.. highlight:: bash ************************* Data Analysis Quick Start ************************* You can perform data analysis remotely, off-site, or at a beamline computer. Accordingly, there are two parts to this guide. Option 1: At the Beamline ------------------------- #. Log in to your controls account. If this is your first time, execute this command to add a line to your ``.bashrc`` file.:: echo "export PATH=/opt/conda/bin:\$PATH" >> ~/.bashrc source ~/.bashrc #. Activate the ``analysis`` conda environment.:: source activate analysis This command makes the data collection software available by adding it your UNIX ``$PATH``. #. Start IPython.:: ipython or, alternatively, IPython notebook:: ipython notebook You are ready to work. See the `dataportal documentation `_ to look up scans and retrieve data. See the `scikit-xray documentation `_ for some Python tools for X-ray data analysis. Option 2: Remotely ------------------ You need access to the BNL campus network, via a wired connection or VPN. You also need a controls account. (Contact one of the NSLS-II sysadmins.) #. Go to `https://notebook.nsls2.bnl.gov `_. Remember, if you are not connected to the campus network, that link will not work. #. You will be shown a login prompt. Enter your *controls* account and password. .. image:: _static/jupyterhub-login.png :align: center #. Choose a beamline from drop-down menu at the top right of the page. .. image:: _static/jupyterhub-kernel-menu.png :align: center This will open a new IPython notebook with all the software ready to use. It has fast access to the beamline's data. .. image:: _static/jupyterhub-blank-nb.png :align: center You are ready to work. See the `dataportal documentation `_ to look up scans and retrieve data. See the `scikit-xray documentation `_ for some Python tools for X-ray data analysis.