========================== Frequently asked questions ========================== Does PyXRF pixel fitting output only the first peak of a given element (i.e., only Ka1 line) or all activated elemental lines (ka1, ka2, kb1...)? ================================================================================================================================================= The 2D map of fitted elemental result contains all activated elemntal peaks for a given element, not only the first peak. Please refer to link on comparison between pyxrf pixel fitting and ROI sum for isolated peak. (https://github.com/NSLS-II/PyXRF/blob/master/examples/compare_ROI_sum_and_fit.ipynb) ROI sum is performed for both ka and kb lines, and the result is consistent with fitting result. How can I report a bug? ======================= Please report a bug at github new issues. https://github.com/NSLS-II/pyxrf/issues/new