Source code for amostra.mongo_client

import pymongo

from .objects import TYPES_TO_COLLECTION_NAMES, Container, Sample

[docs]class Client: """ This connects to several MongoDB collections for sample management. For each collection, we have a traitlets-based object to represent documents from that collection and automatically sync any changes back to the database. Each collection has a counterpart named {collection_name}_revisions that stores previous version of the document. This approach was inspired by: """ def __init__(self, database): """ Connect to a MongoDB datbase. Parameters ---------- database: pymongo.Database or URI string """ if database is None: raise ValueError("Database should be URI or pymongo-like object.") if isinstance(database, str): database = _get_database(database) self._db = database self._samples = CollectionAccessor(self, Sample) self._containers = CollectionAccessor(self, Container) @property def samples(self): """ Accessor for creating and searching Samples """ return self._samples @property def containers(self): """ Accessor for creating and searching Containers """ return self._containers def _new_document(self, obj_type, args, kwargs): """ Insert a new document with a new uuid. """ # Make a new object (e.g. Sample) obj = obj_type(self, *args, **kwargs) # Find the assocaited MongoDB collection. collection_name = TYPES_TO_COLLECTION_NAMES[obj_type] collection = self._db[collection_name] # Insert the new object. collection.insert_one(obj.to_dict()) # Observe any updates to the object and sync them to MongoDB. obj.observe(self._update) return obj def _update(self, change): """ Sync a change to an object, observed via traitlets, to MongoDB. """ # The 'revision' trait is a read-only trait, so if it is being changed # it is being changed by us, and we don't need to process it. # Short-circuit here to avoid an infinite recursion. if change['name'] == 'revision': return owner = change['owner'] collection_name = TYPES_TO_COLLECTION_NAMES[type(owner)] collection = self._db[collection_name] revisions = self._db[f'{collection_name}_revisions'] # We need the JSON-safe value of the change, so do this instead of # change['new']. new = change['owner'].to_dict()[change['name']] filter = {'uuid': owner.uuid} update = {'$set': {change['name']: new}, '$inc': {'revision': 1}} # TODO Use transactions for this once we have MongoDB 4.0+. # Increment the revision number. owner.set_trait('revision', owner.revision + 1) # Update the document in {collection_name}. original = collection.find_one_and_update(filter, update) # Remove the internal MongoDB id. original.pop('_id') # Insert the old version in {collection_name}_revisions revisions = revisions.insert_one(original) def _purge(self, obj_type, uuid): collection_name = TYPES_TO_COLLECTION_NAMES[obj_type] collection = self._db[collection_name] revisions = self._db[f'{collection_name}_revisions'] filter = {'uuid': uuid} original = collection.find_one(filter) # Remove the internal MongoDB id. _id = original.pop('_id') revisions = revisions.insert(original) # Restore the internal MongoDB id. original['_id'] = _id collection.delete_one(original) def _document_to_obj(self, obj_type, document): """ Convert a dict returned by pymongo to our traitlets-based object. """ # Handle the read_only traits separately. uuid = document.pop('uuid') revision = document.pop('revision') obj = obj_type(self, **document) obj.set_trait('uuid', uuid) obj.set_trait('revision', revision) # Observe any updates to the object and sync them to MongoDB. obj.observe(self._update) return obj def _revisions(self, obj): """ Access all revisions to an object with the most recent first. """ revisions = self._db[f'{TYPES_TO_COLLECTION_NAMES[type(obj)]}_revisions'] type_ = type(obj) for document in (revisions.find({'uuid': obj.uuid}) .sort('revision', pymongo.DESCENDING)): document.pop('_id') # Remove the internal MongoDB id. yield type_.from_document(self, document)
class CollectionAccessor: """ Accessor used on Clients """ def __init__(self, client, obj_type): self._client = client self._obj_type = obj_type self._collection = client._db[TYPES_TO_COLLECTION_NAMES[self._obj_type]] def new(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._client._new_document(self._obj_type, args, kwargs) def find(self, filter): if filter is None: filter = {} for document in self._collection.find(filter): document.pop('_id') # Remove the internal MongoDB id. yield self._obj_type.from_document(self._client, document) def find_one(self, filter): document = self._collection.find_one(filter) if document is None: return None document.pop('_id') # Remove the internal MongoDB id. return self._obj_type.from_document(self._client, document) def _get_database(uri): client = pymongo.MongoClient(uri) try: # Called with no args, get_database() returns the database # specified in the client's uri --- or raises if there was none. # There is no public method for checking this in advance, so we # just catch the error. return client.get_database() except pymongo.errors.ConfigurationError as err: raise ValueError( f"Invalid client: {client} " f"Did you forget to include a database?") from err