============= Configuration ============= The Archiver Configuration Python Frontend (ACPF) is developed for extending the scope of the EPICS Archiver Appliance WebUI interface with a collection of methods for registering numerous PVs from different NSLS-II sub-systems. Its usage can be illustrated with the following demo. Creating the ArchiverConfig Instance ------------------------------------- ACPF methods are consolidated in the ArchiverConfig and PVFinder classes of two arvpyf submodules, mgmt and cf, respectively. ArchiverConfig wraps the REST API calls for cummunication with the Archiver MGMT server and PVFinder implements the interface that searches for the PVs listed in the Channel Finder dbl files. To create an ArchiverConfig instance, it needs to have a specified address of the EPICS Archiver Appliance MGMT service. For example, in NSLS-II, each beamline maintains its own archiver on a dedicated server and the corresponding address is defined in the /etc/archappl/appliances.xml file. Initialization of the PVFinder requires the path to the Channel Finder folder containing the dbl files. .. code-block:: python from arvpyf import mgmt, cf from arvpyf.mgmt import ArchiverConfig from arvpyf.cf import PVFinder bpl_url = 'http://xf04id-ca1.cs.nsls2.local:17665/mgmt/bpl' arvconf = ArchiverConfig(bpl_url) cf_update = '/GPFS/CENTRAL/dama/cf-update/' pvfinder = PVFinder(cf_update) Retrieving PVs from Archiver ---------------------------- The ArchiverConfig communication with the EPICS Archiver Appliance is based on a set of `business logic commands `_ supported by the MGMT service. One of these is the getAllPV for retrieving all PVs from the archiver. The command has two optional arguments: regex and limit. The regex argument can contain a `Java regex `_ wildcard. The limit argument specifies the number of matched PVs that are returned. If unspecified, the method returns 500 PV names. .. code-block:: python arv_pvs = arvconf.get_all_pvs(limit=10000) Retrieving PVs from the Channel Finder -------------------------------------- The PVFinder interface follows the NSLS-II Standard-Naming Convention defining the PV names in the form *System{Device}Signal*. For this example, the demo selects all PVs with '.*Mtr.*StringOut_' signals: .. code-block:: python bl = "xf04" cf_pvs = pvfinder.get_pvs(bl, system='', device='.*', signal='.*Mtr.*StringOut_') Selecting PVs for Archiving --------------------------- After retrieving two PV collections from Archiver and Channel Finder in the same Python script, their difference can be compared, analyzed, and selected using standard Python methods. The demo selects 1000 PVs from the difference of the two collections: .. code-block:: python diff_pvs = list(set(cf_pvs) - set(arv_pvs)) demo_pvs = diff_pvs[0:1000] Archiving PVs ------------- In the EPICS Archiver Appliance, the PV registration is a complex procedure requiring several minutes for processing multiple steps. The corresponding request however is asynchroneous. Therefore, the demo adds a 5-minute time delay for processing 1000 PVs: .. code-block:: python archive_pvs = arvconf.archive_pvs(demo_pvs) time.sleep(300) The status of a request can be checked with the *getArchivingStatus* command. The present Archiver Appliance can handle a subset of PVs. Therefore, requests of unarchived PVs need to be aborted: .. code-block:: python archived, others = arvconf.get_archiving_status(demo_pvs) for i, pv in enumerate(others, start=1): arvconf.abort_archiving_pv(pv) Restoring the Original Test Configuration ----------------------------------------- In order to return back to the initial test configuration, archived PVs need to be deleted. In the EPICS Archiver Appliance, the deleting procedure requires to preliminary pause the corresponding PVs. This method is also asynchroneous and requires a time delay. For controling this procedure, the test demo applies an additional *getPausedPVsReport* method: .. code-block:: python paused_pvs_1 = arvconf.get_paused_pvs_report() pause_pvs = arvconf.pause_archiving_pvs(archived) time.sleep(30) paused_pvs_2= arvconf.get_paused_pvs_report() Finally, paused PVs can be deleted and the status of the test configuration is checked with the getPausedPVsReport and getAllPVs methods: .. code-block:: python for i, pv in enumerate(archived): delete_pv = arvconf.delete_pv(pv) paused_pvs = arvconf.get_paused_pvs_report() final_pvs = arvconf.get_all_pvs(limit=10000)