Source code for edrixs.coulomb_utensor

__all__ = ['get_gaunt', 'umat_slater', 'get_umat_kanamori_ge', 'get_F0',
           'get_umat_slater', 'get_umat_kanamori', 'get_umat_slater_3shells']

import numpy as np
from sympy.physics.wigner import gaunt
from .basis_transform import tmat_c2r, tmat_r2c, tmat_c2j, transform_utensor
from .utils import info_atomic_shell, case_to_shell_name, slater_integrals_name

[docs]def get_gaunt(l1, l2): """ Calculate the Gaunt coefficents :math:`C_{l_1,l_2}(k,m_1,m_2)` .. math:: C_{l_1,l_2}(k,m_1,m_2)=\\sqrt{\\frac{4\\pi}{2k+1}} \\int \\mathop{d\\phi} \\mathop{d\\theta} sin(\\theta) Y_{l_1}^{m_1\\star}(\\theta,\\phi) Y_{k}^{m_1-m_2}(\\theta,\\phi) Y_{l_2}^{m_2}(\\theta,\\phi) Parameters ---------- l1: int The first quantum number of angular momentum. l2: int The second quantum number of angular momentum. Returns ------- res: 3d float array The calculated Gaunt coefficents. The 1st index (:math:`= 0, 1, ..., l_1+l_2+1`) is the order :math:`k`. The 2nd index (:math:`= 0, 1, ... ,2l_1`) is the magnetic quantum number :math:`m_1` plus :math:`l_1` The 3nd index (:math:`= 0, 1, ... ,2l_2`) is the magnetic quantum number :math:`m_2` plus :math:`l_2` Notes ----- It should be noted that :math:`C_{l_1,l_2}(k,m_1,m_2)` is nonvanishing only when :math:`k + l_1 + l_2 = \\text{even}`, and :math:`|l_1 - l_2| \\leq k \\leq l_1 + l_2`. Please see Ref. [1]_ p. 10 for more details. References ---------- .. [1] Sugano S, Tanabe Y and Kamimura H. 1970. Multiplets of Transition-Metal Ions in Crystals. Academic Press, New York and London. Examples -------- >>> import edrixs Get gaunt coefficients between :math:`p`-shell and :math:`d`-shell >>> g = edrixs.get_gaunt(1, 2) """ from sympy import N res = np.zeros((l1 + l2 + 1, 2 * l1 + 1, 2 * l2 + 1), dtype=np.float64) for k in range(l1 + l2 + 1): if not (np.mod(l1 + l2 + k, 2) == 0 and np.abs(l1 - l2) <= k <= l1 + l2): continue for i1, m1 in enumerate(range(-l1, l1 + 1)): for i2, m2 in enumerate(range(-l2, l2 + 1)): res[k, i1, i2] = (N(gaunt(l1, k, l2, -m1, m1 - m2, m2)) * (-1.0)**m1 * np.sqrt(4 * np.pi / (2 * k + 1))) return res
[docs]def umat_slater(l_list, fk): """ Calculate the Coulomb interaction tensor which is parameterized by Slater integrals :math:`F^{k}`: .. math:: U_{m_{l_i}m_{s_i}, m_{l_j}m_{s_j}, m_{l_t}m_{s_t}, m_{l_u}m_{s_u}}^{i,j,t,u} =\\frac{1}{2} \\delta_{m_{s_i},m_{s_t}}\\delta_{m_{s_j},m_{s_u}} \\delta_{m_{l_i}+m_{l_j}, m_{l_t}+m_{l_u}} \\sum_{k}C_{l_i,l_t}(k,m_{l_i},m_{l_t})C_{l_u,l_j} (k,m_{l_u},m_{l_j})F^{k}_{i,j,t,u} where :math:`m_s` is the magnetic quantum number for spin and :math:`m_l` is the magnetic quantum number for orbital. :math:`F^{k}_{i,j,t,u}` are Slater integrals. :math:`C_{l_i,l_j}(k,m_{l_i},m_{l_j})` are Gaunt coefficients. Parameters ---------- l_list: list of int contains the quantum number of orbital angular momentum :math:`l` for each shell. fk: dict of float contains all the possible Slater integrals between the shells in l_list, the key is a tuple of 5 ints (:math:`k,i,j,t,u`), where :math:`k` is the order, :math:`i,j,t,u` are the shell indices begin with 1. Returns ------- umat: 4d array of complex contains the Coulomb interaction tensor. Examples -------- >>> import edrixs For only one :math:`d`-shell >>> l_list = [2] >>> fk={} >>> F0, F2, F4 = 5.0, 4.0 2.0 >>> fk[(0,1,1,1,1)] = F0 >>> fk[(2,1,1,1,1)] = F2 >>> fk[(4,1,1,1,1)] = F4 >>> umat_d = edrixs.umat_slater(l_list, fk) For one :math:`d`-shell and one :math:`p`-shell >>> l_list = [2,1] >>> fk={} >>> F0_dd, F2_dd, F4_dd = 5.0, 4.0, 2.0 >>> F0_dp, F2_dp = 4.0, 2.0 >>> G1_dp, G3_dp = 2.0, 1.0 >>> F0_pp, F2_pp = 2.0, 1.0 >>> fk[(0,1,1,1,1)] = F0_dd >>> fk[(2,1,1,1,1)] = F2_dd >>> fk[(4,1,1,1,1)] = F4_dd >>> fk[(0,1,2,1,2)] = F0_dp >>> fk[(0,2,1,2,1)] = F0_dp >>> fk[(2,1,2,1,2)] = F2_dp >>> fk[(2,2,1,2,1)] = F2_dp >>> fk[(1,1,2,2,1)] = G1_dp >>> fk[(1,2,1,1,2)] = G1_dp >>> fk[(3,1,2,2,1)] = G3_dp >>> fk[(3,2,1,1,2)] = G3_dp >>> fk[(0,2,2,2,2)] = F0_pp >>> fk[(2,2,2,2,2)] = F2_pp >>> umat_dp = edrixs.umat_slater(l_list, fk) See also -------- coulomb_utensor.get_umat_slater coulomb_utensor.get_umat_kanamori coulomb_utensor.get_umat_kanamori_ge """ k_list = list(range(0, 2 * max(l_list) + 1)) ck = {} orb_label = [] # for each shell for i, l in enumerate(l_list): # magnetic quantum number for m in range(-l, l + 1): # spin part, up,dn for spin in range(2): orb_label.append((i + 1, l, m, spin)) # all the possible gaunt coefficient for l1 in l_list: for l2 in l_list: ck_tmp = get_gaunt(l1, l2) for m1 in range(-l1, l1 + 1): for m2 in range(-l2, l2 + 1): for k in k_list: if (np.mod(l1 + l2 + k, 2) == 0 and np.abs(l1 - l2) <= k <= l1 + l2): ck[(k, l1, m1, l2, m2)] = ck_tmp[k, m1 + l1, m2 + l2] else: ck[(k, l1, m1, l2, m2)] = 0 # build the coulomb interaction tensor norbs = len(orb_label) umat = np.zeros((norbs, norbs, norbs, norbs), dtype=np.complex128) for orb1 in range(norbs): for orb2 in range(norbs): for orb3 in range(norbs): for orb4 in range(norbs): i1, l1, m1, sigma1 = orb_label[orb1] i2, l2, m2, sigma2 = orb_label[orb2] i3, l3, m3, sigma3 = orb_label[orb3] i4, l4, m4, sigma4 = orb_label[orb4] if (m1 + m2) != (m3 + m4): continue if (sigma1 != sigma3) or (sigma2 != sigma4): continue res = 0.0 for k in k_list: tmp_key = (k, i1, i2, i3, i4) if tmp_key in list(fk.keys()): res += ck[(k, l1, m1, l3, m3)] * ck[(k, l4, m4, l2, m2)] * fk[tmp_key] umat[orb1, orb2, orb4, orb3] = res umat = umat / 2.0 return umat
[docs]def get_umat_kanamori_ge(norbs, U1, U2, J, Jx, Jp): """ Calculate the Coulomb interaction tensor for a Kanamori-type interaction. For the general case, it is parameterized by :math:`U_1, U_2, J, J_x, J_p`. Parameters ---------- norbs: int number of orbitals (including spin). U1: float Hubbard :math:`U` for electrons residing on the same orbital with opposite spin. U2: float Hubbard :math:`U` for electrons residing on different orbitals. J: float Hund's coupling for density-density interaction. Jx: float Hund's coupling for spin flip. Jp: float Hund's coupling for pair-hopping. Returns ------- umat: 4d complex array The calculated Coulomb interaction tensor Notes ----- The order of spin index is: up, down, up, down, ..., up, down. See Also -------- coulomb_utensor.get_umat_kanamori coulomb_utensor.get_umat_slater coulomb_utensor.umat_slater """ umat = np.zeros((norbs, norbs, norbs, norbs), dtype=np.complex128) for alpha in range(0, norbs - 1): for beta in range(alpha + 1, norbs): for gamma in range(0, norbs - 1): for delta in range(gamma + 1, norbs): aband = alpha // 2 aspin = alpha % 2 bband = beta // 2 bspin = beta % 2 gband = gamma // 2 gspin = gamma % 2 dband = delta // 2 dspin = delta % 2 dtmp = 0.0 if ((alpha == gamma) and (beta == delta)): if ((aband == bband) and (aspin != bspin)): dtmp = dtmp + U1 if ((alpha == gamma) and (beta == delta)): if (aband != bband): dtmp = dtmp + U2 if ((alpha == gamma) and (beta == delta)): if ((aband != bband) and (aspin == bspin)): dtmp = dtmp - J if ((aband == gband) and (bband == dband)): if ((aspin != gspin) and (bspin != dspin) and (aspin != bspin)): dtmp = dtmp - Jx if ((aband == bband) and (dband == gband) and (aband != dband)): if ((aspin != bspin) and (dspin != gspin) and (aspin == gspin)): dtmp = dtmp + Jp umat[alpha, beta, delta, gamma] = dtmp return umat
def get_F0(case, *args): case = case.strip() if case == 's': return 0.0 elif case == 'p': F2 = args[0] return 2.0 / 25.0 * F2 elif case == 'd': F2, F4 = args[0:2] return 2.0 / 63.0 * F2 + 2.0 / 63.0 * F4 elif case == 'f': F2, F4, F6 = args[0:3] return 4.0 / 195.0 * F2 + 2.0 / 143.0 * F4 + 100.0 / 5577.0 * F6 elif case == 'ss': G0 = args[0] return 0.5 * G0 elif case == 'sp' or case == 'ps': G1 = args[0] return 1.0 / 6.0 * G1 elif case == 'sd' or case == 'ds': G2 = args[0] return 1.0 / 10.0 * G2 elif case == 'sf' or case == 'fs': G3 = args[0] return 1.0 / 14.0 * G3 elif case == 'pp': G0, G2 = args[0:2] return 1.0 / 6.0 * G0 + 1.0 / 15.0 * G2 elif case == 'pd' or case == 'dp': G1, G3 = args[0:2] return 1.0 / 15.0 * G1 + 3.0 / 70.0 * G3 elif case == 'pf' or case == 'fp': G2, G4 = args[0:2] return 3.0 / 70.0 * G2 + 2.0 / 63.0 * G4 elif case == 'dd': G0, G2, G4 = args[0:3] return 1.0 / 10.0 * G0 + 1.0 / 35.0 * G2 + 1.0 / 35.0 * G4 elif case == 'df' or case == 'fd': G1, G3, G5 = args[0:3] return 3.0 / 70.0 * G1 + 2.0 / 105.0 * G3 + 5.0 / 231.0 * G5 elif case == 'ff': G0, G2, G4, G6 = args[0:4] return 1.0 / 14.0 * G0 + 2.0 / 105.0 * G2 + 1.0 / 77.0 * G4 + 50.0 / 3003.0 * G6 else: raise Exception("error in get_F0(): Unknown case name:", case)
[docs]def get_umat_slater(case, *args): """ Convenient adapter function to return the Coulomb interaction tensor for common case. Parameters ---------- case: string Indicates atomic shells, should be one of For single shell: - 's': single :math:`s`-shell (:math:`l=0`) - 'p': single :math:`p`-shell (:math:`l=1`) - 'p12': single :math:`p_{1/2}`-shell (:math:`l=1`) - 'p32': single :math:`p_{3/2}`-shell (:math:`l=1`) - 't2g': single :math:`t_{2g}`-shell (:math:`l_{\\text{eff}}=1`) - 'd': single :math:`d`-shell (:math:`l=2`) - 'd32': single :math:`d_{3/2}`-shell (:math:`l=2`) - 'd52': single :math:`d_{5/2}`-shell (:math:`l=2`) - 'f': single :math:`f`-shell (:math:`l=3`) - 'f52': single :math:`f_{5/2}`-shell (:math:`l=3`) - 'f72': single :math:`f_{7/2}`-shell (:math:`l=3`) For two shells: case = str1 + str2 where, str1 and str2 are strings and they can be any of ['s', 'p', 'p12', 'p32', 't2g', 'd', 'd32', 'd52', 'f', 'f52', 'f72'] For examples, - 'dp': 1st :math:`d`-shell and 2nd :math:`p`-shell - 'dp12': 1st :math:`d`-shell and 2nd :math:`p_{1/2}`-shell - 'f52p32': 1st :math:`f_{5/2}`-shell and 2nd :math:`p_{3/2}`-shell - 't2gp': 1st :math:`t_{2g}`-shell and 2nd :math:`p`-shell *args: floats Variable length argument list. Slater integrals. The order of these integrals shoule be For only one shell case, args = [F0, F2, F4, F6, ....] For two shells case, args = [FX_11, FX_12, GX_12, FX_22] where, 1 (2) means 1st (2nd)-shell, and X=0, 2, 4, ... or X=1, 3, 5 ..., and X should be in ascending order. The following are possible cases: - 's': args = [F0] - 'p', 'p12', 'p32': args = [F0, F2] - 'd', 'd32', 'd52', 't2g': args = [F0, F2, F4] - 'f', 'f52', 'f72': args = [F0, F2, F4, F6] - 'ss': args = [F0_11, F0_12, G0_12, F0_22] - 'ps', 'p12s', 'p32s': args = [F0_11, F2_11, F0_12, G1_12, F0_22] - 'ds', 'd32s', 'd52s', 't2gs': args = [F0_11, F2_11, F4_11, F0_12, G2_12, F0_22] - 'fs', 'f52s', 'f72s': args = [F0_11, F2_11, F4_11, F6_11, F0_12, G3_12, F0_22] - 'sp', 'sp12', 'sp32': args = [F0_11, F0_12, G1_12, F0_22, F2_22] - 'pp', 'pp12', 'pp32', 'p12p', 'p12p12', 'p12p32', 'p32p', 'p32p12', 'p32p32': args = [F0_11, F2_11, F0_12, F2_12, G0_12, G2_12, F0_22, F2_22] - 'dp', 'dp12', 'dp32', 'd32p', 'd32p12', 'd32p32', 'd52p', 'd52p12', 'd52p32', 't2gp', 't2gp12', t2gp32': args = [F0_11, F2_11, F4_11, F0_12, F2_12, G1_12, G3_12, F0_22, F2_22] - 'fp', 'fp12', 'fp32', 'f52p', 'f52p12', 'f52p32', 'f72p', 'f72p12', 'f72p32': args = [F0_11, F2_11, F4_11, F6_11, F0_12, F2_12, G2_12, G4_12, F0_22, F2_22] - 'sd', 'sd32', 'sd52': args = [F0_11, F0_12, G2_12, F0_22, F2_22, F4_22] - 'pd', 'pd32', 'pd52', 'p12d', 'p12d32', 'p12d52', 'p32d', 'p32d32', 'p32d52': args = [F0_11, F2_11, F0_12, F2_12, G1_12, G3_12, F0_22, F2_22, F4_22] - 'dd', 'dd32', 'dd52', 'd32d', 'd32d32', 'd32d52', 'd52d', 'd52d32', 'd52d52', 't2gd', 't2gd32', 't2gd52': args = [F0_11, F2_11, F4_11, F0_12, F2_12, F4_12, G0_12, G2_12, G4_12, F0_22, F2_22, F4_22] - 'fd', 'fd32', 'fd52', 'f52d', 'f52d32', 'f52d52', 'f72d', 'f72d32', 'f72d52': args = [F0_11, F2_11, F4_11, F6_11, F0_12, F2_12, F4_12, G1_12, G3_12, G5_12, F0_22, F2_22, F4_22] - 'sf', 'sf52', 'sf72': args = [F0_11, F0_12, G3_12, F0_22, F2_22, F4_22, F6_22] - 'pf', 'pf52', 'pf72', 'p12f', 'p12f52', 'p12f72', 'p32f', 'p32f52', 'p32f72': args = [F0_11, F2_11, F0_12, F2_12, G2_12, G4_12, F0_22, F2_22, F4_22, F6_22] - 'df', 'df52', 'df72', 'd32f', 'd32f52', 'd32f72', 'd52f', 'd52f52', 'd52f72', 't2gf', 't2gf52', 't2gf72': args = [F0_11, F2_11, F4_11, F0_12, F2_12, F4_12, G1_12, G3_12, G5_12, F0_22, F2_22, F4_22, F6_22] - 'ff', 'ff52', 'ff72', 'f52f', 'f52f52', 'f52f72', 'f72f', 'f72f52', 'f72f72': args = [F0_11, F2_11, F4_11, F6_11, F0_12, F2_12, F4_12, F6_12, G0_12, G2_12, G4_12, G6_12, F0_22, F2_22, F4_22, F6_22] Returns ------- umat: 4d array of complex the Coulomb interaction tensor Examples -------- >>> import edrixs >>> F0_dd, F2_dd, F4_dd = 3.0, 1.0, 0.5 >>> F0_dp, F2_dp, G1_dp, G3_dp = 2.0, 1.0, 0.2, 0.1 >>> F0_pp, F2_pp = 0.0, 0.0 >>> slater = [F0_dd, F2_dd, F4_dd, F0_dp, F2_dp, G1_dp, G3_dp, F0_pp, F2_pp] >>> umat_d = edrixs.get_umat_slater('d', F0_dd, F2_dd, F4_dd) >>> umat_dp = edrixs.get_umat_slater('dp', *slater) >>> umat_t2gp = edrixs.get_umat_slater('t2gp', *slater) >>> umat_dp32 = edrixs.get_umat_slater('dp32', *slater) See Also -------- coulomb_utensor.umat_slater coulomb_utensor.get_umat_kanamori coulomb_utensor.get_umat_kanamori_ge """ info = info_atomic_shell() shells = case_to_shell_name(case) nslat = len(slater_integrals_name(shells)) if nslat != len(args): raise Exception("Number of Slater integrals", len(args), " is not equal to ", nslat) special_shell = ['t2g', 'p12', 'p32', 'd32', 'd52', 'f52', 'f72'] orb_indx = { special_shell[0]: [2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9], special_shell[1]: [0, 1], special_shell[2]: [2, 3, 4, 5], special_shell[3]: [0, 1, 2, 3], special_shell[4]: [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], special_shell[5]: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], special_shell[6]: [6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13] } # only one shell if len(shells) == 1: orbl = info[shells[0]][0] l_list = [orbl] fk = {} it = 0 for rank in range(0, 2*orbl+1, 2): fk[(rank, 1, 1, 1, 1)] = args[it] it += 1 umat = umat_slater(l_list, fk) # truncate to a sub-shell if necessary if shells[0] in special_shell: if shells[0] == 't2g': tmat = tmat_c2r('d', True) else: tmat = tmat_c2j(orbl) umat = transform_utensor(umat, tmat) indx = orb_indx[shells[0]] umat_tmp = np.zeros((len(indx), len(indx), len(indx), len(indx)), dtype=complex) umat_tmp[:, :, :, :] = umat[indx][:, indx][:, :, indx][:, :, :, indx] if shells[0] == 't2g': umat_tmp[:, :, :, :] = transform_utensor(umat_tmp, tmat_r2c('t2g', True)) umat = umat_tmp # two shells elif len(shells) == 2: name1, name2 = shells l1, l2 = info[name1][0], info[name2][0] n1, n2 = 2*(2*l1+1), 2*(2*l2+1) ntot = n1 + n2 l_list = [l1, l2] fk = {} it = 0 for rank in range(0, 2 * l1 + 1, 2): fk[(rank, 1, 1, 1, 1)] = args[it] it += 1 for rank in range(0, min(2 * l1, 2 * l2) + 1, 2): fk[(rank, 1, 2, 1, 2)] = args[it] fk[(rank, 2, 1, 2, 1)] = args[it] it += 1 for rank in range(abs(l1 - l2), l1 + l2 + 1, 2): fk[(rank, 1, 2, 2, 1)] = args[it] fk[(rank, 2, 1, 1, 2)] = args[it] it += 1 for rank in range(0, 2 * l2 + 1, 2): fk[(rank, 2, 2, 2, 2)] = args[it] it += 1 umat = umat_slater(l_list, fk) # truncate to a sub-shell if necessary if (name1 in special_shell) or (name2 in special_shell): tmat = np.eye(ntot, dtype=complex) indx1 = list(range(0, n1)) if name1 in special_shell: if name1 == 't2g': tmat[0:n1, 0:n1] = tmat_c2r('d', True) else: tmat[0:n1, 0:n1] = tmat_c2j(l1) indx1 = orb_indx[name1] indx2 = [n1 + i for i in range(0, n2)] if name2 in special_shell: if name2 == 't2g': tmat[n1:ntot, n1:ntot] = tmat_c2r('d', True) else: tmat[n1:ntot, n1:ntot] = tmat_c2j(l2) indx2 = [n1 + i for i in orb_indx[name2]] indx = indx1 + indx2 umat = transform_utensor(umat, tmat) umat_tmp = np.zeros((len(indx), len(indx), len(indx), len(indx)), dtype=complex) umat_tmp[:, :, :, :] = umat[indx][:, indx][:, :, indx][:, :, :, indx] if name1 == 't2g' or name2 == 't2g': tmat = np.eye(len(indx), dtype=np.complex128) if name1 == 't2g': tmat[0:6, 0:6] = tmat_r2c('t2g', True) if name2 == 't2g': tmat[-6:, -6:] = tmat_r2c('t2g', True) umat_tmp[:, :, :, :] = transform_utensor(umat_tmp, tmat) umat = umat_tmp else: raise Exception("Not implemented for this case: ", shells) return umat
[docs]def get_umat_slater_3shells(shell_name, *args): """ Given three shells, build the slater type of Coulomb tensors among the three shells. Parameters ---------- shell_name: tuple of three strings Shells names. *args: floats Slater integrals. The order should be FX_11, FX_12, GX_12, FX_22, FX_13, GX_13, FX_23, GX_23, FX_33 where, 1, 2, 3 means 1st, 2nd, 3rd shell, and X=0, 2, 4, ... or X=1, 3, 5 ..., and X should be in ascending order. Returns ------- umat: 4d complex array Rank-4 Coulomb tensors. """ v1_name = shell_name[0].strip() v2_name = shell_name[1].strip() v3_name = shell_name[2].strip() info_shell = info_atomic_shell() v1_orbl = info_shell[v1_name][0] v2_orbl = info_shell[v2_name][0] v3_orbl = info_shell[v3_name][0] v1_norb = info_shell[v1_name][1] v2_norb = info_shell[v2_name][1] v3_norb = info_shell[v3_name][1] # total number of orbitals ntot = v1_norb + v2_norb + v3_norb v1v2_norb = v1_norb + v2_norb indx = [] it = 0 it += len(range(0, 2*v1_orbl+1, 2)) indx.append(it) it += len(range(0, min(2*v1_orbl, 2*v2_orbl)+1, 2)) it += len(range(abs(v1_orbl-v2_orbl), v1_orbl+v2_orbl+1, 2)) indx.append(it) it += len(range(0, 2*v2_orbl+1, 2)) indx.append(it) it += len(range(0, min(2*v1_orbl, 2*v3_orbl)+1, 2)) it += len(range(abs(v1_orbl-v3_orbl), v1_orbl+v3_orbl+1, 2)) indx.append(it) it += len(range(0, min(2*v2_orbl, 2*v3_orbl)+1, 2)) it += len(range(abs(v2_orbl-v3_orbl), v2_orbl+v3_orbl+1, 2)) indx.append(it) it += len(range(0, 2*v3_orbl+1, 2)) indx.append(it) if it != len(args): raise Exception("Number of Slater integrals", len(args), " is not equal to ", it) umat = np.zeros((ntot, ntot, ntot, ntot), dtype=complex) # v1-v2 case = v1_name + v2_name arg_list = list(args[0:indx[0]]) + list(args[indx[0]:indx[1]]) + list(args[indx[1]:indx[2]]) umat_tmp = get_umat_slater(case, *arg_list) umat[0:v1v2_norb, 0:v1v2_norb, 0:v1v2_norb, 0:v1v2_norb] = umat_tmp # v1-v3 case = v1_name + v3_name arg_list = [0.0] * indx[0] + list(args[indx[2]:indx[3]]) + list(args[indx[4]:indx[5]]) umat_tmp = get_umat_slater(case, *arg_list) aa = list(range(0, v1_norb)) + list(range(v1v2_norb, ntot)) for i in range(v1_norb + v3_norb): for j in range(v1_norb + v3_norb): for k in range(v1_norb + v3_norb): for m in range(v1_norb + v3_norb): umat[aa[i], aa[j], aa[k], aa[m]] += umat_tmp[i, j, k, m] # v2-v3 case = v2_name + v3_name arg_list = ([0.0] * (indx[2] - indx[1]) + list(args[indx[3]:indx[4]]) + [0.0] * (indx[5] - indx[4])) umat_tmp = get_umat_slater(case, *arg_list) aa = list(range(v1_norb, ntot)) for i in range(v2_norb + v3_norb): for j in range(v2_norb + v3_norb): for k in range(v2_norb + v3_norb): for m in range(v2_norb + v3_norb): umat[aa[i], aa[j], aa[k], aa[m]] += umat_tmp[i, j, k, m] return umat
[docs]def get_umat_kanamori(norbs, U, J): """ Calculate the Coulomb interaction tensor for a Kanamori-type interaction. For the :math:`t2g`-shell case, it is parameterized by :math:`U, J`. Parameters ---------- norbs: int number of orbitals (including spin). U: float Hubbard :math:`U` for electrons residing on the same orbital with opposite spin. J: float Hund's coupling. Returns ------- umat: 4d complex array The calculated Coulomb interaction tensor Notes ----- The order of spin index is: up, down, up, down, ..., up, down. See Also -------- coulomb_utensor.get_umat_kanamori_ge coulomb_utensor.get_umat_slater coulomb_utensor.umat_slater """ return get_umat_kanamori_ge(norbs, U, U - 2 * J, J, J, J)