Source code for edrixs.manybody_operator

__all__ = ['one_fermion_annihilation', 'two_fermion', 'four_fermion',
           'build_opers', 'density_matrix']

import numpy as np
from collections import defaultdict

[docs]def one_fermion_annihilation(iorb, lb, rb): """ Build matrix form of a fermionic annihilation operator in the given Fock basis. .. math:: <F_{l}|\\hat{f}_{i}|F_{r}> Parameters ---------- iorb: int Which orbital. lb: list or array Left fock basis :math:`<F_{l}|`. rb: list of array Right fock basis :math:`|F_{r}>`. Returns ------- hmat: 2d complex array The matrix form of :math:`\\hat{f}_{i}`. """ lb, rb = np.array(lb), np.array(rb) nr, nl, norbs = len(rb), len(lb), len(rb[0]) indx = defaultdict(lambda: -1) for i, j in enumerate(lb): indx[tuple(j)] = i hmat = np.zeros((nl, nr), dtype=np.complex128) tmp_basis = np.zeros(norbs) for icfg in range(nr): tmp_basis[:] = rb[icfg] if tmp_basis[iorb] == 0: continue else: sign = (-1)**np.count_nonzero(tmp_basis[0:iorb]) tmp_basis[iorb] = 0 jcfg = indx[tuple(tmp_basis)] if jcfg != -1: hmat[jcfg, icfg] += sign return hmat
[docs]def two_fermion(emat, lb, rb=None, tol=1E-10): """ Build matrix form of a two-fermionic operator in the given Fock basis, .. math:: <F_{l}|\\sum_{ij}E_{ij}\\hat{f}_{i}^{\\dagger}\\hat{f}_{j}|F_{r}> Parameters ---------- emat: 2d complex array The impurity matrix. lb: list of array Left fock basis :math:`<F_{l}|`. rb: list of array Right fock basis :math:`|F_{r}>`. rb = lb if rb is None tol: float (default: 1E-10) Only consider the elements of emat that are larger than tol. Returns ------- hmat: 2d complex array The matrix form of the two-fermionic operator. """ if rb is None: rb = lb lb, rb = np.array(lb), np.array(rb) nr, nl, norbs = len(rb), len(lb), len(rb[0]) indx = defaultdict(lambda: -1) for i, j in enumerate(lb): indx[tuple(j)] = i a1, a2 = np.nonzero(abs(emat) > tol) nonzero = np.stack((a1, a2), axis=-1) hmat = np.zeros((nl, nr), dtype=np.complex128) tmp_basis = np.zeros(norbs) for iorb, jorb in nonzero: for icfg in range(nr): tmp_basis[:] = rb[icfg] if tmp_basis[jorb] == 0: continue else: s1 = (-1)**np.count_nonzero(tmp_basis[0:jorb]) tmp_basis[jorb] = 0 if tmp_basis[iorb] == 1: continue else: s2 = (-1)**np.count_nonzero(tmp_basis[0:iorb]) tmp_basis[iorb] = 1 jcfg = indx[tuple(tmp_basis)] if jcfg != -1: hmat[jcfg, icfg] += emat[iorb, jorb] * s1 * s2 return hmat
[docs]def four_fermion(umat, lb, rb=None, tol=1E-10): """ Build matrix form of a four-fermionic operator in the given Fock basis, .. math:: <F_l|\\sum_{ij}U_{ijkl}\\hat{f}_{i}^{\\dagger}\\hat{f}_{j}^{\\dagger} \\hat{f}_{k}\\hat{f}_{l}|F_r> Parameters ---------- umat: 4d complex array The 4 index Coulomb interaction tensor. lb: list of array Left fock basis :math:`<F_{l}|`. rb: list of array Right fock basis :math:`|F_{r}>`. rb = lb if rb is None tol: float (default: 1E-10) Only consider the elements of umat that are larger than tol. Returns ------- hmat: 2d complex array The matrix form of the four-fermionic operator. """ if rb is None: rb = lb lb, rb = np.array(lb), np.array(rb) nr, nl, norbs = len(rb), len(lb), len(rb[0]) indx = defaultdict(lambda: -1) for i, j in enumerate(lb): indx[tuple(j)] = i a1, a2, a3, a4 = np.nonzero(abs(umat) > tol) nonzero = np.stack((a1, a2, a3, a4), axis=-1) hmat = np.zeros((nl, nr), dtype=np.complex128) tmp_basis = np.zeros(norbs) for lorb, korb, jorb, iorb in nonzero: if iorb == jorb or korb == lorb: continue for icfg in range(nr): tmp_basis[:] = rb[icfg] if tmp_basis[iorb] == 0: continue else: s1 = (-1)**np.count_nonzero(tmp_basis[0:iorb]) tmp_basis[iorb] = 0 if tmp_basis[jorb] == 0: continue else: s2 = (-1)**np.count_nonzero(tmp_basis[0:jorb]) tmp_basis[jorb] = 0 if tmp_basis[korb] == 1: continue else: s3 = (-1)**np.count_nonzero(tmp_basis[0:korb]) tmp_basis[korb] = 1 if tmp_basis[lorb] == 1: continue else: s4 = (-1)**np.count_nonzero(tmp_basis[0:lorb]) tmp_basis[lorb] = 1 jcfg = indx[tuple(tmp_basis)] if jcfg != -1: hmat[jcfg, icfg] += umat[lorb, korb, jorb, iorb] * s1 * s2 * s3 * s4 return hmat
[docs]def build_opers(nfermion, coeff, lb, rb=None, tol=1E-10): """ Build matrix form of many-body operators in the given Fock basis, .. math:: <F_{l}|\\sum_{ij}E_{ij}\\hat{f}_{i}^{\\dagger}\\hat{f}_{j}|F_{r}> or .. math:: <F_l|\\sum_{ij}U_{ijkl}\\hat{f}_{i}^{\\dagger}\\hat{f}_{j}^{\\dagger} \\hat{f}_{k}\\hat{f}_{l}|F_r> Parameters ---------- nfermion: int Number of fermion operators. Options can only be 2 or 4 now. coeff: array-like The coefficients. - if nfermion=2, coeff should be at least 2-dimension, and the last 2-dimension is the matrix of coefficients of an operator. For examples, - coeff.shape = (3, 10, 10), means 3 operators with :math:`10 \\times 10` coefficients matrix. - coeff.shape = (2, 3, 10, 10), means :math:`2 \\times 3=6` operators with :math:`10 \\times 10` coefficients matrix. - if nfermion=4, coeff should be at least 4-dimension, and the last 4-dimension is the rank-4 tensor of coefficients of an operator. For examples, - coeff.shape = (3, 10, 10, 10, 10), means 3 operators with :math:`10 \\times 10 \\times 10 \\times 10` coefficients tensor. - coeff.shape = (2, 3, 10, 10, 10, 10), means :math:`2 \\times 3=6` operators with :math:`10 \\times 10 \\times 10 \\times 10` coefficients tensor. lb: list of array Left fock basis :math:`<F_{l}|`. rb: list of array Right fock basis :math:`|F_{r}>`. rb = lb if rb is None tol: float (default: 1E-10) Only consider the elements of emat that are larger than tol. Returns ------- hmat: array-like At least 2-dimension and the last 2-dimension is matrix form of operators, For examples, - if nfermion=2, coeff.shape=(2, 3, 10, 10), hmat.shape=(2, 3, len(lb), len(rb)) - if nfermion=4, coeff.shape=(2, 3, 10, 10, 10, 10), hmat.shape=(2, 3, len(lb), len(rb)) """ if nfermion not in [2, 4]: raise Exception("nfermion is not 2 or 4") nl = len(lb) if rb is None: nr = nl else: nr = len(rb) coeff = np.array(coeff, order='C') if nfermion == 2: dim = coeff.shape if len(dim) < 2: raise Exception("Dimension of coeff should be at least 2 when nfermion=2") elif len(dim) == 2: hmat = two_fermion(coeff, lb, rb, tol) else: tot =[0:-2]) hmat_tmp = np.zeros((tot, nl, nr), dtype=complex) coeff_tmp = coeff.reshape((tot, dim[-2], dim[-1])) for i in range(tot): hmat_tmp[i] = two_fermion(coeff_tmp[i], lb, rb, tol) hmat = hmat_tmp.reshape(dim[0:-2] + (nl, nr)) if nfermion == 4: dim = coeff.shape if len(dim) < 4: raise Exception("Dimension of coeff should be at least 4 when nfermion=4") elif len(dim) == 4: hmat = four_fermion(coeff, lb, rb, tol) else: tot =[0:-4]) hmat_tmp = np.zeros((tot, nl, nr), dtype=complex) coeff_tmp = coeff.reshape((tot, dim[-4], dim[-3], dim[-2], dim[-1])) for i in range(tot): hmat_tmp[i] = four_fermion(coeff_tmp[i], lb, rb, tol) hmat = hmat_tmp.reshape(dim[0:-4] + (nl, nr)) return hmat
[docs]def density_matrix(iorb, jorb, lb, rb): """ Calculate the matrix form of density operators :math:`\\hat{f}_{i}^{\\dagger}\\hat{f}_{j}` in the given Fock basis, .. math:: <F_{l}|\\hat{f}_{i}^{\\dagger}\\hat{f}_{j}|F_{r}> Parameters ---------- iorb: int Orbital index. jorb: int Orbital index. lb: list or array Left fock basis :math:`<F_{l}|`. rb: list or array Right fock basis :math:`|F_{r}>`. Returns ------- hmat: 2d complex array The calculated matrix form of the density operator. """ lb, rb = np.array(lb), np.array(rb) nr, nl, norbs = len(rb), len(lb), len(rb[0]) indx = defaultdict(lambda: -1) for i, j in enumerate(lb): indx[tuple(j)] = i hmat = np.zeros((nl, nr), dtype=np.complex128) tmp_basis = np.zeros(norbs) for icfg in range(nr): tmp_basis[:] = rb[icfg] if tmp_basis[jorb] == 0: continue else: s1 = (-1)**np.count_nonzero(tmp_basis[0:jorb]) tmp_basis[jorb] = 0 if tmp_basis[iorb] == 1: continue else: s2 = (-1)**np.count_nonzero(tmp_basis[0:iorb]) tmp_basis[iorb] = 1 jcfg = indx[tuple(tmp_basis)] if jcfg != -1: hmat[jcfg, icfg] += s1 * s2 return hmat