Source code for bluesky.suspenders

import asyncio
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod, abstractproperty
import operator
import threading
from functools import partial
from warnings import warn

class SuspenderBase(metaclass=ABCMeta):
    """An ABC to manage the callbacks between asyincio and pyepics.

    signal : `ophyd.Signal`
        The signal to watch for changes to determine if the
        scan should be suspended

    sleep : float, optional
        How long to wait in seconds after the resume condition is met
        before marking the event as done.  Defaults to 0

    pre_plan : iterable or iterator or generator function, optional
            a generator, list, or similar containing `Msg` objects

    post_plan : iterable or iterator or generator function, optional
            a generator, list, or similar containing `Msg` objects

    tripped_message : str, optional
        Message to include in the trip notification
    def __init__(self, signal, *, sleep=0, pre_plan=None, post_plan=None,
        self.RE = None
        self._ev = None
        self._tripped = False
        self._tripped_message = tripped_message
        self._sleep = sleep
        self._lock = threading.Lock()
        self._sig = signal
        self._pre_plan = pre_plan
        self._post_plan = post_plan

    def __repr__(self):
        return (
            "{}({!r}, sleep={}, pre_plan={}, post_plan={},"

    def install(self, RE, *, event_type=None):
        """Install callback on signal

        This (re)installs the required callbacks at the pyepics level


        RE : RunEngine
            The run engine instance this should work on

        event_type : str, optional
            The event type (subscription type) to watch
        with self._lock:
            self.RE = RE
        self._sig.subscribe(self, event_type=event_type, run=True)

    def remove(self):
        """Disable the suspender

        Removes the callback at the pyepics level
        with self._lock:
            if self.RE is not None:
            self.RE = None
            self._tripped = False

    def _should_suspend(self, value):
        Determine if the current value of the signal is such
        that we need to tell the scan to suspend

        value : object
            The value to evaluate to determine if we should

        suspend : bool
            True means suspend
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def _should_resume(self, value):
        Determine if the scan is ready to automatically

        value : object
            The value to evaluate to determine if we should

        suspend : bool
            True means resume
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def __call__(self, value, **kwargs):
        """Make the class callable so that we can
        pass it off to the ophyd callback stack.

        This expects the massive blob that comes from ophyd
        with self._lock:
            if self.RE is None:
            loop = self.RE._loop

            if self._should_suspend(value):
                self._tripped = True
                # this does dirty things with internal state
                if self._ev is None and self.RE is not None:
                    if self._ev is None:
                        raise RuntimeError("Could not create the ")
                    cb = partial(
                    if self.RE.state.is_running:
            elif self._should_resume(value):
                self._tripped = False

    def __make_event(self):
        """Make or return the asyncio.Event to use as a bridge."""
        assert self._lock.locked()
        if self._ev is None and self.RE is not None:
            th_ev = threading.Event()

            def really_make_the_event():
                self._ev = asyncio.Event()

            h = self.RE._loop.call_soon_threadsafe(really_make_the_event)
            if not th_ev.wait(0.1):
        return self._ev

    def __set_event(self, loop):
        """Notify the event that it can resume"""
        assert self._lock.locked()
        if self._ev:
            ev = self._ev
            sleep = self._sleep

            def local():
                ts = ( + timedelta(seconds=sleep)).strftime(
                    "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
                    "Suspender {!r} reports a return to nominal "
                    "conditions. Will sleep for {} seconds and then "
                    "release suspension at {}.".format(self, sleep, ts)
                # we can use call_later here because this function
                # is scheduled to be run in the event loop thread
                # by the `call_soon_threadsafe` call just below.
                loop.call_later(sleep, ev.set)

        # clear that we have an event
        self._ev = None

    def get_futures(self):
        """Return a list of futures to wait on.

        This will only work correctly if this suspender is 'installed'
        and watching a signal

        futs : list
            List of futures to wait on

        justification : str
            String explaining why the suspender is tripped
        if not self.tripped:
            return [], ""
        with self._lock:
            return [self.__make_event().wait], self._get_justification()

    def tripped(self):
        return self._tripped

    def _get_justification(self):
        if not self.tripped:
            return ''

        template = 'Suspender of type {} stopped by signal {!r}'
        just = template.format(self.__class__.__name__, self._sig)
        return ': '.join(s for s in (just, self._tripped_message)
                         if s)

[docs]class SuspendBoolHigh(SuspenderBase): """ Suspend when a boolean signal goes high; resume when it goes low. Parameters ---------- signal : `ophyd.Signal` The signal to watch for changes to determine if the scan should be suspended sleep : float, optional How long to wait in seconds after the resume condition is met before marking the event as done. Defaults to 0 pre_plan : iterable or iterator, optional a generator, list, or similar containing `Msg` objects post_plan : iterable or iterator, optional a generator, list, or similar containing `Msg` objects """ def _should_suspend(self, value): return bool(value) def _should_resume(self, value): return not bool(value) def _get_justification(self): if not self.tripped: return '' just = 'Signal {} is high'.format( return ': '.join(s for s in (just, self._tripped_message) if s)
[docs]class SuspendBoolLow(SuspenderBase): """ Suspend when a boolean signal goes low; resume when it goes high. Parameters ---------- signal : `ophyd.Signal` The signal to watch for changes to determine if the scan should be suspended sleep : float, optional How long to wait in seconds after the resume condition is met before marking the event as done. Defaults to 0 pre_plan : iterable or iterator, optional a generator, list, or similar containing `Msg` objects post_plan : iterable or iterator, optional a generator, list, or similar containing `Msg` objects """ def _should_suspend(self, value): return not bool(value) def _should_resume(self, value): return bool(value) def _get_justification(self): if not self.tripped: return '' just = 'Signal {} is low'.format( return ': '.join(s for s in (just, self._tripped_message) if s)
class _Threshold(SuspenderBase): """ Private base class for suspenders that watch when a scalar signal fall above or below a threshold. Allow for a possibly different threshold to resume. """ def __init__(self, signal, suspend_thresh, *, resume_thresh=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(signal, **kwargs) self._suspend_thresh = suspend_thresh if resume_thresh is None: resume_thresh = suspend_thresh self._resume_thresh = resume_thresh self._validate() def _should_suspend(self, value): return self._op(value, self._suspend_thresh) def _should_resume(self, value): return not self._op(value, self._resume_thresh) @abstractproperty def _op(self): pass @abstractmethod def _validate(self): pass
[docs]class SuspendFloor(_Threshold): """ Suspend when a scalar falls below a threshold. Optionally, the threshold to resume can be set to be greater than the threshold to suspend. Parameters ---------- signal : `ophyd.Signal` The signal to watch for changes to determine if the scan should be suspended suspend_thresh : float Suspend if the signal value falls below this value resume_thresh : float, optional Resume when the signal value rises above this value. If not given set to `suspend_thresh`. Must be greater than `suspend_thresh`. sleep : float, optional How long to wait in seconds after the resume condition is met before marking the event as done. Defaults to 0 pre_plan : iterable or iterator, optional a generator, list, or similar containing `Msg` objects post_plan : iterable or iterator, optional a generator, list, or similar containing `Msg` objects """ def _validate(self): if self._resume_thresh < self._suspend_thresh: raise ValueError("Resume threshold must be equal or greater " "than suspend threshold, you passed: " "suspend: {} resume: {}".format( self._suspend_thresh, self._resume_thresh)) @property def _op(self): return def _get_justification(self): if not self.tripped: return '' just = ('Signal {} = {!r} is below {}' ''.format(, self._sig.get(), self._suspend_thresh) ) return ': '.join(s for s in (just, self._tripped_message) if s)
[docs]class SuspendCeil(_Threshold): """ Suspend when a scalar rises above a threshold. Optionally, the threshold to resume can be set to be less than the threshold to suspend. Parameters ---------- signal : `ophyd.Signal` The signal to watch for changes to determine if the scan should be suspended suspend_thresh : float Suspend if the signal value falls below this value resume_thresh : float, optional Resume when the signal value rises above this value. If not given set to `suspend_thresh`. Must be greater than `suspend_thresh`. sleep : float, optional How long to wait in seconds after the resume condition is met before marking the event as done. Defaults to 0 pre_plan : iterable or iterator, optional a generator, list, or similar containing `Msg` objects post_plan : iterable or iterator, optional a generator, list, or similar containing `Msg` objects """ def _validate(self): if self._resume_thresh > self._suspend_thresh: raise ValueError("Resume threshold must be equal or less " "than suspend threshold, you passed: " "suspend: {} resume: {}".format( self._suspend_thresh, self._resume_thresh)) @property def _op(self): return def _get_justification(self): if not self.tripped: return '' just = ('Signal {} = {!r} is above {}' ''.format(, self._sig.get(), self._suspend_thresh) ) return ': '.join(s for s in (just, self._tripped_message) if s)
class _SuspendBandBase(SuspenderBase): """ Private base-class for suspenders based on keeping a scalar inside or outside of a band """ def __init__(self, signal, band_bottom, band_top, **kwargs): super().__init__(signal, **kwargs) if not band_bottom < band_top: raise ValueError("The bottom of the band must be strictly " "less than the top of the band.\n" "bottom: {}\ttop: {}".format( band_bottom, band_top) ) self._bot = band_bottom self._top = band_top
[docs]class SuspendWhenOutsideBand(_SuspendBandBase): """ Suspend when a scalar signal leaves a given band of values. Parameters ---------- signal : `ophyd.Signal` The signal to watch for changes to determine if the scan should be suspended band_bottom, band_top : float The top and bottom of the band. `band_top` must be strictly greater than `band_bottom`. sleep : float, optional How long to wait in seconds after the resume condition is met before marking the event as done. Defaults to 0 pre_plan : iterable or iterator, optional a generator, list, or similar containing `Msg` objects post_plan : iterable or iterator, optional a generator, list, or similar containing `Msg` objects """ def _should_resume(self, value): return self._bot < value < self._top def _should_suspend(self, value): return not (self._bot < value < self._top) def _get_justification(self): if not self.tripped: return '' just = ('Signal {} = {!r} is outside of the range ({}, {})' ''.format(, self._sig.get(), self._bot, self._top) ) return ': '.join(s for s in (just, self._tripped_message) if s)
class SuspendInBand(SuspendWhenOutsideBand): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) warn("SuspendInBand has been renamed SuspendWhenOutsideBand to make " "its meaning more clear. Its behavior has not changed.") class SuspendOutBand(_SuspendBandBase): """ Suspend when a scalar signal enters a given band of values. This is mostly here because it is the opposite of `SuspenderInBand`. Parameters ---------- signal : `ophyd.Signal` The signal to watch for changes to determine if the scan should be suspended band_bottom, band_top : float The top and bottom of the band. `band_top` must be strictly greater than `band_bottom`. sleep : float, optional How long to wait in seconds after the resume condition is met before marking the event as done. Defaults to 0 pre_plan : iterable or iterator, optional a generator, list, or similar containing `Msg` objects post_plan : iterable or iterator, optional a generator, list, or similar containing `Msg` objects """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): warn("bluesky.suspenders.SuspendOutBand is deprecated.") super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def _should_resume(self, value): return not (self._bot < value < self._top) def _should_suspend(self, value): return (self._bot < value < self._top) def _get_justification(self): if not self.tripped: return '' just = ('Signal {} = {!r} is inside of the range ({}, {})' ''.format(, self._sig.get(), self._bot, self._top) ) return ': '.join(s for s in (just, self._tripped_message) if s)
[docs]class SuspendWhenChanged(SuspenderBase): """ Suspend when the monitored value deviates from the expected. Only resume if allowed AND when monitored equals expected. Notes ----- This suspender is designed to require bluesky restart if value changes. USE CASE: :class:`~SuspendWhenChanged()` is useful when ``signal`` is an EPICS enumeration (`"mbbo" <>`_) used with a multi-instrument facility. Choices predefined in the mbbo record are the names of instruments allowed to control any shared hardware. * The ``signal``, set by instrument staff outside of bluesky, names which instrument is allowed to control the hardware. * Other instruments not matching ``signal`` are expected **not** to control the hardware (they could use simulators instead or not operate the shared hardware). Since a decision of hardware *vs.* simulators is made at the time a bluesky session starts and ophyd objects are first created, the session needs to be aware immediately if the ``signal`` is changed. The default value of ``allow_resume=False`` defends this decision. If there is a mechanism engineered to toggle ophyd signals between hardware and simulators, one might consider ``allow_resume=True``. Parameters ---------- signal : `ophyd.Signal` The signal to watch for changes to determine if the scan should be suspended expected_value : str, float, or int RunEngine operations will be suspended when signal deviates from this value. If `None` (default), set to value of ``signal`` when object is created. allow_resume : bool Should RunEngine be allowed to resume once ``signal.value == expected`` again? Default value of ``False`` is expected for intended use case. sleep : float, optional How long to wait in seconds after the resume condition is met before marking the event as done. Defaults to ``0``. pre_plan : iterable or callable, optional Plan to execute just before suspending. If callable, must take no arguments. post_plan : iterable or callable, optional Plan to execute just before resuming. If callable, must take no arguments. tripped_message : str, optional Message to include in the trip notification Examples -------- .. code-block:: python # pause if this value changes in our session # note: this suspender is designed to require Bluesky restart if value changes suspend_instrument_in_use = SuspendWhenChanged(instrument_in_use) RE.install_suspender(suspend_instrument_in_use) Example EPICS database for APS 2-BM-A and 2-BM-B: .. code-block:: text record(mbbo, "2bm:instrument_in_use") { # instrument team sets this # For additional field names, see # field(DESC, "instrument using beam now") field(ZRST, "none") field(ONST, "2-BM-A") field(TWST, "2-BM-B") # THST # FRST # FVST # ... } NOTE: **Always** make the zero choice (``ZRST``) in the mbbo record to be 'none'. This allows the instrument staff to designate that *no* instrument is allowed to control the shared hardware. Start the names of the allowed instruments with ``ONST``. It is convenient for the multi-instrument facility to make this definition in EPICS rather than in a specific bluesky session. The EPICS value could be useful in other contexts of instrument control beyond the realm of bluesky. """
[docs] def __init__(self, signal, *, expected_value=None, allow_resume=False, sleep=0, pre_plan=None, post_plan=None, tripped_message='', **kwargs): self.expected_value = expected_value or signal.value self.allow_resume = allow_resume super().__init__(signal, sleep=sleep, pre_plan=pre_plan, post_plan=post_plan, tripped_message=tripped_message, **kwargs)
def _should_suspend(self, value): return value != self.expected_value def _should_resume(self, value): return self.allow_resume and value == self.expected_value def _get_justification(self): if not self.tripped: return '' just = ( f'Signal {}' f', got "{self._sig.get()}"' f', expected "{self.expected_value}"' ) if not self.allow_resume: just += '. "RE.abort()" and then restart session to use new configuration.' return ': '.join( s for s in (just, self._tripped_message) if s)