Source code for edrixs.basis_transform

__all__ = ['cb_op', 'cb_op2', 'tmat_c2r', 'tmat_r2c', 'tmat_r2cub_f',
           'tmat_cub2r_f', 'tmat_c2j', 'transform_utensor', 'fourier_hr2hk']

import numpy as np

[docs]def cb_op(oper_O, TL, TR=None): """ Change the basis of an operator :math:`\\hat{O}`. .. math:: O^{\\prime} = (T_L)^{\\dagger} O (T_R), Parameters ---------- oper_O: array-like At least 2-dimension, the last 2-dimension is the dimension of the matrix form of operator :math:`\\hat{O}` in basis :math:`A`. For example: - oper_O.shape = (3, 10, 10), means 3 operators with dimension :math:`10 \\times 10` - oper_O.shape = (2, 3, 10, 10), means :math:`2 \\times 3=6` operators with dimension :math:`10 \\times 10` TL: 2d array The unitary transformation matrix from basis :math:`A` to basis :math:`B`, namely, :math:`TL_{ij} = <\\psi^{A}_{i}|\\phi^{B}_{j}>`. TR: 2d array The unitary transformation matrix from basis :math:`A` to basis :math:`B`, namely, :math:`TR_{ij} = <\\psi^{A}_{i}|\\phi^{B}_{j}>`. if TR = None, TR = TL Returns ------- res: same shape as oper_O The matrices form of operators :math:`\\hat{O}` in new basis. """ oper_O = np.array(oper_O, order='C') dim = oper_O.shape if TR is None: TR = TL if len(dim) < 2: raise Exception("Dimension of oper_O should be at least 2") elif len(dim) == 2: res =, oper_O), TR) else: tot =[0:-2]) tmp_oper = oper_O.reshape((tot, dim[-2], dim[-1])) for i in range(tot): tmp_oper[i] =, tmp_oper[i]), TR) res = tmp_oper.reshape(dim) return res
[docs]def cb_op2(oper_O, TL, TR): """ Change the basis of an operator :math:`\\hat{O}`. .. math:: O^{\\prime} = (T_L)^{\\dagger} O (T_R), Parameters ---------- oper_O: array-like At least 2-dimension, the last 2-dimension is the dimension of the matrix form of operator :math:`\\hat{O}` in basis :math:`A`. For example: - oper_O.shape = (3, 10, 10), means 3 operatos with dimension :math:`10 \\times 10` - oper_O.shape = (2, 3, 10, 10), means :math:`2 \\times 3=6` operators with dimension :math:`10 \\times 10` TL: 2d array The unitary transformation matrix applied on the left. TR: 2d array The unitary transformation matrix applied on the right. Returns ------- res: same shape as oper_O The matrices form of operators :math:`\\hat{O}` in new basis. """ oper_O = np.array(oper_O, order='C') dim = oper_O.shape if len(dim) < 2: raise Exception("Dimension of oper_O should be at least 2") elif len(dim) == 2: res =, oper_O), TR) else: tot =[0:-2]) tmp_oper = oper_O.reshape((tot, dim[-2], dim[-1])) for i in range(tot): tmp_oper[i] =, tmp_oper[i]), TR) res = tmp_oper.reshape(dim) return res
[docs]def tmat_c2r(case, ispin=False): """ Get the unitary transformation matrix from the basis of complex spherical harmonics to real spherical harmonics. Parameters ---------- case: string Label for different systems. - 'p': for :math:`p`-shell - 't2g': for :math:`t_{2g}`-shell - 'd': for :math:`d`-shell - 'f': for :math:`f`-shell ispin: logical Whether including spin degree of freedom or not (default: False). Returns ------- t_c2r: 2d complex array The transformation matrix. """ sqrt2 = np.sqrt(2.0) ci = np.complex128(0.0 + 1.0j) cone = np.complex128(1.0 + 0.0j) # p orbitals: px, py, pz if case.strip() == 'p': norbs = 3 t_c2r = np.zeros((norbs, norbs), dtype=np.complex128) # px=1/sqrt(2)( |1,-1> - |1,1> ) t_c2r[0, 0] = cone / sqrt2 t_c2r[2, 0] = -cone / sqrt2 # py=i/sqrt(2)( |1,-1> + |1,1> ) t_c2r[0, 1] = ci / sqrt2 t_c2r[2, 1] = ci / sqrt2 # pz=|1,0> t_c2r[1, 2] = cone # t2g orbitals in the t2g subspace, here, we use the so-called # T-P equivalence, t2g orbitals behave like the effective orbital # angular momentum leff=1 # dzx ~ py, dzy ~ px, dxy ~ pz elif case.strip() == 't2g': norbs = 3 t_c2r = np.zeros((norbs, norbs), dtype=np.complex128) # dzx --> py=i/sqrt(2)( |1,-1> + |1,1> ) t_c2r[0, 0] = ci / sqrt2 t_c2r[2, 0] = ci / sqrt2 # dzy --> px=1/sqrt(2)( |1,-1> - |1,1> ) t_c2r[0, 1] = cone / sqrt2 t_c2r[2, 1] = -cone / sqrt2 # dxy --> pz=|1,0> t_c2r[1, 2] = cone # d orbitals: dz2, dzx, dzy, dx2-y2, dxy elif case.strip() == 'd': norbs = 5 t_c2r = np.zeros((norbs, norbs), dtype=np.complex128) # dz2=|2,0> t_c2r[2, 0] = cone # dzx=1/sqrt(2)( |2,-1> - |2,1> ) t_c2r[1, 1] = cone / sqrt2 t_c2r[3, 1] = -cone / sqrt2 # dzy=i/sqrt(2)( |2,-1> + |2,1> ) t_c2r[1, 2] = ci / sqrt2 t_c2r[3, 2] = ci / sqrt2 # dx2-y2=1/sqrt(2)( |2,-2> + |2,2> ) t_c2r[0, 3] = cone / sqrt2 t_c2r[4, 3] = cone / sqrt2 # dxy=i/sqrt(2)( |2,-2> - |2,2> ) t_c2r[0, 4] = ci / sqrt2 t_c2r[4, 4] = -ci / sqrt2 # f orbitals, please NOTE that this real form of the f orbitals is not the # basis of the representation of the cubic point group, please call the # function ``tmat_r2cub" to get the transformation matrix from this basis # to the cubic basis that is the representation of the cubic point group. elif case.strip() == 'f': norbs = 7 t_c2r = np.zeros((norbs, norbs), dtype=np.complex128) # fz3 = |3,0> t_c2r[3, 0] = cone # fxz2 = 1/sqrt(2)( |3,-1> - |3,1> ) t_c2r[2, 1] = cone / sqrt2 t_c2r[4, 1] = -cone / sqrt2 # fyz2 = i/sqrt(2)( |3,-1> + |3,1> ) t_c2r[2, 2] = ci / sqrt2 t_c2r[4, 2] = ci / sqrt2 # fz(x2-y2) = 1/sqrt(2)( |3,-2> + |3,2> ) t_c2r[1, 3] = cone / sqrt2 t_c2r[5, 3] = cone / sqrt2 # fxyz = i/sqrt(2)( |3,-2> - |3,2> ) t_c2r[1, 4] = ci / sqrt2 t_c2r[5, 4] = -ci / sqrt2 # fx(x2-3y2) = 1/sqrt(2) ( |3,-3> - |3,3> ) t_c2r[0, 5] = cone / sqrt2 t_c2r[6, 5] = -cone / sqrt2 # fy(3x2-y2) = i/sqrt(2) ( |3,-3> + |3,3> ) t_c2r[0, 6] = ci / sqrt2 t_c2r[6, 6] = ci / sqrt2 else: raise Exception("error in tmat_c2r: Do NOT support tmat_c2r for this case: ", case) # the spin order is: up dn up dn ... up dn if ispin: ntot_orbs = 2 * norbs t_c2r_spin = np.zeros((ntot_orbs, ntot_orbs), dtype=np.complex128) # spin up t_c2r_spin[0:ntot_orbs:2, 0:ntot_orbs:2] = t_c2r # spin dn t_c2r_spin[1:ntot_orbs:2, 1:ntot_orbs:2] = t_c2r return t_c2r_spin else: return t_c2r
[docs]def tmat_r2c(case, ispin=False): """ Get the unitary transformation matrix from the basis of real spherical harmonics to complex spherical harmonics. Parameters ---------- case: string Label for different systems. - 'p': for :math:`p`-shell - 't2g': for :math:`t_{2g}`-shell - 'd': for :math:`d`-shell - 'f': for :math:`f`-shell ispin: logical Whether including spin degree of freedom or not (default: False). Returns ------- t_r2c: 2d complex array The transformation matrix. """ t_r2c = np.conj(np.transpose(tmat_c2r(case, ispin))) return t_r2c
[docs]def tmat_r2cub_f(ispin=False): """ Get the transformation matrix from real spherical harmonics to the cubic spherical harmonics that is the representation of the cubic point group, only for :math:`f` system. Parameters ---------- ispin: logical Whether including spin degree of freedom or not (default: False). Returns ------- t_r2cub: 2d complex array The transformation matrix. """ a = np.sqrt(10.0) / 4.0 + 0.0j b = np.sqrt(6.0) / 4.0 + 0.0j c = 1.0 + 0.0j norbs = 7 t_r2cub = np.zeros((norbs, norbs), dtype=np.complex128) # T1u # fx3 = -sqrt(6)/4 fxz2 + sqrt(10)/4 fx(x2-3y2) t_r2cub[1, 0] = -b t_r2cub[5, 0] = a # fy3 = -sqrt(6)/4 fyz2 - sqrt(10)/4 fy(3x2-y2) t_r2cub[2, 1] = -b t_r2cub[6, 1] = -a # fz3 = fz3 t_r2cub[0, 2] = c # T2u # fx(y2-z2) = -sqrt(10)/4 fxz2 - sqrt(6)/4 fx(x2-3y2) t_r2cub[1, 3] = -a t_r2cub[5, 3] = -b # fy(z2-x2) = sqrt(10)/4 fyz2 - sqrt(6)/4 fy(3x2-y2) t_r2cub[2, 4] = a t_r2cub[6, 4] = -b # fz(x2-y2) = fz(x2-y2) t_r2cub[3, 5] = c # A2u # fxyz = fxyz t_r2cub[4, 6] = c if ispin: ntot_orbs = 2 * norbs t_r2cub_spin = np.zeros((ntot_orbs, ntot_orbs), dtype=np.complex128) # spin up t_r2cub_spin[0:ntot_orbs:2, 0:ntot_orbs:2] = t_r2cub # spin dn t_r2cub_spin[1:ntot_orbs:2, 1:ntot_orbs:2] = t_r2cub return t_r2cub_spin else: return t_r2cub
[docs]def tmat_cub2r_f(ispin=False): """ Get the transformation matrix from the cubic spherical harmonics to real spherical harmonics, only for :math:`f` system. Parameters ---------- ispin: logical Whether including spin degree of freedom or not (default: False). Returns ------- t_cub2r: 2d complex array The transformation matrix. """ t_cub2r = np.conj(np.transpose(tmat_r2cub_f(ispin))) return t_cub2r
[docs]def tmat_c2j(orb_l): """ Get the transformation matrix from the complex spherical harmonics to the :math:`|j^2,j_z>` basis in which the spin-oribt coupling Hamiltonian is diagonal. The orbital order is: :math:`|j=l-1/2, -j>, |j=l-1/2, -j+1>, ... |j=l-1/2, +j>,` :math:`|j=l+1/2, -j>, |j=l+1/2, -j+1>, ..., |j=l+1/2, +j>`. Parameters ---------- orb_l: int Quantum number of orbital angular momentum. Returns ------- t_c2j: 2d complex array The transformation matrix. """ if orb_l == 1: t_c2j = np.zeros((6, 6), dtype=np.complex128) t_c2j[0, 0] = -np.sqrt(2.0 / 3.0) t_c2j[3, 0] = np.sqrt(1.0 / 3.0) t_c2j[2, 1] = -np.sqrt(1.0 / 3.0) t_c2j[5, 1] = np.sqrt(2.0 / 3.0) t_c2j[1, 2] = 1.0 t_c2j[0, 3] = np.sqrt(1.0 / 3.0) t_c2j[3, 3] = np.sqrt(2.0 / 3.0) t_c2j[2, 4] = np.sqrt(2.0 / 3.0) t_c2j[5, 4] = np.sqrt(1.0 / 3.0) t_c2j[4, 5] = 1.0 return t_c2j elif orb_l == 2: t_c2j = np.zeros((10, 10), dtype=np.complex128) t_c2j[0, 0] = -np.sqrt(4.0 / 5.0) t_c2j[3, 0] = np.sqrt(1.0 / 5.0) t_c2j[2, 1] = -np.sqrt(3.0 / 5.0) t_c2j[5, 1] = np.sqrt(2.0 / 5.0) t_c2j[4, 2] = -np.sqrt(2.0 / 5.0) t_c2j[7, 2] = np.sqrt(3.0 / 5.0) t_c2j[6, 3] = -np.sqrt(1.0 / 5.0) t_c2j[9, 3] = np.sqrt(4.0 / 5.0) t_c2j[1, 4] = 1.0 t_c2j[0, 5] = np.sqrt(1.0 / 5.0) t_c2j[3, 5] = np.sqrt(4.0 / 5.0) t_c2j[2, 6] = np.sqrt(2.0 / 5.0) t_c2j[5, 6] = np.sqrt(3.0 / 5.0) t_c2j[4, 7] = np.sqrt(3.0 / 5.0) t_c2j[7, 7] = np.sqrt(2.0 / 5.0) t_c2j[6, 8] = np.sqrt(4.0 / 5.0) t_c2j[9, 8] = np.sqrt(1.0 / 5.0) t_c2j[8, 9] = 1.0 return t_c2j elif orb_l == 3: t_c2j = np.zeros((14, 14), dtype=np.complex128) t_c2j[0, 0] = -np.sqrt(6.0 / 7.0) t_c2j[3, 0] = np.sqrt(1.0 / 7.0) t_c2j[2, 1] = -np.sqrt(5.0 / 7.0) t_c2j[5, 1] = np.sqrt(2.0 / 7.0) t_c2j[4, 2] = -np.sqrt(4.0 / 7.0) t_c2j[7, 2] = np.sqrt(3.0 / 7.0) t_c2j[6, 3] = -np.sqrt(3.0 / 7.0) t_c2j[9, 3] = np.sqrt(4.0 / 7.0) t_c2j[8, 4] = -np.sqrt(2.0 / 7.0) t_c2j[11, 4] = np.sqrt(5.0 / 7.0) t_c2j[10, 5] = -np.sqrt(1.0 / 7.0) t_c2j[13, 5] = np.sqrt(6.0 / 7.0) t_c2j[1, 6] = 1.0 t_c2j[0, 7] = np.sqrt(1.0 / 7.0) t_c2j[3, 7] = np.sqrt(6.0 / 7.0) t_c2j[2, 8] = np.sqrt(2.0 / 7.0) t_c2j[5, 8] = np.sqrt(5.0 / 7.0) t_c2j[4, 9] = np.sqrt(3.0 / 7.0) t_c2j[7, 9] = np.sqrt(4.0 / 7.0) t_c2j[6, 10] = np.sqrt(4.0 / 7.0) t_c2j[9, 10] = np.sqrt(3.0 / 7.0) t_c2j[8, 11] = np.sqrt(5.0 / 7.0) t_c2j[11, 11] = np.sqrt(2.0 / 7.0) t_c2j[10, 12] = np.sqrt(6.0 / 7.0) t_c2j[13, 12] = np.sqrt(1.0 / 7.0) t_c2j[12, 13] = 1.0 return t_c2j else: raise Exception("error in tmat_c2j: Have NOT implemented for this case: ", orb_l)
[docs]def transform_utensor(umat, tmat): """ Transform the rank-4 Coulomb interaction tensor from one basis to another basis. Parameters ---------- umat: 4d array Coulomb interaction tensor (rank-4). tmat: 2d array The transformation matrix. Returns ------- umat_new: 4d complex array The Coulomb interaction tensor in the new basis. """ n = umat.shape[0] umat_new = np.zeros((n, n, n, n), dtype=np.complex128) a1, a2, a3, a4 = np.nonzero(abs(umat) > 1E-16) nonzero = np.stack((a1, a2, a3, a4), axis=-1) for ii, jj, kk, mm in nonzero: for i in range(n): if abs(tmat[ii, i]) < 1E-16: continue else: for j in range(n): if abs(tmat[jj, j]) < 1E-16: continue else: for k in range(n): if abs(tmat[kk, k]) < 1E-16: continue else: for m in range(n): umat_new[i, j, k, m] += (np.conj(tmat[ii, i]) * np.conj(tmat[jj, j]) * umat[ii, jj, kk, mm] * tmat[kk, k] * tmat[mm, m]) return umat_new
[docs]def fourier_hr2hk(norbs, nkpt, kvec, nrpt, rvec, deg_rpt, hr): """ Fourier transform a tight-binding Hamiltonian :math:`H(r)` from real space to :math:`k` space :math:`H(k)`, for Wannier90. Parameters ---------- norbs: int Number of orbitals. nkpt: int Number of :math:`k`-points. kvec: 2d float array Fractional coordinate for k-points. nrpt: int Number of r-points. rvec: 2d float array Fractional coordinate for r-points. deg_rpt: int The degenerancy for each r-point. hr: 3d complex array Hamiltonian in r-space. Returns ------- hk: 3d complex array Hamiltonian in k-space. """ hk = np.zeros((nkpt, norbs, norbs), dtype=np.complex128) for i in range(nkpt): for j in range(nrpt): coef = -2 * np.pi *[i, :], rvec[j, :]) ratio = (np.cos(coef) + np.sin(coef) * 1j) / float(deg_rpt[j]) hk[i, :, :] = hk[i, :, :] + ratio * hr[j, :, :] return hk