Source code for edrixs.angular_momentum

__all__ = ['get_ladd', 'get_lminus', 'get_lx', 'get_ly', 'get_lz', 'get_orb_momentum',
           'get_pauli', 'get_sx', 'get_sy', 'get_sz', 'get_spin_momentum', 'euler_to_rmat',
           'rmat_to_euler', 'where_is_angle', 'dmat_spinor', 'zx_to_rmat', 'get_wigner_dmat',
           'cf_cubic_d', 'cf_tetragonal_d', 'cf_square_planar_d', 'cf_trigonal_t2g']

import numpy as np
from .basis_transform import cb_op, tmat_r2c

[docs]def get_ladd(ll, ispin=False): """ Get the matrix form of the raising operator :math:`l^+` in the complex spherical harmonics basis .. math:: l^+|ll,m> = \\sqrt{(ll-m)(ll+m+1)} |ll,m+1> Parameters ---------- ll: int Orbital angular momentum number. ispin: logical Whether including spin or not (default: False). Returns ------- ladd: 2d complex array The matrix form of :math:`l^+`. If ispin=True, the dimension will be :math:`2(2ll+1) \\times 2(2ll+1)`, otherwise, it will be :math:`(2ll+1) \\times (2ll+1)`. """ norbs = 2 * ll + 1 ladd = np.zeros((norbs, norbs), dtype=np.complex128) cone = np.complex128(1.0 + 0.0j) for m in range(-ll, ll): ladd[ll + m + 1, ll + m] = np.sqrt((ll - m) * (ll + m + 1.0) * cone) if ispin: ladd_spin = np.zeros((2 * norbs, 2 * norbs), dtype=np.complex128) ladd_spin[0:2 * norbs:2, 0:2 * norbs:2] = ladd ladd_spin[1:2 * norbs:2, 1:2 * norbs:2] = ladd return ladd_spin else: return ladd
[docs]def get_lminus(ll, ispin=False): """ Get the matrix form of the lowering operator :math:`l^-` in the complex spherical harmonics basis .. math:: l^-|ll,m> = \\sqrt{(ll+m)(ll-m+1)} |ll,m-1> Parameters ---------- ll: int Orbital angular momentum number. ispin: logical Whether including spin or not (default: False). Returns ------- lminus: 2d complex array The matrix form of :math:`l^-`. If ispin=True, the dimension will be :math:`2(2ll+1) \\times 2(2ll+1)`, otherwise, it will be :math:`(2ll+1) \\times (2ll+1)`. """ norbs = 2 * ll + 1 lminus = np.zeros((norbs, norbs), dtype=np.complex128) cone = np.complex128(1.0 + 0.0j) for m in range(-ll + 1, ll + 1): lminus[ll + m - 1, ll + m] = np.sqrt((ll + m) * (ll - m + 1.0) * cone) if ispin: lminus_spin = np.zeros((2 * norbs, 2 * norbs), dtype=np.complex128) lminus_spin[0:2 * norbs:2, 0:2 * norbs:2] = lminus lminus_spin[1:2 * norbs:2, 1:2 * norbs:2] = lminus return lminus_spin else: return lminus
[docs]def get_lx(ll, ispin=False): """ Get the matrix form of the orbital angular momentum operator :math:`l_x` in the complex spherical harmonics basis, .. math:: l_x = \\frac{1}{2} (l^+ + l^-) Parameters ---------- ll: int Orbital angular momentum number. ispin: logical Whether including spin or not (default: False). Returns ------- lx: 2d complex array The matrix form of :math:`l_x`. If ispin=True, the dimension will be :math:`2(2ll+1) \\times 2(2ll+1)`, otherwise, it will be :math:`(2ll+1) \\times (2ll+1)`. """ if ispin: return (get_ladd(ll, True) + get_lminus(ll, True)) / 2.0 else: return (get_ladd(ll) + get_lminus(ll)) / 2.0
[docs]def get_ly(ll, ispin=False): """ Get the matrix form of the orbital angular momentum operator :math:`l_y` in the complex spherical harmonics basis, .. math:: l_y = \\frac{-i}{2} (l^+ - l^-) Parameters ---------- ll: int Orbital angular momentum number. ispin: logical Whether including spin or not (default: False). Returns ------- ly: 2d complex array The matrix form of :math:`l_y`. If ispin=True, the dimension will be :math:`2(2ll+1) \\times 2(2ll+1)`, otherwise, it will be :math:`(2ll+1) \\times (2ll+1)`. """ if ispin: return (get_ladd(ll, True) - get_lminus(ll, True)) / 2.0 * -1j else: return (get_ladd(ll) - get_lminus(ll)) / 2.0 * -1j
[docs]def get_lz(ll, ispin=False): """ Get the matrix form of the orbital angular momentum operator :math:`l_z` in the complex spherical harmonics basis. Parameters ---------- ll: int Orbital angular momentum number. ispin: logical Whether including spin or not (default: False). Returns ------- lz: 2d complex array The matrix form of :math:`l_z`. If ispin=True, the dimension will be :math:`2(2ll+1) \\times 2(2ll+1)`, otherwise, it will be :math:`(2ll+1) \\times (2ll+1)`. """ norbs = 2 * ll + 1 lz = np.zeros((norbs, norbs), dtype=np.complex128) for m in range(-ll, ll + 1): lz[ll + m, ll + m] = m if ispin: lz_spin = np.zeros((2 * norbs, 2 * norbs), dtype=np.complex128) lz_spin[0:2 * norbs:2, 0:2 * norbs:2] = lz lz_spin[1:2 * norbs:2, 1:2 * norbs:2] = lz return lz_spin else: return lz
[docs]def get_orb_momentum(ll, ispin=False): """ Get the matrix form of the orbital angular momentum operator :math:`l_x, l_y, l_z` in the complex spherical harmonics basis. Parameters ---------- ll: int Orbital angular momentum number. ispin: logical Whether including spin or not (default: False). Returns ------- res: 3d complex array The matrix form of - res[0]: :math:`l_x` - res[1]: :math:`l_y` - res[2]: :math:`l_z` If ispin=True, the dimension will be :math:`3 \\times 2(2ll+1) \\times 2(2ll+1)`, otherwise, it will be :math:`3 \\times (2ll+1) \\times (2ll+1)`. """ norbs = 2 * ll + 1 if ispin: res = np.zeros((3, 2*norbs, 2*norbs), dtype=np.complex128) else: res = np.zeros((3, norbs, norbs), dtype=np.complex128) res[0] = get_lx(ll, ispin) res[1] = get_ly(ll, ispin) res[2] = get_lz(ll, ispin) return res
[docs]def get_pauli(): """ Get the Pauli matrix Returns ------- sigma: 3d complex array, shape=(3, 2, 2) - sigma[0] is :math:`\\sigma_x`, - sigma[1] is :math:`\\sigma_y`, - sigma[2] is :math:`\\sigma_z`, """ sigma = np.zeros((3, 2, 2), dtype=np.complex128) sigma[0, 0, 1] = 1.0 sigma[0, 1, 0] = 1.0 sigma[1, 0, 1] = -1.0j sigma[1, 1, 0] = 1.0j sigma[2, 0, 0] = 1.0 sigma[2, 1, 1] = -1.0 return sigma
[docs]def get_sx(ll): """ Get the matrix form of spin angular momentum operator :math:`s_x` in the complex spherical harmonics basis. Parameters ---------- ll: int Quantum number of orbital angular momentum. Returns ------- sx: 2d complex array. Matrix form of :math:`s_x`, the dimension is :math:`2(2ll+1) \\times 2(2ll+1)`, Orbital order is: \\|-ll,up\\>, \\|-ll,down\\>, ..., \\|+ll, up\\>, \\|+ll,down\\>. """ norbs = 2 * (2 * ll + 1) sx = np.zeros((norbs, norbs), dtype=np.complex128) sigma = get_pauli() for i in range(2 * ll + 1): sx[2 * i:2 * i + 2, 2 * i:2 * i + 2] = sigma[0, :, :] / 2.0 return sx
[docs]def get_sy(ll): """ Get the matrix form of spin angular momentum operator :math:`s_y` in the complex spherical harmonics basis. Parameters ---------- ll: int Quantum number of orbital angular momentum. Returns ------- sy: 2d complex array. Matrix form of :math:`s_y`, the dimension is :math:`2(2ll+1) \\times 2(2ll+1)`, spin order is: Orbital order is: \\|-ll,up\\>, \\|-ll,down\\>, ..., \\|+ll, up\\>, \\|+ll,down\\> """ norbs = 2 * (2 * ll + 1) sy = np.zeros((norbs, norbs), dtype=np.complex128) sigma = get_pauli() for i in range(2 * ll + 1): sy[2 * i:2 * i + 2, 2 * i:2 * i + 2] = sigma[1, :, :] / 2.0 return sy
[docs]def get_sz(ll): """ Get the matrix form of spin angular momentum operator :math:`s_z` in the complex spherical harmonics basis. Parameters ---------- ll: int Quantum number of orbital angular momentum. Returns ------- sz: 2d complex array. Matrix form of :math:`s_z`, the dimension is :math:`2(2ll+1) \\times 2(2ll+1)`. Orbital order is: \\|-ll,up\\>, \\|-ll,down\\>, ..., \\|+ll, up\\>, \\|+ll,down\\> """ norbs = 2 * (2 * ll + 1) sz = np.zeros((norbs, norbs), dtype=np.complex128) sigma = get_pauli() for i in range(2 * ll + 1): sz[2 * i:2 * i + 2, 2 * i:2 * i + 2] = sigma[2, :, :] / 2.0 return sz
[docs]def get_spin_momentum(ll): """ Get the matrix form of the spin angular momentum operator :math:`s_x, s_y, s_z` in the complex spherical harmonics basis. Parameters ---------- ll: int Orbital angular momentum number. Returns ------- res: 3d complex array The matrix form of - res[0]: :math:`s_x` - res[1]: :math:`s_y` - res[2]: :math:`s_z` the dimension is :math:`3 \\times 2(2ll+1) \\times 2(2ll+1)`, Orbital order is: \\|-ll,up\\>, \\|-ll,down\\>, ..., \\|+ll, up\\>, \\|+ll,down\\> """ norbs = 2 * (2 * ll + 1) res = np.zeros((3, norbs, norbs), dtype=np.complex128) res[0] = get_sx(ll) res[1] = get_sy(ll) res[2] = get_sz(ll) return res
[docs]def euler_to_rmat(alpha, beta, gamma): """ Given Euler angle: :math:`\\alpha, \\beta, \\gamma`, generate the :math:`3 \\times 3` rotational matrix :math:`R`. Parameters ---------- alpha: float Euler angle, in radian, [0, :math:`2\\pi`] beta: float Euler angle, in radian, [0, :math:`\\pi`] gamma: float Euler angle, in radian, [0, :math:`2\\pi`] Returns ------- rmat: 2d float array The :math:`3 \\times 3` rotational matrix. """ rmat = np.zeros((3, 3), dtype=np.float64) rmat[0, 0] = np.cos(alpha) * np.cos(beta) * np.cos(gamma) - np.sin(alpha) * np.sin(gamma) rmat[0, 1] = -np.sin(gamma) * np.cos(alpha) * np.cos(beta) - np.sin(alpha) * np.cos(gamma) rmat[0, 2] = np.cos(alpha) * np.sin(beta) rmat[1, 0] = np.sin(alpha) * np.cos(beta) * np.cos(gamma) + np.cos(alpha) * np.sin(gamma) rmat[1, 1] = -np.sin(gamma) * np.sin(alpha) * np.cos(beta) + np.cos(alpha) * np.cos(gamma) rmat[1, 2] = np.sin(alpha) * np.sin(beta) rmat[2, 0] = -np.cos(gamma) * np.sin(beta) rmat[2, 1] = np.sin(beta) * np.sin(gamma) rmat[2, 2] = np.cos(beta) return rmat
[docs]def rmat_to_euler(rmat): """ Given the :math:`3 \\times 3` rotational matrix :math:`R`, return the Euler angles: :math:`\\alpha, \\beta, \\gamma`. Parameters ---------- rmat: 2d float array The :math:`3 \\times 3` rotational matrix :math:`R`. Returns ------- alpha: float Euler angle :math:`\\alpha` in radian, [0, :math:`2\\pi`]. beta: float Euler angle :math:`\\beta` in radian, [0, :math:`\\pi`]. gamma: float Euler angle :math:`\\gamma` in radian, [0, :math:`2\\pi`] """ if np.abs(rmat[2, 2]) < 1.0: beta = np.arccos(rmat[2, 2]) cos_gamma = -rmat[2, 0] / np.sin(beta) sin_gamma = rmat[2, 1] / np.sin(beta) gamma = where_is_angle(sin_gamma, cos_gamma) cos_alpha = rmat[0, 2] / np.sin(beta) sin_alpha = rmat[1, 2] / np.sin(beta) alpha = where_is_angle(sin_alpha, cos_alpha) else: if rmat[2, 2] > 0: beta = 0.0 else: beta = np.pi gamma = 0.0 alpha = np.arccos(rmat[1, 1]) return alpha, beta, gamma
[docs]def where_is_angle(sina, cosa): """ Given sine and cosine of an angle :math:`\\alpha`, return the angle :math:`\\alpha` range from [0, :math:`2\\pi`]. Parameters ---------- sina: float :math:`\\sin(\\alpha)`. cosa: float :math:`\\cos(\\alpha)`. Returns ------- alpha: float The angle :math:`\\alpha` in radian [0, :math:`2\\pi`]. """ if cosa > 1.0: cosa = 1.0 elif cosa < -1.0: cosa = -1.0 alpha = np.arccos(cosa) if sina < 0.0: alpha = 2.0 * np.pi - alpha return alpha
[docs]def dmat_spinor(alpha, beta, gamma): """ Given three Euler angle: :math:`\\alpha, \\beta, \\gamma`, return the transformation matrix for :math:`\\frac{1}{2}`-spinor. Parameters ---------- alpha: float Euler angle :math:`\\alpha` in radian [0, :math:`2\\pi`]. beta: float Euler angle :math:`\\beta` in radian [0, :math:`\\pi`]. gamma: float Euler angle :math:`\\gamma` in radian [0, :math:`2\\pi`]. Returns ------- dmat: 2d complex array The :math:`2 \\times 2` transformation matrix. """ dmat = np.zeros((2, 2), dtype=np.complex128) dmat[0, 0] = np.exp(-(alpha + gamma) / 2.0 * 1j) * np.cos(beta / 2.0) dmat[0, 1] = -np.exp(-(alpha - gamma) / 2.0 * 1j) * np.sin(beta / 2.0) dmat[1, 0] = np.exp((alpha - gamma) / 2.0 * 1j) * np.sin(beta / 2.0) dmat[1, 1] = np.exp((alpha + gamma) / 2.0 * 1j) * np.cos(beta / 2.0) return dmat
[docs]def zx_to_rmat(z, x): """ Given :math:`z` vector and :math:`x` vector, calculate :math:`y` vector which satisfies the right-hand Cartesian coordinate and normalize them to unit if needed, and then return the :math:`3 \\times 3` rotational matrix :math:`R`. Parameters ---------- z: 1d float array The :math:`z` vector. x: 1d float array The :math:`x` vector. Returns ------- rmat: 2d float array The :math:`3 \\times 3` rotational matrix :math:`R`. """ z = np.array(z, dtype=np.float64) x = np.array(x, dtype=np.float64) xx = x / np.sqrt(, x)) zz = z / np.sqrt(, z)) yy = np.cross(zz, xx) rmat = np.zeros((3, 3), dtype=np.float64) rmat[:, 0] = xx rmat[:, 1] = yy rmat[:, 2] = zz return rmat
[docs]def get_wigner_dmat(quant_2j, alpha, beta, gamma): """ Given quantum number and Euler angles, return the Wigner-D matrix. Parameters ---------- quant_2j: int Twice of the quantum number j: 2j, for example, quant_2j=1 means j=1/2, quant_2j=2 means j=1 alpha: float number The first Euler angle :math:`\\alpha` in radian [0, :math:`2\\pi`]. beta: float number The second Euler angle :math:`\\beta` in radian [0, :math:`\\pi`]. gamma: float number The third Euler angle :math:`\\gamma` in radian [0, :math:`2\\pi`]. Returns ------- result: 2d complex array, shape(quant_2j+1, quant_2j+1) The Wigner D-matrix. For :math:`j=1/2`, the orbital order is: +1/2 (spin up), -1/2 (spin down). For :math:`j>1/2`, the orbital order is: :math:`-j, -j+1, ..., +j` Examples -------- >>> import edrixs spin-1/2 D-matrix >>> edrixs.get_wigner_dmat(1, 1, 2, 3) array([[-0.224845-0.491295j, -0.454649-0.708073j], [ 0.454649-0.708073j, -0.224845+0.491295j]]) j=1 D-matrix >>> edrixs.get_wigner_dmat(2, 1, 2, 3) array([[-0.190816-0.220931j, 0.347398+0.541041j, -0.294663-0.643849j], [ 0.636536-0.090736j, -0.416147+0.j , -0.636536-0.090736j], [-0.294663+0.643849j, -0.347398+0.541041j, -0.190816+0.220931j]]) """ from sympy.physics.quantum.spin import Rotation from sympy import N, S ndim = quant_2j + 1 result = np.zeros((ndim, ndim), dtype=complex) # For j=1/2, we use different orbital order: first +1/2, then -1/2 if quant_2j == 1: for i, mi in enumerate(range(quant_2j, -quant_2j-1, -2)): for j, mj in enumerate(range(quant_2j, -quant_2j-1, -2)): rot = Rotation.D(S(quant_2j)/2, S(mi)/2, S(mj)/2, alpha, beta, gamma) result[i, j] = N(rot.doit()) # For j > 1/2, the order is -j, -j+1, ..., +j else: for i, mi in enumerate(range(-quant_2j, quant_2j+1, 2)): for j, mj in enumerate(range(-quant_2j, quant_2j+1, 2)): rot = Rotation.D(S(quant_2j)/2, S(mi)/2, S(mj)/2, alpha, beta, gamma) result[i, j] = N(rot.doit()) return result
[docs]def cf_cubic_d(ten_dq): """ Given 10Dq, return cubic crystal field matrix for d orbitals in the complex harmonics basis. Parameters ---------- ten_dq: float scalar The splitting between :math:`eg` and :math:`t2g` orbitals. Returns ------- cf: 2d complex array, shape=(10, 10) The matrix form of crystal field Hamiltonian in complex harmonics basis. """ tmp = np.zeros((5, 5), dtype=complex) tmp[0, 0] = 0.6 * ten_dq # dz2 tmp[1, 1] = -0.4 * ten_dq # dzx tmp[2, 2] = -0.4 * ten_dq # dzy tmp[3, 3] = 0.6 * ten_dq # dx2-y2 tmp[4, 4] = -0.4 * ten_dq # dxy cf = np.zeros((10, 10), dtype=complex) cf[0:10:2, 0:10:2] = tmp cf[1:10:2, 1:10:2] = tmp cf[:, :] = cb_op(cf, tmat_r2c('d', True)) return cf
[docs]def cf_tetragonal_d(ten_dq, d1, d3): """ Given 10Dq, d1, d3, return tetragonal crystal field matrix for d orbitals in the complex harmonics basis. Parameters ---------- ten_dq: float scalar Parameter used to label cubic crystal splitting. d1: float scalar Paramter used to label tetragonal splitting. d3: float scalar Paramter used to label tetragonal splitting. Returns ------- cf: 2d complex array, shape=(10, 10) The matrix form of crystal field Hamiltonian in complex harmonics basis. """ dt = (3.0 * d3 - 4.0 * d1) / 35 ds = (d3 + d1) / 7.0 dq = ten_dq / 10.0 tmp = np.zeros((5, 5), dtype=complex) tmp[0, 0] = 6 * dq - 2 * ds - 6 * dt # d3z2-r2 tmp[1, 1] = -4 * dq - 1 * ds + 4 * dt # dzx tmp[2, 2] = -4 * dq - 1 * ds + 4 * dt # dzy tmp[3, 3] = 6 * dq + 2 * ds - 1 * dt # dx2-y2 tmp[4, 4] = -4 * dq + 2 * ds - 1 * dt # dxy cf = np.zeros((10, 10), dtype=complex) cf[0:10:2, 0:10:2] = tmp cf[1:10:2, 1:10:2] = tmp cf[:, :] = cb_op(cf, tmat_r2c('d', True)) return cf
[docs]def cf_trigonal_t2g(delta): """ Given delta, return trigonal crystal field matrix for t2g orbitals in the complex harmonics basis. Parameters ---------- delta: float scalar Parameter used to label trigonal crystal splitting. Returns ------- cf: 2d complex array, shape=(6, 6) The matrix form of crystal field Hamiltonian in complex harmonics basis. """ tmp = np.array([[0, delta, delta], [delta, 0, delta], [delta, delta, 0]]) cf = np.zeros((6, 6), dtype=complex) cf[0:6:2, 0:6:2] += tmp cf[1:6:2, 1:6:2] += tmp cf[:, :] = cb_op(cf, tmat_r2c('t2g', True)) return cf
[docs]def cf_square_planar_d(ten_dq, ds): """ Given 10Dq, ds, return square planar crystal field matrix for d orbitals in the complex harmonics basis. This is the limit of strong tetragonal distortion with two axial ligands at infinity. Note that in this case the three parameters, ten_dq, ds, and dt, are no longer independent: dt = 2/35*ten_dq and the levels depend on only two parameters ten_dq and ds. Parameters ---------- ten_dq: float scalar Parameter associated with eg-t2g splitting. ds: float scalar Paramter associated with splitting orbitals with z-components. Returns ------- cf: 2d complex array, shape=(10, 10) The matrix form of crystal field Hamiltonian in complex harmonics basis. """ tmp = np.zeros((5, 5), dtype=complex) tmp[0, 0] = 9/35*ten_dq - 2*ds # d3z2-r2 tmp[1, 1] = -6/35*ten_dq - ds # dzx tmp[2, 2] = -6/35*ten_dq - ds # dzy tmp[3, 3] = 19/35*ten_dq + 2*ds # dx2-y2 tmp[4, 4] = -16/35*ten_dq + 2*ds # dxy cf = np.zeros((10, 10), dtype=complex) cf[0:10:2, 0:10:2] = tmp cf[1:10:2, 1:10:2] = tmp cf[:, :] = cb_op(cf, tmat_r2c('d', True)) return cf
def cf_tetragonal_t2g(ten_dq, d1, d3): """ Given 10Dq, d1, d3, return tetragonal crystal field matrix for t2g orbitals in the complex harmonics basis. Parameters ---------- ten_dq: float scalar Parameter used to label cubic crystal splitting. d1: float scalar Paramter used to label tetragonal splitting. d3: float scalar Paramter used to label tetragonal splitting. Returns ------- cf: 2d complex array, shape=(6, 6) The matrix form of crystal field Hamiltonian in complex harmonics basis. """ dt = (3.0 * d3 - 4.0 * d1) / 35 ds = (d3 + d1) / 7.0 dq = ten_dq / 10.0 tmp = np.zeros((3, 3), dtype=complex) tmp[0, 0] = -4 * dq - 1 * ds + 4 * dt # dxz tmp[1, 1] = -4 * dq - 1 * ds + 4 * dt # dyz tmp[2, 2] = -4 * dq + 2 * ds - 1 * dt # dxy cf = np.zeros((6, 6), dtype=complex) cf[0:6:2, 0:6:2] += tmp cf[1:6:2, 1:6:2] += tmp cf[:, :] = cb_op(cf, tmat_r2c('t2g', True)) return cf