Searching for Data

The result of a search is a header, a bundle of metadata about a given run. In a later section, Fetching Data, we will use the header to retrieve the data itself. Headers are also useful for quickly reviewing metadata and generating summaries and logs.

Search Examples

In these examples, we will collect data using bluesky and then access it from the databroker. This illustrates how metadata provided at collection time can be used to search and filter the data during later analysis.

You do not need to be familiar with bluesky’s usage to follow the gist these examples. For a more detailed understanding, refer to the sections on basic usage and recording metadata.

By Unique ID

The surest and most direct way to get particular header is to look it up by its unique ID. This ID is guaranteed to uniquely identify the run forever.

The RunEngine returns a list of the unique ID(s) when it completes execution.

# In all these examples we assume a RunEngine instance, RE, is defined.
# See link to bluesky 'basic usage' documentation above.

# We also assume that a Broker instance, db, is defined.
# See previous section on configuration.

uids = RE(some_plan())
headers = db[uids]

We could also write down the first 5-6 characters in a uid and use it to look up the header later. Each unique ID is a randomly-generated string like


but the first 5-6 are virtually always enough to uniquely identify a run. The databroker accepts a partial uid:


If there is ambiguity (two uids starting with the same couple characters) the Broker will raise an error. But, again, 5-6 characters are virtually always sufficient.

By Plan Name, Detector, or Motor

Suppose we execute several experiments (“plans”, in bluesky jargon) like so.

from bluesky.plans import count, scan, relative_scan
from bluesky.examples import motor, det  # simulated motor and detector

RE(count([det]))  # 1
RE(scan([det], motor, -1, 1, 5))  # 2
RE(relative_scan([det], motor, 1, 10, 10))  # 3
RE(scan([det], motor, -1, 1, 1000))  # 4

We can search by plan_name, which is always automatically recorded in the metadata.

relative_scans = db(plan_name='relative_scan')  # 3
absolute_scans = db(plan_name='scan')  # 2 and 4

We can also search by motors or detectors. (All built-in plans provide this metadata automatically. User-defined plans may or may not provide it.)

runs_using_motor = db(motors='motor')  # 2, 3, and 4
runs_using_det = db(detectors='det')  # all

To be precise, detectors='det' means, “The detector det is included in the list of detectors used.”

We can also narrow the search by certain plan-specific metadata, like the number of steps in a scan.

long_scan = db(plan_name='scan', num_steps > 50)  # 4

These may be combined with time-based parameters (presented later below) to restrict the search to the previous day or week.

By Custom Metadata Fields

Again, suppose we execute several plans. This time, we provide some custom metadata including person operating the equipment and, in some cases, about the sample and the purpose of each run.

from bluesky.plans import count, scan, relative_scan
from bluesky.examples import motor, det  # simulated motor and detector

# This adds {'operator': 'Ken'} to all future runs, unless overridden.['operator'] = 'Ken'

RE(count([det]), purpose='calibration', sample='A')
RE(scan([det], motor, 1, 10, 10), operator='Dan')  # temporarily overrides Ken
RE(count([det]), sample='A')  # (now back to Ken)
RE(count([det]), sample='B')['operator'] = 'Dan'

RE(count([det]), purpose='calibration')
RE(scan([det], motor, 1, 10, 10))

del['operator']  # clean up by un-setting operator

We can search on any of these custom fields. (The words ‘operator’ and ‘purpose’ have no special significance to bluesky or databroker — arbitrary fields could have been used.)

db(sample='A')  # return both runs that used sample A
db(purpose='calibration', sample='A')  # returns sample A calibration run
db(purpose='calibration')  # returns the two calibration runs
db(operator='Dan')  # returns three runs by Dan

Searching by ID or Recency

With Python’s slicing syntax, Broker provides a shorthand for common searches.

syntax meaning
db[-1] most recent header
db[-5] fifth most recent header
db[-5:] all of the last five headers
db[108] header with scan ID 108 (if ambiguous, most recent is found)
db[[108, 109, 110]] headers with scan IDs 108, 109, 110
db['acsf3rf'] header with unique ID (uid) beginning with acsf3rf

Aside: Scan ID vs. Unique ID

Notice that there are two IDs in play: the “scan ID” and the “unique ID.” The scan ID is a counting number. Some users reset it to 1 between experiments, so it is not a good unique identifier for data — it is just a convenience. In the case of duplicates, Broker returns the most recent match.

As explained above, the unique ID is randomly-generated string that is statistically guaranteed to uniquely identify a dataset forever. The Broker accepts a partial unique ID — the first 5-6 characters are virtually always enough to identify a data set.

Time-based Queries

Runs that took place sometime in a given time interval are also supported.

syntax meaning
db(start_time='2015-01') all headers from January 2015 or later
db(start_time='2015-01-05', stop_time='2015-01-10') between January 5 and 10


New in version v0.6.0.

To restrict seraches by user, project, date, plan_name, or any other parameter, add a “filter” to the Broker.

# Restrict future searches.

db(sample='A')  # becomes db(sample='A', user='Dan', start_time='2015-01')

# Clear all filters.

Any query passed to db.add_filter() is stashed and “AND-ed” with all future queries. You can also review or alter the filters through the db.filters property, a list of queries (that is, a list of dicts formatted like MongoDB queries).


New in version v0.6.0.

To “save” a search for easy resuse, you can create an alias. It may be convenient to define these in a startup file.

db.alias('cal', purpose='calibration')  # -> db(purpose='calibration')

A “dynamic alias” maps the alias to a function that returns a query.

# Get headers from the last 24 hours.
import time
                 lambda: {'start_time': start_time=time.time() - 24*60*60})

# Get headers where the 'user' field matches the current logged-in user.
import getpass
db.dynamic_alias('mine', lambda: {'user': getpass.getuser()})

Aliases are stored in db.aliases (a dictionary mapping alias names to queries or functions that return queries) where they can be reviewed or deleted.

Complex Queries

Finally, for advanced queries, the full MongoDB query language is supported. Here are just a few examples:

syntax meaning
db(sample={'$exists': True}) headers that include a custom metadata field labeled sample
db(plan_name={'$ne': 'relative_scan'}) headers where the type of scan was not a relative_scan

See the MongoDB query documentation for more.