Source code for bluesky.callbacks.mpl_plotting

from collections import ChainMap
from cycler import cycler
import numpy as np
import threading
import warnings
import functools
from .core import CallbackBase, get_obj_fields, make_class_safe
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# The purpose of initialize_qt_teleporter, _get_teleporter, and QtAwareCallback
# is to ensure that Qt GUI events are processed on the main thread.

def initialize_qt_teleporter():
    Set up the bluesky Qt 'teleporter'.

    This makes it safe to instantiate QtAwareCallback from a background thread.

        If called from any thread but the main thread

    if threading.current_thread() is not threading.main_thread():
        raise RuntimeError(
            "initialize_qt_teleporter() may only be called from the main "

# use function + LRU cache to hide Matplotib import until needed
def _get_teleporter():
    from matplotlib.backends.qt_compat import QtCore

    if threading.current_thread() is not threading.main_thread():
        raise RuntimeError(
            "A bluesky QtAwareCallback was instantiated from a background "
            "thread before the bluesky qt 'teleporter' was created. "
            "To avoid this issue, "
            "call bluesky.callbacks.mpl_plotting.initialize_qt_teleporter() "
            "from the main thread first.")

    def handle_teleport(name, doc, obj):
        obj(name, doc, escape=True)

    class Teleporter(QtCore.QObject):
        name_doc_escape = QtCore.Signal(str, dict, object)

    t = Teleporter()
    return t

class QtAwareCallback(CallbackBase):
    def __init__(self, *args, use_teleporter=None, **kwargs):
        if use_teleporter is None:
            import matplotlib
            use_teleporter = 'qt' in matplotlib.get_backend().lower()
        if use_teleporter:
            self.__teleporter = _get_teleporter()
            self.__teleporter = None
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def __call__(self, name, doc, *, escape=False):
        if not escape and self.__teleporter is not None:
            self.__teleporter.name_doc_escape.emit(name, doc, self)
            return CallbackBase.__call__(self, name, doc)

[docs]@make_class_safe(logger=logger) class LivePlot(QtAwareCallback): """ Build a function that updates a plot from a stream of Events. Note: If your figure blocks the main thread when you are trying to scan with this callback, call `plt.ion()` in your IPython session. Parameters ---------- y : str the name of a data field in an Event x : str, optional the name of a data field in an Event, or 'seq_num' or 'time' If None, use the Event's sequence number. Special case: If the Event's data includes a key named 'seq_num' or 'time', that takes precedence over the standard 'seq_num' and 'time' recorded in every Event. legend_keys : list, optional The list of keys to extract from the RunStart document and format in the legend of the plot. The legend will always show the scan_id followed by a colon ("1: "). Each xlim : tuple, optional passed to Axes.set_xlim ylim : tuple, optional passed to Axes.set_ylim ax : Axes, optional matplotib Axes; if none specified, new figure and axes are made. fig : Figure, optional deprecated: use ax instead epoch : {'run', 'unix'}, optional If 'run' t=0 is the time recorded in the RunStart document. If 'unix', t=0 is 1 Jan 1970 ("the UNIX epoch"). Default is 'run'. All additional keyword arguments are passed through to ``Axes.plot``. Examples -------- >>> my_plotter = LivePlot('det', 'motor', legend_keys=['sample']) >>> RE(my_scan, my_plotter) """ def __init__(self, y, x=None, *, legend_keys=None, xlim=None, ylim=None, ax=None, fig=None, epoch='run', **kwargs): super().__init__(use_teleporter=kwargs.pop('use_teleporter', None)) self.__setup_lock = threading.Lock() self.__setup_event = threading.Event() def setup(): # Run this code in start() so that it runs on the correct thread. nonlocal y, x, legend_keys, xlim, ylim, ax, fig, epoch, kwargs import matplotlib.pyplot as plt with self.__setup_lock: if self.__setup_event.is_set(): return self.__setup_event.set() if fig is not None: if ax is not None: raise ValueError("Values were given for both `fig` and `ax`. " "Only one can be used; prefer ax.") warnings.warn("The `fig` keyword arugment of LivePlot is " "deprecated and will be removed in the future. " "Instead, use the new keyword argument `ax` to " "provide specific Axes to plot on.") ax = fig.gca() if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() = ax if legend_keys is None: legend_keys = [] self.legend_keys = ['scan_id'] + legend_keys if x is not None: self.x, *others = get_obj_fields([x]) else: self.x = 'seq_num' self.y, *others = get_obj_fields([y]) or 'sequence #') if xlim is not None:*xlim) if ylim is not None:*ylim) self.kwargs = kwargs self.lines = [] self.legend = None self.legend_title = " :: ".join([name for name in self.legend_keys]) self._epoch_offset = None # used if x == 'time' self._epoch = epoch self.__setup = setup def start(self, doc): self.__setup() # The doc is not used; we just use the signal that a new run began. self._epoch_offset = doc['time'] # used if self.x == 'time' self.x_data, self.y_data = [], [] label = " :: ".join( [str(doc.get(name, name)) for name in self.legend_keys]) kwargs = ChainMap(self.kwargs, {'label': label}) self.current_line, =[], [], **kwargs) self.lines.append(self.current_line) legend =, title=self.legend_title) try: # matplotlib v3.x self.legend = legend.set_draggable(True) except AttributeError: # matplotlib v2.x (warns in 3.x) self.legend = legend.draggable(True) super().start(doc) def event(self, doc): "Unpack data from the event and call self.update()." # This outer try/except block is needed because multiple event # streams will be emitted by the RunEngine and not all event # streams will have the keys we want. try: # This inner try/except block handles seq_num and time, which could # be keys in the data or accessing the standard entries in every # event. try: new_x = doc['data'][self.x] except KeyError: if self.x in ('time', 'seq_num'): new_x = doc[self.x] else: raise new_y = doc['data'][self.y] except KeyError: # wrong event stream, skip it return # Special-case 'time' to plot against against experiment epoch, not # UNIX epoch. if self.x == 'time' and self._epoch == 'run': new_x -= self._epoch_offset self.update_caches(new_x, new_y) self.update_plot() super().event(doc) def update_caches(self, x, y): self.y_data.append(y) self.x_data.append(x) def update_plot(self): self.current_line.set_data(self.x_data, self.y_data) # Rescale and redraw. def stop(self, doc): if not self.x_data: print('LivePlot did not get any data that corresponds to the ' 'x axis. {}'.format(self.x)) if not self.y_data: print('LivePlot did not get any data that corresponds to the ' 'y axis. {}'.format(self.y)) if len(self.y_data) != len(self.x_data): print('LivePlot has a different number of elements for x ({}) and' 'y ({})'.format(len(self.x_data), len(self.y_data))) super().stop(doc)
[docs]@make_class_safe(logger=logger) class LiveScatter(QtAwareCallback): """Plot scattered 2D data in a "heat map". Alternatively, if the data is placed on a regular grid, you can use :func:`bluesky.callbacks.mpl_plotting.LiveGrid`. This simply wraps around a `PathCollection` as generated by scatter. Parameters ---------- x, y : str The fields to use for the x and y data I : str The field to use for the color of the markers xlim, ylim, clim : tuple, optional The x, y and color limits respectively cmap : str or colormap, optional The color map to use ax : Axes, optional matplotib Axes; if none specified, new figure and axes are made. All additional keyword arguments are passed through to ``Axes.scatter``. See Also -------- :class:`bluesky.callbacks.mpl_plotting.LiveGrid`. """ def __init__(self, x, y, I, *, xlim=None, ylim=None, # noqa: E741 clim=None, cmap='viridis', ax=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(use_teleporter=kwargs.pop('use_teleporter', None)) self.__setup_lock = threading.Lock() self.__setup_event = threading.Event() def setup(): # Run this code in start() so that it runs on the correct thread. nonlocal x, y, I, xlim, ylim, clim, cmap, ax, kwargs # noqa: E741 with self.__setup_lock: if self.__setup_event.is_set(): return self.__setup_event.set() import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.colors as mcolors if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.cla() self.x = x self.y = y self.I = I # noqa: E741 ax.set_xlabel(x) ax.set_ylabel(y) ax.set_aspect('equal') self._sc = [] = ax ax.margins(.1) self._xdata, self._ydata, self._Idata = [], [], [] self._norm = mcolors.Normalize() self._minx, self._maxx, self._miny, self._maxy = (None,)*4 self.xlim = xlim self.ylim = ylim if xlim is not None: ax.set_xlim(xlim) if ylim is not None: ax.set_ylim(ylim) if clim is not None: self._norm.vmin, self._norm.vmax = clim self.clim = clim self.cmap = cmap self.kwargs = kwargs self.kwargs.setdefault('edgecolor', 'face') self.kwargs.setdefault('s', 50) self.__setup = setup def start(self, doc): self.__setup() self._xdata.clear() self._ydata.clear() self._Idata.clear() sc =, self._ydata, c=self._Idata, norm=self._norm, cmap=self.cmap, **self.kwargs) self._sc.append(sc) = sc cb =, cb.set_label(self.I) super().start(doc) def event(self, doc): x = doc['data'][self.x] y = doc['data'][self.y] I = doc['data'][self.I] # noqa: E741 self.update(x, y, I) super().event(doc) def update(self, x, y, I): # noqa: E741 # if one is None all are if self._minx is None: self._minx = x self._maxx = x self._miny = y self._maxy = y self._xdata.append(x) self._ydata.append(y) self._Idata.append(I) offsets = np.vstack([self._xdata, self._ydata]).T if self.xlim is None: minx, maxx = np.minimum(x, self._minx), np.maximum(x, self._maxx), maxx) if self.ylim is None: miny, maxy = np.minimum(y, self._miny), np.maximum(y, self._maxy), maxy) if self.clim is None: clim = np.nanmin(self._Idata), np.nanmax(self._Idata)*clim)
@make_class_safe(logger=logger) class LiveMesh(LiveScatter): __doc__ = LiveScatter.__doc__ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): warnings.warn("LiveMesh has been renamed to LiveScatter. The name " "LiveMesh will eventually be removed. Use LiveScatter.") super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]@make_class_safe(logger=logger) class LiveGrid(QtAwareCallback): """Plot gridded 2D data in a "heat map". This assumes that readings are placed on a regular grid and can be placed into an image by sequence number. The seq_num is used to determine which pixel to fill in. For non-gridded data with arbitrary placement, use :func:`bluesky.callbacks.mpl_plotting.LiveScatter`. This simply wraps around a `AxesImage`. Parameters ---------- raster_shape : tuple The (row, col) shape of the raster I : str The field to use for the color of the markers clim : tuple, optional The color limits cmap : str or colormap, optional The color map to use xlabel, ylabel : str, optional Labels for the x and y axis extent : scalars (left, right, bottom, top), optional Passed through to :meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.imshow` aspect : str or float, optional Passed through to :meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.imshow` ax : Axes, optional matplotib Axes; if none specified, new figure and axes are made. x_positive: string, optional Defines the positive direction of the x axis, takes the values 'right' (default) or 'left'. y_positive: string, optional Defines the positive direction of the y axis, takes the values 'up' (default) or 'down'. See Also -------- :class:`bluesky.callbacks.mpl_plotting.LiveScatter`. """ def __init__(self, raster_shape, I, *, # noqa: E741 clim=None, cmap='viridis', xlabel='x', ylabel='y', extent=None, aspect='equal', ax=None, x_positive='right', y_positive='up', **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.__setup_lock = threading.Lock() self.__setup_event = threading.Event() def setup(): # Run this code in start() so that it runs on the correct thread. nonlocal raster_shape, I, clim, cmap, xlabel, ylabel, extent # noqa: E741 nonlocal aspect, ax, x_positive, y_positive, kwargs with self.__setup_lock: if self.__setup_event.is_set(): return self.__setup_event.set() import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.colors as mcolors if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.cla() self.I = I # noqa: E741 ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) ax.set_aspect(aspect) = ax self._Idata = np.ones(raster_shape) * np.nan self._norm = mcolors.Normalize() if clim is not None: self._norm.vmin, self._norm.vmax = clim self.clim = clim self.cmap = cmap self.raster_shape = raster_shape = None self.extent = extent self.aspect = aspect self.x_positive = x_positive self.y_positive = y_positive self.__setup = setup def start(self, doc): self.__setup() if is not None: raise RuntimeError("Can not re-use LiveGrid") self._Idata = np.ones(self.raster_shape) * np.nan # The user can control origin by specific 'extent'. extent = self.extent # origin must be 'lower' for the plot to fill in correctly # (the first voxel filled must be closest to what mpl thinks # is the 'lower left' of the image) im =, norm=self._norm, cmap=self.cmap, interpolation='none', extent=extent, aspect=self.aspect, origin='lower') # make sure the 'positive direction' of the axes matches what # is defined in axes_positive xmin, xmax = if ((xmin > xmax and self.x_positive == 'right') or (xmax > xmin and self.x_positive == 'left')):, xmin) elif ((xmax >= xmin and self.x_positive == 'right') or (xmin >= xmax and self.x_positive == 'left')):, xmax) else: raise ValueError('x_positive must be either "right" or "left"') ymin, ymax = if ((ymin > ymax and self.y_positive == 'up') or (ymax > ymin and self.y_positive == 'down')):, ymin) elif ((ymax >= ymin and self.y_positive == 'up') or (ymin >= ymax and self.y_positive == 'down')):, ymax) else: raise ValueError('y_positive must be either "up" or "down"') = im'scan {uid} [{sid}]'.format(sid=doc['scan_id'], uid=doc['uid'][:6])) self.snaking = doc.get('snaking', (False, False)) cb =, cb.set_label(self.I) super().start(doc) def event(self, doc): if self.I not in doc['data']: return seq_num = doc['seq_num'] - 1 pos = list(np.unravel_index(seq_num, self.raster_shape)) if self.snaking[1] and (pos[0] % 2): pos[1] = self.raster_shape[1] - pos[1] - 1 pos = tuple(pos) I = doc['data'][self.I] # noqa: E741 self.update(pos, I) super().event(doc) def update(self, pos, I): # noqa: E741 self._Idata[pos] = I if self.clim is None:, np.nanmax(self._Idata))
@make_class_safe(logger=logger) class LiveRaster(LiveGrid): __doc__ = LiveGrid.__doc__ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): warnings.warn("LiveRaster has been renamed to LiveGrid. The name " "LiveRaster will eventually be removed. Use LiveGrid.") super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]@make_class_safe(logger=logger) class LiveFitPlot(LivePlot): """ Add a plot to an instance of LiveFit. Note: If your figure blocks the main thread when you are trying to scan with this callback, call `plt.ion()` in your IPython session. Parameters ---------- livefit : LiveFit an instance of ``LiveFit`` num_points : int, optional number of points to sample when evaluating the model; default 100 legend_keys : list, optional The list of keys to extract from the RunStart document and format in the legend of the plot. The legend will always show the scan_id followed by a colon ("1: "). Each xlim : tuple, optional passed to Axes.set_xlim ylim : tuple, optional passed to Axes.set_ylim ax : Axes, optional matplotib Axes; if none specified, new figure and axes are made. All additional keyword arguments are passed through to ``Axes.plot``. """ def __init__(self, livefit, *, num_points=100, legend_keys=None, xlim=None, ylim=None, ax=None, **kwargs): if len(livefit.independent_vars) != 1: raise NotImplementedError("LiveFitPlot supports models with one " "independent variable only.") self.__x_key, = livefit.independent_vars.keys() # this never changes x, = livefit.independent_vars.values() # this may change super().__init__(livefit.y, x, legend_keys=legend_keys, xlim=xlim, ylim=xlim, ax=ax, **kwargs) self.num_points = num_points self._livefit = livefit self._xlim = xlim self._has_been_run = False @property def livefit(self): return self._livefit def start(self, doc): super().start(doc) self.livefit.start(doc) self.x, = self.livefit.independent_vars.keys() # in case it changed if self._has_been_run: label = '_nolegend_' else: label = 'init guess' self._has_been_run = True self.init_guess_line, =[], [], color='grey', label=label) self.lines.append(self.init_guess_line) # Put fit above other lines (default 2) but below text (default 3). [line.set_zorder(2.5) for line in self.lines] def event(self, doc): self.livefit.event(doc) if self.livefit.result is not None: # Evaluate the model function at equally-spaced points. # To determine the domain of x, use xlim if availabe. Otherwise, # use the range of x points measured up to this point. if self._xlim is None: x_data = self.livefit.independent_vars_data[self.__x_key] xmin, xmax = np.min(x_data), np.max(x_data) else: xmin, xmax = self._xlim x_points = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, self.num_points) kwargs = {self.__x_key: x_points} kwargs.update(self.livefit.result.values) self.y_data = self.livefit.result.model.eval(**kwargs) self.x_data = x_points # update kwargs to inital guess kwargs.update(self.livefit.result.init_values) self.y_guess = self.livefit.result.model.eval(**kwargs) self.update_plot() # Intentionally override LivePlot.event. Do not call super(). def update_plot(self): self.current_line.set_data(self.x_data, self.y_data) self.init_guess_line.set_data(self.x_data, self.y_guess) # Rescale and redraw. def descriptor(self, doc): self.livefit.descriptor(doc) super().descriptor(doc) def stop(self, doc): self.livefit.stop(doc)
# Intentionally override LivePlot.stop. Do not call super().
[docs]def plot_peak_stats(peak_stats, ax=None): """ Plot data and various peak statistics. Parameters ---------- peak_stats : PeakStats ax : matplotlib.Axes, optional Returns ------- arts : dict dictionary of matplotlib Artist objects, for further styling """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt arts = {} ps = peak_stats # for brevity if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.margins(.1) # Plot points, vertical lines, and a legend. Collect Artist objs to return. points, = ax.plot(ps.x_data, ps.y_data, 'o') vlines = [] styles = iter(cycler('color', 'krgbm')) for style, attr in zip(styles, ['cen', 'com']): print(style, attr) val = getattr(ps, attr) if val is None: continue vlines.append(ax.axvline(val, label=attr, **style)) for style, attr in zip(styles, ['max', 'min']): print(style, attr) val = getattr(ps, attr) if val is None: continue vlines.append(ax.axvline(val[0], label=attr, lw=3, **style)) vlines.append(ax.axhline(val[1], lw=3, **style)) if ps.lin_bkg: lb = ps.lin_bkg ln, = ax.plot(ps.x_data, ps.x_data*lb['m'] + lb['b'], ls='--', lw=2, color='k') arts['bkg'] = ln legend = ax.legend(loc='best') arts.update({'points': points, 'vlines': vlines, 'legend': legend}) return arts