Source code for

import glob
import re

[docs]class PVFinder(object): """ Interface to the Channel Finder dbl files using the PV System{Device}Signal naming convention """
[docs] def __init__(self, cf_update): """ Constructor Parameters ---------- cf_update : str name of the Channel Finder directory """ self.cf_update = cf_update
[docs] def get_pvs(self, beamline, system='', device='.*', signal='.*'): """ Return PV names for the selected beamline, system, device, and signals Parameters ---------- beamline : str beamline name system: str, optional regular expression, default: '.*' device: str, optional regular expression, default: '.*' signal: str, optional regular expression, default: .*' Returns ------- list : list of PV names """ files = glob.glob(self.cf_update + "*.dbl") # select the beamline files bl_files = [s for s in files if beamline in s] pattern = '.*' + system + '{' + device + '}' + signal # + '\Z' pvs = [] for fname in bl_files: f = open(fname, 'r') f_pvs = [pv.rstrip('\n') for pv in f] p_pvs = [pv for pv in f_pvs if re.match(pattern, pv)] pvs += p_pvs f.close() return pvs
[docs] def get_systems(self, pvs): """ Return PV system names Parameters ---------- pvs : list list of PV names """ list_systems = [s[:s.find('{')] for s in pvs] return list_systems
[docs] def get_devices(self, pvs): """ Return PV device names Parameters ---------- pvs : list list of PV names """ list_devices = [s[s.find('{')+1: s.find('}')] for s in pvs] return list_devices
[docs] def get_signals(self, pvs): """ Return PV signal names Parameters ---------- pvs : list list of PV names """ list_signals = [s[s.find('}')+1:] for s in pvs] return list_signals