
Working in the Bluesky environment, we need to pass four ingredients to the Bayesian agent:

  • dofs: A list of degrees of freedom for the agent to optimize over.

  • tasks: A list of tasks for the agent to optimize.

  • digestion: A function that processes the output of the acquisition into the task values.

  • dets: (Optional) A list of detectors to be triggered during acquisition.

  • acquisition: (Optional) A Bluesky plan to run for each set of inputs.

Degrees of freedom#

Degrees of freedom (DOFs) are passed as an iterable of dicts, each containing at least the device and set of limits.

my_dofs = [
    {"device": some_motor, "limits": (lower_limit, upper_limit)},
    {"device": another_motor, "limits": (lower_limit, upper_limit)},

Here some_motor and another_motor are ophyd objects.


Tasks are what we want our agent to try to optimize (either maximize or minimize). We can pass as many as we’d like:

my_tasks = [
    {"key": "something_to_maximize", "kind": "maximize"}
    {"key": "something_to_minimize", "kind": "minimize"}


The digestion function is how we go from what is spit out by the acquisition to the actual values of the tasks.

def my_digestion_function(db, uid):

    products = db[uid].table(fill=True) # a pandas DataFrame

    # for each entry, do some
    for index, entry in products.iterrows():

        raw_output_1 = entry.raw_output_1
        raw_output_2 = entry.raw_output_2

        entry.loc[index, "thing_to_maximize"] = some_fitness_function(raw_output_1, raw_output_2)

    return products


Detectors are triggered for each input.

my_dets = [some_detector, some_other_detector]


We run this plan for each set of DOF inputs. By default, this just moves the active DOFs to the desired points and triggers the supplied detectors.

Building the agent#

Combining these with a databroker instance will construct an agent.

import bloptools

my_agent = bloptools.bayesian.Agent(
    db=db, # a databroker instance

RE(agent.initialize("qr", n_init=24))

In the example below, the agent will loop over the following steps in each iteration of learning.

  1. Find the most interesting point (or points) to sample, and move the degrees of freedom there.

  2. For each point, run an acquisition plan (e.g., trigger and read the detectors).

  3. Digest the results of the acquisition to find the value of the task.