1st dimension is for the incident energy, the 2nd dimension is for the energy loss and the 3rd dimension is for different polarizations. poles: 2d list of dict, shape=(len(ominc), len(pol_type)) The calculated RIXS poles. The 1st dimension is for incident energy, and the 2nd dimension is for different polarizations. """ v_name_options = ['s', 'p', 't2g', 'd', 'f'] c_name_options = ['s', 'p', 'p12', 'p32', 't2g', 'd', 'd32', 'd52', 'f', 'f52', 'f72'] v1_name = shell_name[0].strip() v2_name = shell_name[1].strip() c_name = shell_name[2].strip() if v1_name not in v_name_options: raise Exception("NOT supported type of valence shell: ", v1_name) if v2_name not in v_name_options: raise Exception("NOT supported type of valence shell: ", v2_name) if c_name not in c_name_options: raise Exception("NOT supported type of core shell: ", c_name) rixs, poles = _rixs_1or2_valence_1core( comm, shell_name, ominc, eloss, gamma_c=gamma_c, gamma_f=gamma_f, v_tot_noccu=v_tot_noccu, trans_to_which=trans_to_which, thin=thin, thout=thout, phi=phi, pol_type=pol_type, num_gs=num_gs, nkryl=nkryl, linsys_max=linsys_max, linsys_tol=linsys_tol, temperature=temperature, loc_axis=loc_axis, scatter_axis=loc_axis ) return rixs, poles
def _rixs_1or2_valence_1core( comm, shell_name, ominc, eloss, *, gamma_c=0.1, gamma_f=0.1, v_tot_noccu=1, trans_to_which=1, thin=1.0, thout=1.0, phi=0, pol_type=None, num_gs=1, nkryl=200, linsys_max=500, linsys_tol=1e-8, temperature=1.0, loc_axis=None, scatter_axis=None ): from .fedrixs import rixs_fsolver rank = comm.Get_rank() size = comm.Get_size() fcomm = comm.py2f() v1_name = shell_name[0].strip() v2_name = shell_name[1].strip() c_name = shell_name[2].strip() info_shell = info_atomic_shell() v1_norb = info_shell[v1_name][1] if v2_name != 'empty': v2_norb = info_shell[v2_name][1] else: v2_norb = 0 c_norb = info_shell[c_name][1] ntot = v1_norb + v2_norb + c_norb v1v2_norb = v1_norb + v2_norb if pol_type is None: pol_type = [('linear', 0, 'linear', 0)] if loc_axis is None: loc_axis = np.eye(3) else: loc_axis = np.array(loc_axis) if scatter_axis is None: scatter_axis = np.eye(3) else: scatter_axis = np.array(scatter_axis) if rank == 0: print("edrixs >>> Running RIXS ...", flush=True) write_fock_dec_by_N(v1v2_norb, v_tot_noccu, "") write_fock_dec_by_N(v1v2_norb, v_tot_noccu + 1, "") write_fock_dec_by_N(v1v2_norb, v_tot_noccu, "") # Build transition operators in local-xyz axis if trans_to_which == 1: case = v1_name + c_name elif trans_to_which == 2: case = v2_name + c_name else: raise Exception('Unkonwn trans_to_which: ', trans_to_which) tmp = get_trans_oper(case) npol, n, m = tmp.shape tmp_g = np.zeros((npol, n, m), dtype=complex) trans_mat = np.zeros((npol, ntot, ntot), dtype=complex) # Transform the transition operators to global-xyz axis # dipolar transition if npol == 3: for i in range(3): for j in range(3): tmp_g[i] += loc_axis[i, j] * tmp[j] # quadrupolar transition elif npol == 5: alpha, beta, gamma = rmat_to_euler(loc_axis) wignerD = get_wigner_dmat(4, alpha, beta, gamma) rotmat ='d'), wignerD), np.conj(np.transpose(tmat_r2c('d')))) for i in range(5): for j in range(5): tmp_g[i] += rotmat[i, j] * tmp[j] else: raise Exception("Have NOT implemented this case: ", npol) if trans_to_which == 1: trans_mat[:, 0:v1_norb, v1v2_norb:ntot] = tmp_g else: trans_mat[:, v1_norb:v1v2_norb, v1v2_norb:ntot] = tmp_g n_om = len(ominc) neloss = len(eloss) gamma_core = np.zeros(n_om, dtype=float) if np.isscalar(gamma_c): gamma_core[:] = np.ones(n_om) * gamma_c else: gamma_core[:] = gamma_c gamma_final = np.zeros(neloss, dtype=float) if np.isscalar(gamma_f): gamma_final[:] = np.ones(neloss) * gamma_f else: gamma_final[:] = gamma_f # loop over different polarization rixs = np.zeros((n_om, neloss, len(pol_type)), dtype=float) poles = [] comm.Barrier() # loop over different polarization for iom, omega in enumerate(ominc): if rank == 0: write_config( num_val_orbs=v1v2_norb, num_core_orbs=c_norb, omega_in=omega, gamma_in=gamma_core[iom], num_gs=num_gs, nkryl=nkryl, linsys_max=linsys_max, linsys_tol=linsys_tol ) poles_per_om = [] # loop over polarization for ip, (it, alpha, jt, beta) in enumerate(pol_type): if rank == 0: print(flush=True) print("edrixs >>> Calculate RIXS for incident energy: ", omega, flush=True) print("edrixs >>> Polarization: ", ip, flush=True) polvec_i = np.zeros(npol, dtype=complex) polvec_f = np.zeros(npol, dtype=complex) ei, ef = dipole_polvec_rixs(thin, thout, phi, alpha, beta, scatter_axis, (it, jt)) # dipolar transition if npol == 3: polvec_i[:] = ei polvec_f[:] = ef # quadrupolar transition elif npol == 5: ki = unit_wavevector(thin, phi, scatter_axis, direction='in') kf = unit_wavevector(thout, phi, scatter_axis, direction='out') polvec_i[:] = quadrupole_polvec(ei, ki) polvec_f[:] = quadrupole_polvec(ef, kf) else: raise Exception("Have NOT implemented this type of transition operators") trans_i = np.zeros((ntot, ntot), dtype=complex) trans_f = np.zeros((ntot, ntot), dtype=complex) for i in range(npol): trans_i[:, :] += trans_mat[i] * polvec_i[i] write_emat(trans_i, '') for i in range(npol): trans_f[:, :] += trans_mat[i] * polvec_f[i] write_emat(np.conj(np.transpose(trans_f)), '') # call RIXS solver in fedrixs comm.Barrier() rixs_fsolver(fcomm, rank, size) comm.Barrier() file_list = ['rixs_poles.' + str(i+1) for i in range(num_gs)] pole_dict = read_poles_from_file(file_list) poles_per_om.append(pole_dict) rixs[iom, :, ip] = get_spectra_from_poles(pole_dict, eloss, gamma_final, temperature) poles.append(poles_per_om) return rixs, poles
[docs]def ed_siam_fort(comm, shell_name, nbath, *, siam_type=0, v_noccu=1, static_core_pot=0, c_level=0, c_soc=0, trans_c2n=None, imp_mat=None, imp_mat_n=None, bath_level=None, bath_level_n=None, hyb=None, hyb_n=None, hopping=None, hopping_n=None, slater=None, ext_B=None, on_which='spin', do_ed=0, ed_solver=2, neval=1, nvector=1, ncv=3, idump=False, maxiter=1000, eigval_tol=1e-8, min_ndim=1000): """ Find the ground state of the initial Hamiltonian of a Single Impuirty Anderson Model (SIAM), and also prepare input files, **, **, **, ** for following XAS and RIXS calculations. Parameters ---------- comm: MPI_Comm MPI Communicator shell_name: tuple of two strings Names of valence and core shells. The 1st (2nd) string in the tuple is for the valence (core) shell. - The 1st string can only be 's', 'p', 't2g', 'd', 'f', - The 2nd string can be 's', 'p', 'p12', 'p32', 'd', 'd32', 'd52', 'f', 'f52', 'f72'. For example: shell_name=('d', 'p32') indicates a :math:`L_3` edge transition from core :math:`p_{3/2}` shell to valence :math:`d` shell. nbath: int Number of bath sites. siam_type: int Type of SIAM Hamiltonian, - 0: diagonal hybridization function, parameterized by *imp_mat*, *bath_level* and *hyb* - 1: general hybridization function, parameterized by matrix *hopping* if *siam_type=0*, only *imp_mat*, *bath_level* and *hyb* are required, if *siam_type=1*, only *hopping* is required. v_noccu: int Number of total occupancy of impurity and baths orbitals, required when do_ed=1, 2 static_core_pot: float Static core hole potential. c_level: float Energy level of core shell. c_soc: float Spin-orbit coupling strength of core electrons. trans_c2n: 2d complex array The transformation matrix from the spherical harmonics basis to the basis on which the `imp_mat` and hybridization function (`bath_level`, `hyb`, `hopping`) are defined. imp_mat: 2d complex array Impurity matrix for the impurity site, including CF or SOC, for siam_type=0 and the initial configurations. imp_mat_n: 2d complex array Impurity matrix for the impurity site, including CF or SOC, for siam_type=0 and the intermediate configurations. If imp_mat_n=None, imp_mat will be used. bath_level: 2d complex array Energy level of bath sites, 1st (2nd) dimension is for different bath sites (orbitals), for siam_type=0 and the initial configurations. bath_level_n: 2d complex array Energy level of bath sites, 1st (2nd) dimension is for different bath sites (orbitals), for siam_type=0 and the intermediate configurations. If bath_level_n=None, bath_level will be used. hyb: 2d complex array Hybridization strength of bath sites, 1st (2nd) dimension is for different bath sites (orbitals), for siam_type=0 and the initial configurations. hyb_n: 2d complex array Hybridization strength of bath sites, 1st (2nd) dimension is for different bath sites (orbitals), for siam_type=0 and the intermediate configurations. If hyb_n=None, hyb will be used. hopping: 2d complex array General hopping matrix when siam_type=1, including imp_mat and hybridization functions, for siam_type=1 and the initial configurations. hopping_n: 2d complex array General hopping matrix when siam_type=1, including imp_mat and hybridization functions, for siam_type=1 and the intermediate configurations. If hopping_n=None, hopping will be used. slater: tuple of two lists Slater integrals for initial (1st list) and intermediate (2nd list) Hamiltonians. The order of the elements in each list should be like this: [FX_vv, FX_vc, GX_vc, FX_cc], where X are integers with ascending order, it can be X=0, 2, 4, 6 or X=1, 3, 5. One can ignore all the continuous zeros at the end of the list. For example, if the full list is: [F0_dd, F2_dd, F4_dd, 0, F2_dp, 0, 0, 0, 0], one can just provide [F0_dd, F2_dd, F4_dd, 0, F2_dp] All the Slater integrals will be set to zero if slater=None. ext_B: tuple of three float numbers Vector of external magnetic field with respect to global :math:`xyz`-axis. They will be set to zero if not provided. on_which: string Apply Zeeman exchange field on which sector. Options are 'spin', 'orbital' or 'both'. do_ed: int - 0: First, search the ground state in different subspaces of total occupancy :math:`N` with ed_solver=1, and then do a more accurate ED in the subspace :math:`N` where the ground state lies to find a few lowest eigenstates, return the eigenvalues and density matirx, and write the eigenvectors in files eigvec.n - 1: Only do ED for given occupancy number *v_noccu*, return eigenvalues and density matrix, write eigenvectors to files eigvec.n - 2: Do not do ED, only write parameters into files: **, **, **, ** for later XAS or RIXS calculations. ed_solver: int Type of ED solver, options can be 0, 1, 2 - 0: use Lapack to fully diagonalize Hamiltonian to get all the eigenvalues. - 1: use standard Lanczos algorithm to find only a few lowest eigenvalues, no re-orthogonalization has been applied, so it is not very accurate. - 2: use parallel version of Arpack library to find a few lowest eigenvalues, it is accurate and is the recommeded choice in real calculations of XAS and RIXS. neval: int Number of eigenvalues to be found. For ed_solver=2, the value should not be too small, neval > 10 is usually a safe value. nvector: int Number of eigenvectors to be found and written into files. ncv: int Used for ed_solver=2, it should be at least ncv > neval + 2. Usually, set it a little bit larger than neval, for example, set ncv=200 when neval=100. idump: logical Whether to dump the eigenvectors to files "eigvec.n", where n means the n-th vectors. maxiter: int Maximum number of iterations in finding all the eigenvalues, used for ed_solver=1, 2. eigval_tol: float The convergence criteria of eigenvalues, used for ed_solver=1, 2. min_ndim: int The minimum dimension of the Hamiltonian when the ed_solver=1, 2 can be used, otherwise, ed_solver=1 will be used. Returns ------- eval_i: 1d float array Eigenvalues of initial Hamiltonian. denmat: 2d complex array Density matrix. noccu_gs: int Occupancy of the ground state. """ from .fedrixs import ed_fsolver rank = comm.Get_rank() size = comm.Get_size() fcomm = comm.py2f() if rank == 0: print("edrixs >>> Running ED ...", flush=True) v_name_options = ['s', 'p', 't2g', 'd', 'f'] c_name_options = ['s', 'p', 'p12', 'p32', 't2g', 'd', 'd32', 'd52', 'f', 'f52', 'f72'] v_name = shell_name[0].strip() c_name = shell_name[1].strip() if v_name not in v_name_options: raise Exception("NOT supported type of valence shell: ", v_name) if c_name not in c_name_options: raise Exception("NOT supported type of core shell: ", c_name) info_shell = info_atomic_shell() v_orbl = info_shell[v_name][0] v_norb = info_shell[v_name][1] c_norb = info_shell[c_name][1] ntot_v = v_norb * (nbath + 1) ntot = ntot_v + c_norb slater_name = slater_integrals_name((v_name, c_name), ('v', 'c')) nslat = len(slater_name) slater_i = np.zeros(nslat, dtype=float) slater_n = np.zeros(nslat, dtype=float) if slater is not None: if nslat > len(slater[0]): slater_i[0:len(slater[0])] = slater[0] else: slater_i[:] = slater[0][0:nslat] if nslat > len(slater[1]): slater_n[0:len(slater[1])] = slater[1] else: slater_n[:] = slater[1][0:nslat] # print summary of slater integrals if rank == 0: print(flush=True) print(" Summary of Slater integrals:", flush=True) print(" ------------------------------", flush=True) print(" Terms, Initial Hamiltonian, Intermediate Hamiltonian", flush=True) for i in range(nslat): print( " ", slater_name[i], ": {:20.10f}{:20.10f}".format(slater_i[i], slater_n[i]), flush=True ) print(flush=True) umat_tmp_i = get_umat_slater(v_name + c_name, *slater_i) umat_tmp_n = get_umat_slater(v_name + c_name, *slater_n) umat_i = np.zeros((ntot, ntot, ntot, ntot), dtype=complex) umat_n = np.zeros((ntot, ntot, ntot, ntot), dtype=complex) indx = list(range(0, v_norb)) + [ntot_v + i for i in range(0, c_norb)] for i in range(v_norb+c_norb): for j in range(v_norb+c_norb): for k in range(v_norb+c_norb): for m in range(v_norb+c_norb): umat_i[indx[i], indx[j], indx[k], indx[m]] = umat_tmp_i[i, j, k, m] umat_n[indx[i], indx[j], indx[k], indx[m]] = umat_tmp_n[i, j, k, m] if rank == 0: write_umat(umat_i, '') write_umat(umat_n, '') emat_i = np.zeros((ntot, ntot), dtype=complex) emat_n = np.zeros((ntot, ntot), dtype=complex) # General hybridization function, including off-diagonal terms if siam_type == 1: if hopping is not None: emat_i[0:ntot_v, 0:ntot_v] += hopping if hopping_n is not None: emat_n[0:ntot_v, 0:ntot_v] += hopping_n elif hopping is not None: emat_n[0:ntot_v, 0:ntot_v] += hopping # Diagonal hybridization function elif siam_type == 0: # matrix (CF or SOC) for impuirty site if imp_mat is not None: emat_i[0:v_norb, 0:v_norb] += imp_mat if imp_mat_n is not None: emat_n[0:v_norb, 0:v_norb] += imp_mat_n elif imp_mat is not None: emat_n[0:v_norb, 0:v_norb] += imp_mat # bath levels if bath_level is not None: for i in range(nbath): for j in range(v_norb): indx = (i + 1) * v_norb + j emat_i[indx, indx] += bath_level[i, j] if bath_level_n is not None: for i in range(nbath): for j in range(v_norb): indx = (i + 1) * v_norb + j emat_n[indx, indx] += bath_level_n[i, j] elif bath_level is not None: for i in range(nbath): for j in range(v_norb): indx = (i + 1) * v_norb + j emat_n[indx, indx] += bath_level[i, j] if hyb is not None: for i in range(nbath): for j in range(v_norb): indx1, indx2 = j, (i + 1) * v_norb + j emat_i[indx1, indx2] += hyb[i, j] emat_i[indx2, indx1] += np.conj(hyb[i, j]) if hyb_n is not None: for i in range(nbath): for j in range(v_norb): indx1, indx2 = j, (i + 1) * v_norb + j emat_n[indx1, indx2] += hyb_n[i, j] emat_n[indx2, indx1] += np.conj(hyb_n[i, j]) elif hyb is not None: for i in range(nbath): for j in range(v_norb): indx1, indx2 = j, (i + 1) * v_norb + j emat_n[indx1, indx2] += hyb[i, j] emat_n[indx2, indx1] += np.conj(hyb[i, j]) else: raise Exception("Unknown siam_type: ", siam_type) if c_name in ['p', 'd', 'f']: emat_n[ntot_v:ntot, ntot_v:ntot] += atom_hsoc(c_name, c_soc) # static core potential emat_n[0:v_norb, 0:v_norb] -= np.eye(v_norb) * static_core_pot if trans_c2n is None: trans_c2n = np.eye(v_norb, dtype=complex) else: trans_c2n = np.array(trans_c2n) tmat = np.eye(ntot, dtype=complex) for i in range(nbath+1): off = i * v_norb tmat[off:off+v_norb, off:off+v_norb] = np.conj(np.transpose(trans_c2n)) emat_i[:, :] = cb_op(emat_i, tmat) emat_n[:, :] = cb_op(emat_n, tmat) # zeeman field if v_name == 't2g': lx, ly, lz = get_lx(1, True), get_ly(1, True), get_lz(1, True) sx, sy, sz = get_sx(1), get_sy(1), get_sz(1) lx, ly, lz = -lx, -ly, -lz else: lx, ly, lz = get_lx(v_orbl, True), get_ly(v_orbl, True), get_lz(v_orbl, True) sx, sy, sz = get_sx(v_orbl), get_sy(v_orbl), get_sz(v_orbl) if ext_B is not None: if on_which.strip() == 'spin': zeeman = ext_B[0] * (2 * sx) + ext_B[1] * (2 * sy) + ext_B[2] * (2 * sz) elif on_which.strip() == 'orbital': zeeman = ext_B[0] * lx + ext_B[1] * ly + ext_B[2] * lz elif on_which.strip() == 'both': zeeman = ext_B[0] * (lx + 2 * sx) + ext_B[1] * (ly + 2 * sy) + ext_B[2] * (lz + 2 * sz) else: raise Exception("Unknown value of on_which", on_which) emat_i[0:v_norb, 0:v_norb] += zeeman emat_n[0:v_norb, 0:v_norb] += zeeman # Perform ED if necessary if do_ed == 1 or do_ed == 2: eval_shift = c_level * c_norb / v_noccu emat_i[0:ntot_v, 0:ntot_v] += np.eye(ntot_v) * eval_shift emat_n[ntot_v:ntot, ntot_v:ntot] += np.eye(c_norb) * c_level if rank == 0: write_emat(emat_i, '') write_emat(emat_n, '') write_config( ed_solver=ed_solver, num_val_orbs=ntot_v, neval=neval, nvector=nvector, ncv=ncv, idump=idump, maxiter=maxiter, min_ndim=min_ndim, eigval_tol=eigval_tol ) write_fock_dec_by_N(ntot_v, v_noccu, "") if do_ed == 1: if rank == 0: print("edrixs >>> do_ed=1, perform ED at noccu: ", v_noccu, flush=True) comm.Barrier() ed_fsolver(fcomm, rank, size) comm.Barrier() data = np.loadtxt('eigvals.dat', ndmin=2) eval_i = np.zeros(neval, dtype=float) eval_i[0:neval] = data[0:neval, 1] data = np.loadtxt('denmat.dat', ndmin=2) tmp = (nvector, ntot_v, ntot_v) denmat = data[:, 3].reshape(tmp) + 1j * data[:, 4].reshape(tmp) return eval_i, denmat, v_noccu else: if rank == 0: print("edrixs >>> do_ed=2, Do not perform ED, only write files", flush=True) return None, None, None # Find the ground states by total occupancy N elif do_ed == 0: if rank == 0: print("edrixs >>> do_ed=0, serach ground state by total occupancy N", flush=True) flog = open('search_gs.log', 'w') write_emat(emat_i, '') res = [] num_electron = ntot_v // 2 noccu_gs = num_electron if rank == 0: write_config( ed_solver=1, num_val_orbs=ntot_v, neval=1, nvector=1, idump=False, maxiter=maxiter, min_ndim=min_ndim, eigval_tol=eigval_tol ) write_fock_dec_by_N(ntot_v, num_electron, "") comm.Barrier() ed_fsolver(fcomm, rank, size) comm.Barrier() data = np.loadtxt('eigvals.dat', ndmin=2) eval_gs = data[0, 1] data = np.loadtxt('denmat.dat', ndmin=2) tmp = (1, ntot_v, ntot_v) denmat = data[:, 3].reshape(tmp) + 1j * data[:, 4].reshape(tmp) imp_occu = np.sum(denmat[0].diagonal()[0:v_norb]).real res.append((num_electron, eval_gs, imp_occu)) if rank == 0: print(num_electron, eval_gs, imp_occu, file=flog, flush=True) nplus_list = [num_electron + i + 1 for i in range(ntot_v // 2)] nminus_list = [num_electron - i - 1 for i in range(ntot_v // 2)] nplus_direction = True nminus_direction = True for i in range(ntot_v // 2): if nplus_direction: num_electron = nplus_list[i] if rank == 0: write_fock_dec_by_N(ntot_v, num_electron, "") comm.Barrier() ed_fsolver(fcomm, rank, size) comm.Barrier() data = np.loadtxt('eigvals.dat', ndmin=2) eigval = data[0, 1] if eigval > eval_gs: nplus_direction = False else: nminus_direction = False eval_gs = eigval noccu_gs = num_electron data = np.loadtxt('denmat.dat', ndmin=2) tmp = (1, ntot_v, ntot_v) denmat = data[:, 3].reshape(tmp) + 1j * data[:, 4].reshape(tmp) imp_occu = np.sum(denmat[0].diagonal()[0:v_norb]).real res.append((num_electron, eigval, imp_occu)) if rank == 0: print(num_electron, eigval, imp_occu, file=flog, flush=True) if nminus_direction: num_electron = nminus_list[i] if rank == 0: write_fock_dec_by_N(ntot_v, num_electron, "") comm.Barrier() ed_fsolver(fcomm, rank, size) comm.Barrier() data = np.loadtxt('eigvals.dat', ndmin=2) eigval = data[0, 1] if eigval > eval_gs: nminus_direction = False else: nplus_direction = False eval_gs = eigval noccu_gs = num_electron data = np.loadtxt('denmat.dat', ndmin=2) tmp = (1, ntot_v, ntot_v) denmat = data[:, 3].reshape(tmp) + 1j * data[:, 4].reshape(tmp) imp_occu = np.sum(denmat[0].diagonal()[0:v_norb]).real res.append((num_electron, eigval, imp_occu)) if rank == 0: print(num_electron, eigval, imp_occu, file=flog, flush=True) if rank == 0: flog.close() res.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]) f = open('search_result.dat', 'w') for item in res: f.write("{:10d}{:20.10f}{:20.10f}\n".format(item[0], item[1], item[2])) f.close() print("edrixs >>> do_ed=0, Perform ED at occupancy: ", noccu_gs, "with more accuracy", flush=True) # Do ED for the occupancy of ground state with more accuracy eval_shift = c_level * c_norb / noccu_gs emat_i[0:ntot_v, 0:ntot_v] += np.eye(ntot_v) * eval_shift emat_n[ntot_v:ntot, ntot_v:ntot] += np.eye(c_norb) * c_level if rank == 0: write_emat(emat_i, '') write_emat(emat_n, '') write_config( ed_solver=ed_solver, num_val_orbs=ntot_v, neval=neval, nvector=nvector, ncv=ncv, idump=idump, maxiter=maxiter, min_ndim=min_ndim, eigval_tol=eigval_tol ) write_fock_dec_by_N(ntot_v, noccu_gs, "") comm.Barrier() ed_fsolver(fcomm, rank, size) comm.Barrier() data = np.loadtxt('eigvals.dat', ndmin=2) eval_i = np.zeros(neval, dtype=float) eval_i[0:neval] = data[0:neval, 1] data = np.loadtxt('denmat.dat', ndmin=2) tmp = (nvector, ntot_v, ntot_v) denmat = data[:, 3].reshape(tmp) + 1j * data[:, 4].reshape(tmp) return eval_i, denmat, noccu_gs else: raise Exception("Unknown case of do_ed ", do_ed)
[docs]def xas_siam_fort(comm, shell_name, nbath, ominc, *, gamma_c=0.1, v_noccu=1, thin=1.0, phi=0, pol_type=None, num_gs=1, nkryl=200, temperature=1.0, loc_axis=None, scatter_axis=None): """ Calculate XAS for single impurity Anderson model (SIAM) with Fortran solver. Parameters ---------- comm: MPI_comm MPI communicator. shell_name: tuple of two strings Names of valence and core shells. The 1st (2nd) string in the tuple is for the valence (core) shell. - The 1st string can only be 's', 'p', 't2g', 'd', 'f', - The 2nd string can be 's', 'p', 'p12', 'p32', 'd', 'd32', 'd52', 'f', 'f52', 'f72'. For example: shell_name=('d', 'p32') may indicate a :math:`L_3` edge transition from core :math:`2p_{3/2}` shell to valence :math:`3d` shell for Ni. nbath: int Number of bath sites. ominc: 1d float array Incident energy of photon. gamma_c: a float number or a 1d float array with the same shape as ominc. The core-hole life-time broadening factor. It can be a constant value or incident energy dependent. v_noccu: int Total occupancy of valence shells. thin: float number The incident angle of photon (in radian). phi: float number Azimuthal angle (in radian), defined with respect to the :math:`x`-axis of the local scattering axis: scatter_axis[:,0]. pol_type: list of tuples Type of polarization, options can be: - ('linear', alpha), linear polarization, where alpha is the angle between the polarization vector and the scattering plane in radians. - ('left', 0), left circular polarization. - ('right', 0), right circular polarization. - ('isotropic', 0). isotropic polarization. It will set pol_type=[('isotropic', 0)] if not provided. num_gs: int Number of initial states used in XAS calculations. nkryl: int Maximum number of poles obtained. temperature: float number Temperature (in K) for boltzmann distribution. loc_axis: 3*3 float array The local axis with respect to which local orbitals are defined. - x: local_axis[:,0], - y: local_axis[:,1], - z: local_axis[:,2]. It will be an identity matrix if not provided. scatter_axis: 3*3 float array The local axis defining the scattering geometry. The scattering plane is defined in the local :math:`zx`-plane. - local :math:`x`-axis: scatter_axis[:,0] - local :math:`y`-axis: scatter_axis[:,1] - local :math:`z`-axis: scatter_axis[:,2] It will be set to an identity matrix if not provided. Returns ------- xas: 2d array, shape=(len(ominc), len(pol_type)) The calculated XAS spectra. The first dimension is for ominc, and the second dimension if for different polarizations. poles: list of dict, shape=(len(pol_type), ) The calculated XAS poles for different polarizations. """ from .fedrixs import xas_fsolver rank = comm.Get_rank() size = comm.Get_size() fcomm = comm.py2f() v_name_options = ['s', 'p', 't2g', 'd', 'f'] c_name_options = ['s', 'p', 'p12', 'p32', 't2g', 'd', 'd32', 'd52', 'f', 'f52', 'f72'] v_name = shell_name[0].strip() c_name = shell_name[1].strip() if v_name not in v_name_options: raise Exception("NOT supported type of valence shell: ", v_name) if c_name not in c_name_options: raise Exception("NOT supported type of core shell: ", c_name) info_shell = info_atomic_shell() v_norb = info_shell[v_name][1] c_norb = info_shell[c_name][1] ntot_v = v_norb * (nbath + 1) ntot = ntot_v + c_norb if pol_type is None: pol_type = [('isotropic', 0)] if loc_axis is None: loc_axis = np.eye(3) else: loc_axis = np.array(loc_axis) if scatter_axis is None: scatter_axis = np.eye(3) else: scatter_axis = np.array(scatter_axis) if rank == 0: print("edrixs >>> Running XAS ...", flush=True) write_config(num_val_orbs=ntot_v, num_core_orbs=c_norb, num_gs=num_gs, nkryl=nkryl) write_fock_dec_by_N(ntot_v, v_noccu, "") write_fock_dec_by_N(ntot_v, v_noccu + 1, "") case = v_name + c_name tmp = get_trans_oper(case) npol, n, m = tmp.shape tmp_g = np.zeros((npol, n, m), dtype=complex) trans_mat = np.zeros((npol, ntot, ntot), dtype=complex) # Transform the transition operators to global-xyz axis # dipolar transition if npol == 3: for i in range(3): for j in range(3): tmp_g[i] += loc_axis[i, j] * tmp[j] # quadrupolar transition elif npol == 5: alpha, beta, gamma = rmat_to_euler(loc_axis) wignerD = get_wigner_dmat(4, alpha, beta, gamma) rotmat ='d'), wignerD), np.conj(np.transpose(tmat_r2c('d')))) for i in range(5): for j in range(5): tmp_g[i] += rotmat[i, j] * tmp[j] else: raise Exception("Have NOT implemented this case: ", npol) trans_mat[:, 0:v_norb, ntot_v:ntot] = tmp_g n_om = len(ominc) gamma_core = np.zeros(n_om, dtype=float) if np.isscalar(gamma_c): gamma_core[:] = np.ones(n_om) * gamma_c else: gamma_core[:] = gamma_c # loop over different polarization xas = np.zeros((n_om, len(pol_type)), dtype=float) poles = [] comm.Barrier() for it, (pt, alpha) in enumerate(pol_type): if pt.strip() == 'left' or pt.strip() == 'right' or pt.strip() == 'linear': if rank == 0: print("edrixs >>> Loop over for polarization: ", it, pt, flush=True) kvec = unit_wavevector(thin, phi, scatter_axis, 'in') polvec = np.zeros(npol, dtype=complex) pol = dipole_polvec_xas(thin, phi, alpha, scatter_axis, pt) if npol == 3: # Dipolar transition polvec[:] = pol if npol == 5: # Quadrupolar transition polvec[:] = quadrupole_polvec(pol, kvec) trans = np.zeros((ntot, ntot), dtype=complex) for i in range(npol): trans[:, :] += trans_mat[i] * polvec[i] write_emat(trans, '') # call XAS solver in fedrixs comm.Barrier() xas_fsolver(fcomm, rank, size) comm.Barrier() file_list = ['xas_poles.' + str(i+1) for i in range(num_gs)] pole_dict = read_poles_from_file(file_list) poles.append(pole_dict) xas[:, it] = get_spectra_from_poles(pole_dict, ominc, gamma_core, temperature) elif pt.strip() == 'isotropic': pole_dicts = [] for k in range(npol): if rank == 0: print("edrixs >>> Loop over for polarization: ", it, pt, flush=True) print("edrixs >>> Isotropic, component: ", k, flush=True) write_emat(trans_mat[k], '') # call XAS solver in fedrixs comm.Barrier() xas_fsolver(fcomm, rank, size) comm.Barrier() file_list = ['xas_poles.' + str(i+1) for i in range(num_gs)] pole_tmp = read_poles_from_file(file_list) xas[:, it] += get_spectra_from_poles(pole_tmp, ominc, gamma_core, temperature) pole_dicts.append(pole_tmp) xas[:, it] = xas[:, it] / npol poles.append(merge_pole_dicts(pole_dicts)) else: raise Exception("Unknown polarization type: ", pt) return xas, poles
[docs]def rixs_siam_fort(comm, shell_name, nbath, ominc, eloss, *, gamma_c=0.1, gamma_f=0.1, v_noccu=1, thin=1.0, thout=1.0, phi=0, pol_type=None, num_gs=1, nkryl=200, linsys_max=1000, linsys_tol=1e-10, temperature=1.0, loc_axis=None, scatter_axis=None): """ Calculate RIXS for single impurity Anderson model with Fortran solver. Parameters ---------- comm: MPI_comm MPI communicator. shell_name: tuple of two strings Names of valence and core shells. The 1st (2nd) string in the tuple is for the valence (core) shell. - The 1st string can only be 's', 'p', 't2g', 'd', 'f', - The 2nd string can be 's', 'p', 'p12', 'p32', 'd', 'd32', 'd52', 'f', 'f52', 'f72'. For example: shell_name=('d', 'p32') may indicate a :math:`L_3` edge transition from core :math:`2p_{3/2}` shell to valence :math:`3d` shell for Ni. nbath: int Number of bath sites. ominc: 1d float array Incident energy of photon. eloss: 1d float array Energy loss. gamma_c: a float number or a 1d float array with same shape as ominc. The core-hole life-time broadening factor. It can be a constant value or incident energy dependent. gamma_f: a float number or a 1d float array with same shape as eloss. The final states life-time broadening factor. It can be a constant value or energy loss dependent. v_noccu: int Total occupancy of valence shells. thin: float number The incident angle of photon (in radian). thout: float number The scattered angle of photon (in radian). phi: float number Azimuthal angle (in radian), defined with respect to the :math:`x`-axis of scattering axis: scatter_axis[:,0]. pol_type: list of 4-elements-tuples Type of polarizations. It has the following form: (str1, alpha, str2, beta) where, str1 (str2) can be 'linear', 'left', 'right', and alpha (beta) is the angle (in radians) between the linear polarization vector and the scattering plane. It will set pol_type=[('linear', 0, 'linear', 0)] if not provided. num_gs: int Number of initial states used in RIXS calculations. nkryl: int Maximum number of poles obtained. linsys_max: int Maximum iterations of solving linear equations. linsys_tol: float Convergence for solving linear equations. temperature: float number Temperature (in K) for boltzmann distribution. loc_axis: 3*3 float array The local axis with respect to which local orbitals are defined. - x: local_axis[:,0], - y: local_axis[:,1], - z: local_axis[:,2]. It will be an identity matrix if not provided. scatter_axis: 3*3 float array The local axis defining the scattering geometry. The scattering plane is defined in the local :math:`zx`-plane. - local :math:`x`-axis: scatter_axis[:,0] - local :math:`y`-axis: scatter_axis[:,1] - local :math:`z`-axis: scatter_axis[:,2] It will be set to an identity matrix if not provided. Returns ------- rixs: 3d float array, shape=(len(ominc), len(eloss), len(pol_type)) The calculated RIXS spectra. The 1st dimension is for the incident energy, the 2nd dimension is for the energy loss and the 3rd dimension is for different polarizations. poles: 2d list of dict, shape=(len(ominc), len(pol_type)) The calculated RIXS poles. The 1st dimension is for incident energy, and the 2nd dimension is for different polarizations. """ from .fedrixs import rixs_fsolver rank = comm.Get_rank() size = comm.Get_size() fcomm = comm.py2f() v_name_options = ['s', 'p', 't2g', 'd', 'f'] c_name_options = ['s', 'p', 'p12', 'p32', 't2g', 'd', 'd32', 'd52', 'f', 'f52', 'f72'] v_name = shell_name[0].strip() c_name = shell_name[1].strip() if v_name not in v_name_options: raise Exception("NOT supported type of valence shell: ", v_name) if c_name not in c_name_options: raise Exception("NOT supported type of core shell: ", c_name) info_shell = info_atomic_shell() v_norb = info_shell[v_name][1] c_norb = info_shell[c_name][1] ntot_v = v_norb * (nbath + 1) ntot = ntot_v + c_norb if pol_type is None: pol_type = [('linear', 0, 'linear', 0)] if loc_axis is None: loc_axis = np.eye(3) else: loc_axis = np.array(loc_axis) if scatter_axis is None: scatter_axis = np.eye(3) else: scatter_axis = np.array(scatter_axis) if rank == 0: print("edrixs >>> Running RIXS ...", flush=True) write_fock_dec_by_N(ntot_v, v_noccu, "") write_fock_dec_by_N(ntot_v, v_noccu + 1, "") write_fock_dec_by_N(ntot_v, v_noccu, "") case = v_name + c_name tmp = get_trans_oper(case) npol, n, m = tmp.shape tmp_g = np.zeros((npol, n, m), dtype=complex) trans_mat = np.zeros((npol, ntot, ntot), dtype=complex) # Transform the transition operators to global-xyz axis # dipolar transition if npol == 3: for i in range(3): for j in range(3): tmp_g[i] += loc_axis[i, j] * tmp[j] # quadrupolar transition elif npol == 5: alpha, beta, gamma = rmat_to_euler(loc_axis) wignerD = get_wigner_dmat(4, alpha, beta, gamma) rotmat ='d'), wignerD), np.conj(np.transpose(tmat_r2c('d')))) for i in range(5): for j in range(5): tmp_g[i] += rotmat[i, j] * tmp[j] else: raise Exception("Have NOT implemented this case: ", npol) trans_mat[:, 0:v_norb, ntot_v:ntot] = tmp_g n_om = len(ominc) neloss = len(eloss) gamma_core = np.zeros(n_om, dtype=float) if np.isscalar(gamma_c): gamma_core[:] = np.ones(n_om) * gamma_c else: gamma_core[:] = gamma_c gamma_final = np.zeros(neloss, dtype=float) if np.isscalar(gamma_f): gamma_final[:] = np.ones(neloss) * gamma_f else: gamma_final[:] = gamma_f # loop over different polarization rixs = np.zeros((n_om, neloss, len(pol_type)), dtype=float) poles = [] comm.Barrier() # loop over different polarization for iom, omega in enumerate(ominc): if rank == 0: write_config( num_val_orbs=ntot_v, num_core_orbs=c_norb, omega_in=omega, gamma_in=gamma_core[iom], num_gs=num_gs, nkryl=nkryl, linsys_max=linsys_max, linsys_tol=linsys_tol ) poles_per_om = [] # loop over polarization for ip, (it, alpha, jt, beta) in enumerate(pol_type): if rank == 0: print(flush=True) print("edrixs >>> Calculate RIXS for incident energy: ", omega, flush=True) print("edrixs >>> Polarization: ", ip, flush=True) polvec_i = np.zeros(npol, dtype=complex) polvec_f = np.zeros(npol, dtype=complex) ei, ef = dipole_polvec_rixs(thin, thout, phi, alpha, beta, scatter_axis, (it, jt)) # dipolar transition if npol == 3: polvec_i[:] = ei polvec_f[:] = ef # quadrupolar transition elif npol == 5: ki = unit_wavevector(thin, phi, scatter_axis, direction='in') kf = unit_wavevector(thout, phi, scatter_axis, direction='out') polvec_i[:] = quadrupole_polvec(ei, ki) polvec_f[:] = quadrupole_polvec(ef, kf) else: raise Exception("Have NOT implemented this type of transition operators") trans_i = np.zeros((ntot, ntot), dtype=complex) trans_f = np.zeros((ntot, ntot), dtype=complex) for i in range(npol): trans_i[:, :] += trans_mat[i] * polvec_i[i] write_emat(trans_i, '') for i in range(npol): trans_f[:, :] += trans_mat[i] * polvec_f[i] write_emat(np.conj(np.transpose(trans_f)), '') # call RIXS solver in fedrixs comm.Barrier() rixs_fsolver(fcomm, rank, size) comm.Barrier() file_list = ['rixs_poles.' + str(i+1) for i in range(num_gs)] pole_dict = read_poles_from_file(file_list) poles_per_om.append(pole_dict) rixs[iom, :, ip] = get_spectra_from_poles(pole_dict, eloss, gamma_final, temperature) poles.append(poles_per_om) return rixs, poles