************ Installation ************ First verify that you have Python 3.6+. .. code:: bash python3 --version If necessary, install it by your method of choice (apt, Homebrew, conda, etc.). Facility-Specific Distributions =============================== *We plan for facilities that rely on databroker to provide software distributions that bundle databroker itself and specific Catalogs for their users. We will list those distributions here. For users, this will be their one-stop shop; they need read no further.* TO DO General Installation ==================== This provides a minimal installation that is sufficent for users who just want to *access* data. .. code:: bash python3 -m pip install -U databroker Administrators and developers may require the optional dependencies as well, which can be installed by: .. code:: bash python3 -m pip install .[all] Development Installation ======================== .. code:: bash git clone https://github.com/bluesky/databroker cd databroker pip install -e . To install all the optional dependencies as well, use: .. code:: bash pip install -e .[all]